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open Pdfutil
(* Raised when syntax is ok, but endpage is too low. Caught by validator.
Caught and reraised as normal failure by parse_pagespec. *)
exception PageSpecUnknownPage of int
(* There would be no pages *)
exception PageSpecWouldBeNoPages
(* Raised when syntax is wrong. Caught and reraised by parse_pagespec and
validator. *)
exception PageSpecBadSyntax
(* Parsing range specifications *)
let rec splitat_commas toks =
match cleavewhile (neq (Pdfgenlex.LexName ",")) toks with
| [], [] -> []
| [], _ -> raise PageSpecBadSyntax
| some, [] -> [some]
| _::_ as before, _::rest -> before::splitat_commas rest
let is_dimension comparison {Pdfpage.mediabox = box} =
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy = Pdf.parse_rectangle box in
comparison (maxx -. minx) (maxy -. miny)
let select_dimensions comparison pdf candidates =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagenums, kept_pages =
(fun (index, page) ->
if mem index candidates then Some (index, page) else None)
(combine (indx pages) pages))
(fun pagenum page ->
if is_dimension comparison page then Some pagenum else None)
let select_portrait = select_dimensions ( < )
let select_landscape = select_dimensions ( > )
let rec mk_numbers pdf endpage lexemes =
match lexemes with
| [Pdfgenlex.LexInt n] -> [n]
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "end"] -> [endpage]
| [Pdfgenlex.LexInt n; Pdfgenlex.LexName "-"; Pdfgenlex.LexInt n'] ->
if n > n' then rev (ilist n' n) else ilist n n'
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "end"; Pdfgenlex.LexName "-"; Pdfgenlex.LexInt n] ->
if n <= endpage
then rev (ilist n endpage)
else raise (PageSpecUnknownPage n)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexInt n; Pdfgenlex.LexName "-"; Pdfgenlex.LexName "end"] ->
if n <= endpage
then ilist n endpage
else raise (PageSpecUnknownPage n)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "end"; Pdfgenlex.LexName "-"; Pdfgenlex.LexName "end"] ->
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "even"] ->
drop_odds (ilist 1 endpage)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "portrait"] ->
select_portrait pdf (ilist 1 endpage)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "landscape"] ->
select_landscape pdf (ilist 1 endpage)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "odd"] ->
really_drop_evens (ilist 1 endpage)
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "all"] ->
ilist 1 endpage
| [Pdfgenlex.LexName "reverse"] ->
rev (ilist 1 endpage)
| toks ->
let ranges = splitat_commas toks in
if ranges = [toks] then raise PageSpecBadSyntax else
flatten (map (mk_numbers pdf endpage) ranges)
(* Space dashes and commas *)
let rec add_spaces = function
| [] -> []
| ('-' | ',') as h::t -> ' '::h::' '::add_spaces t
| h::t -> h::add_spaces t
let space_string s =
implode (add_spaces (explode s))
let fixup_negatives endpage = function
| Pdfgenlex.LexName s when String.length s > 1 && s.[0] = '~' ->
Pdfgenlex.LexInt (endpage + 1 + ~-(int_of_string (implode (tl (explode s)))))
| x -> x
let invert_range endpage r =
option_map (fun p -> if mem p r then None else Some p) (ilist 1 endpage)
let rec parse_pagespec_inner endpage pdf spec =
let spec = space_string spec in
if endpage < 1 then raise (Pdf.PDFError "This PDF file has no pages and is therefore malformed") else
let numbers =
match explode spec with
| 'N'::'O'::'T'::r ->
invert_range endpage (parse_pagespec_inner endpage pdf (implode r))
| _ ->
match rev (explode spec) with
| ['n'; 'e'; 'v'; 'e'] ->
keep even (ilist 1 endpage)
| ['d'; 'd'; 'o'] ->
keep odd (ilist 1 endpage)
| ['t'; 'i'; 'a'; 'r'; 't'; 'r'; 'o'; 'p'] ->
select_portrait pdf (ilist 1 endpage)
| ['e'; 'p'; 'a'; 'c'; 's'; 'd'; 'n'; 'a'; 'l'] ->
select_landscape pdf (ilist 1 endpage)
| 't'::'i'::'a'::'r'::'t'::'r'::'o'::'p'::more ->
(mk_numbers pdf endpage (map (fixup_negatives endpage) (Pdfgenlex.lex_string (implode (rev more)))))
| 'e'::'p'::'a'::'c'::'s'::'d'::'n'::'a'::'l'::more ->
(mk_numbers pdf endpage (map (fixup_negatives endpage) (Pdfgenlex.lex_string (implode (rev more)))))
| 'd'::'d'::'o'::more ->
(mk_numbers pdf endpage (map (fixup_negatives endpage) (Pdfgenlex.lex_string (implode (rev more)))))
| 'n'::'e'::'v'::'e'::more ->
(mk_numbers pdf endpage (map (fixup_negatives endpage) (Pdfgenlex.lex_string (implode (rev more)))))
| _ ->
mk_numbers pdf endpage (map (fixup_negatives endpage) (Pdfgenlex.lex_string spec))
e -> raise PageSpecBadSyntax
if numbers = [] then raise PageSpecWouldBeNoPages else
(fun n ->
if n <= 0 || n > endpage then raise (PageSpecUnknownPage n))
let parse_pagespec pdf spec =
try parse_pagespec_inner (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) pdf spec with
| PageSpecUnknownPage n ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError ("Page " ^ string_of_int n ^ " does not exist."))
| PageSpecWouldBeNoPages ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError ("Page range specifies no pages"))
| e ->
("Bad page specification " ^ spec ^
". Raw error was " ^ Printexc.to_string e ^
". Last page was " ^ string_of_int (Pdfpage.endpage pdf)))
(* To validate a pagespec as being syntactically correct without the PDF in
question. This is nasty, since the parser above includes checking based on the
endpage of the PDF (which we don't have). Pass 100 as the endpage, doubling on
page range exception, bailng out above 500000. *)
let rec validate_pagespec_inner n spec =
ignore (parse_pagespec_inner n (Pdf.empty ()) spec); true
| PageSpecUnknownPage _ -> if n < 500000 then validate_pagespec_inner (n * 2) spec else false
| PageSpecBadSyntax | _ -> false
let validate_pagespec spec =
validate_pagespec_inner 100 spec
let rec parse_pagespec_without_pdf_inner n spec =
parse_pagespec_inner n (Pdf.empty ()) spec
PageSpecUnknownPage _ ->
if n < 500000
then parse_pagespec_without_pdf_inner (n * 2) spec
else raise (Pdf.PDFError "PageSpecUnknownPage")
let parse_pagespec_without_pdf spec =
parse_pagespec_without_pdf_inner 100 spec
(* Convert an integer list representing a set to a page specification, in order. *)
let string_of_pagespec pdf = function
| [] -> ""
| is ->
let iseven len is =
drop_odds (ilist 1 len) = is
in let isodd len is =
really_drop_evens (ilist 1 len) = is
in let isall len is =
ilist 1 len = is
in let is = sort compare is
in let len = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in
let rec mkranges prev = function
| [] -> map extremes (rev (map rev prev))
| h::t ->
match prev with
| (ph::pht)::pt when h = ph + 1 -> mkranges ((h::ph::pht)::pt) t
| (_::_)::_ -> mkranges ([h]::prev) t
| []::_ -> assert false
| [] -> mkranges [[h]] t
if iseven len is && len > 3 then "even" else
if isodd len is && len > 2 then "odd" else
if isall len is then "all" else
let ranges = mkranges [] is in
let rangestrings =
(function (s, e) ->
if s = e
then string_of_int s
else string_of_int s ^ "-" ^ string_of_int e)
fold_left ( ^ ) "" (interleave "," rangestrings)
let string_of_range r =
fold_left (fun a b -> a ^ " " ^ b) "" (map string_of_int r)