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synced 2025-02-16 11:50:54 +01:00
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182 lines
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open Pdfutil
(* We allow \n in titles. Split for typesetter. *)
let rec split_toc_title_inner a = function
| '\\'::'n'::r -> rev a :: split_toc_title_inner [] r
| x::xs -> split_toc_title_inner (x::a) xs
| [] -> [rev a]
let split_toc_title = split_toc_title_inner []
(* And for new bookmark for TOC, change \\n to \n *)
let rec real_newline = function
| '\\'::'n'::r -> '\n'::real_newline r
| x::r -> x::real_newline r
| [] -> []
(* Run of Font / Text elements from a fontpack and UTF8 text *)
let of_utf8 fontpack t =
let font = ref 0 in
(* Use the fontpack to find which font is required, then return runs
of [Font (font, size); Text t] in a list *)
(* Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 t
|> option_map (Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font_real f)
|> map char_of_int*)
(* Cpdftype codepoints from a font and PDFDocEndoding string *)
let of_pdfdocencoding f t =
of_utf8 f (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring t)
(* Remove characters until it is below the length. Then remove three more and
add dots for an ellipsis *)
let rec shorten_text_inner widths l t =
if t = [] then t else
if Cpdftype.width_of_string widths t > l then shorten_text_inner widths l (rev (tl (rev t)))
else t
let shorten_text widths l t =
let short = shorten_text_inner widths l t in
if short = t then t else short @ ['.'; '.'; '.']
(* Calculate the used codepoints *)
let used pdf fastrefnums labels title marks =
let codepoints = null_hash () in
Hashtbl.add codepoints (int_of_char '.') ();
let addtext t =
(fun c -> Hashtbl.replace codepoints c ())
(Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring t))
iter (fun c -> Hashtbl.replace codepoints c ()) (Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 title);
(fun m ->
addtext m.Pdfmarks.text;
let pnum = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf m.Pdfmarks.target in
let labeltext =
try Pdfpagelabels.pagelabeltext_of_pagenumber pnum labels with Not_found -> string_of_int pnum
addtext labeltext)
(* Typeset a table of contents with given font, font size and title. Mediabox
(and CropBox) copied from first page of existing PDF. Margin of 10% inside
CropBox. Font size of title twice body font size. Null page labels added for
TOC, others bumped up and so preserved. *)
let typeset_table_of_contents ~font ~fontsize ~title ~bookmark pdf =
let marks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in
if marks = [] then (Pdfe.log "No bookmarks, not making table of contents\n"; pdf) else
let labels = Pdfpagelabels.read pdf in
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
let codepoints = map fst (list_of_hashtbl (used pdf fastrefnums labels title marks)) in
let fontpack =
match font with
| Cpdfembed.PreMadeFontPack t -> t
| Cpdfembed.EmbedInfo {fontfile; fontname; encoding} ->
Cpdfembed.embed_truetype pdf ~fontfile ~fontname ~codepoints ~encoding
| Cpdfembed.ExistingNamedFont -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Cannot use existing font with -table-of-contents")
let firstpage = hd (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in
let width, firstpage_papersize, pmaxx, pmaxy, margin =
let width, height, xmax, ymax =
match Pdf.parse_rectangle pdf firstpage.Pdfpage.mediabox with
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax -> xmax -. xmin, ymax -. ymin, xmax, ymax
width, Pdfpaper.make Pdfunits.PdfPoint width height, xmax, ymax, fmin width height *. 0.1
let firstpage_cropbox =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" firstpage.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some r -> Some (Pdf.parse_rectangle pdf r)
| None -> None
(*let width =
match firstpage_cropbox with
| Some (xmin, _, xmax, _) -> xmax -. xmin
| None -> width
let lines =
(fun mark ->
let indent = float mark.Pdfmarks.level *. fontsize *. 2. in
let textruns = of_pdfdocencoding fontpack mark.Pdfmarks.text in
let labelruns =
if mark.Pdfmarks.target = NullDestination then of_pdfdocencoding fontpack "" else
let pde =
let pnum = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf mark.Pdfmarks.target in
try Pdfpagelabels.pagelabeltext_of_pagenumber pnum labels with Not_found -> string_of_int pnum
of_pdfdocencoding fontpack pde
(*let widths = Cpdftype.font_widths f fontsize in
let textgap = width -. margin *. 2. -. indent -. Cpdftype.width_of_string widths label in*)
(*let text = shorten_text widths (textgap -. fontsize *. 3.) text in*) (*FIXME add back in, but in unicode not codepoints! *)
let space = 0. (*textgap -. Cpdftype.width_of_string widths text*) in
[Cpdftype.BeginDest mark.Pdfmarks.target;
Cpdftype.HGlue indent]
@ textruns @
[Cpdftype.HGlue space]
@ labelruns @
(Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf)
let toc_pages =
let title =
let glue = Cpdftype.VGlue (fontsize *. 2.) in
if title = "" then [] else
(fun l -> [Cpdftype.Text l; Cpdftype.NewLine])
(split_toc_title (of_utf8 fontpack title)))
@ [glue]
let lm, rm, tm, bm =
match firstpage_cropbox with
| None -> (margin, margin, margin, margin)
| Some (cminx, cminy, cmaxx, cmaxy) ->
(cminx +. margin, (pmaxx -. cmaxx) +. margin, cminy +. margin, (pmaxy -. cmaxy) +. margin)
let firstfont =
hd (keep (function Cpdftype.Font _ -> true | _ -> false) (title @ flatten lines)) (*FIXME when title ok *)
Cpdftype.typeset lm rm tm bm firstpage_papersize pdf
([firstfont; Cpdftype.BeginDocument] @ title @ flatten lines)
let toc_pages =
match firstpage_cropbox with
| Some (a, b, c, d) ->
let rect =
Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b; Pdf.Real c; Pdf.Real d]
(fun p -> {p with Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.add_dict_entry p.Pdfpage.rest "/CropBox" rect})
| None -> toc_pages
let original_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let toc_pages_len = length toc_pages in
let changes = map (fun n -> (n, n + toc_pages_len)) (indx original_pages) in
let pdf = Pdfpage.change_pages ~changes true pdf (toc_pages @ original_pages) in
let label =
{Pdfpagelabels.labelstyle = NoLabelPrefixOnly;
Pdfpagelabels.labelprefix = None;
Pdfpagelabels.startpage = 1;
Pdfpagelabels.startvalue = 1}
let labels' = label::map (fun l -> {l with Pdfpagelabels.startpage = l.Pdfpagelabels.startpage + toc_pages_len}) labels in
Pdfpagelabels.write pdf labels';
if bookmark then
let marks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let newmark =
{Pdfmarks.level = 0;
Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (real_newline (explode title)));
Pdfmarks.target = Pdfdest.XYZ (Pdfdest.PageObject (hd refnums), None, None, None);
Pdfmarks.isopen = false}
Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks (newmark::marks) pdf