2021-09-30 19:55:52 +01:00

165 lines
3.8 KiB

open Tjutil
open Tjllist
type ts = char llist
type state = int * int * (char list * char * char list)
type error = state * string
type 'a t = state -> ts -> ('a * state * ts, error) either
exception ParseError of string
let lt_pos (l1,p1,_) (l2,p2,_) =
if l1 < l2 then true
else if l1 = l2 then p1 < p2
else false
let eplus (st1,msg1) (st2,msg2) =
if lt_pos st1 st2 then (st2,msg2) else (st1,msg1)
let showerr ((line,pos,(pre,c,post)),msg) =
!%"line %d, %d: %s: pre=%S char=%C post=%S" line pos msg
(string_of_chars pre)
(string_of_chars post)
let return : 'a -> 'a t =
fun x ->
fun state code -> Inl (x, state, code)
let error msg = fun state _code -> Inr (state, msg)
let (>>=) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t =
fun p f ->
fun state code ->
match p state code with
| Inl (x, state', ts) -> f x state' ts
| Inr err -> Inr err
let (>>) : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'b t =
fun p1 p2 ->
p1 >>= fun _ -> p2
let (<.<) : 'a t -> 'b t -> 'a t =
fun p1 p2 ->
p1 >>= fun x -> p2 >> return x
let ( ^? ) : 'a t -> string -> 'a t =
fun p msg ->
fun state code ->
match p state code with
| Inl l -> Inl l
| Inr (st,msg0) -> Inr (st,msg ^": "^msg0)
(* (<|>) : 'a m -> 'a m -> 'a m *)
let (<|>) : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t =
fun p1 p2 ->
fun state code ->
match p1 state code with
| Inl (x1, state', ts) -> Inl (x1, state', ts)
| Inr err1 ->
begin match p2 state code with
| Inl (x2, state', ts) -> Inl (x2,state',ts)
| Inr err2 -> Inr (eplus err1 err2)
let (<|?>) p1 p2 = fun state code ->
match p1 state code with
| Inl (x1, state', ts) -> Inl (x1, state', ts)
| Inr err1 ->
print_endline err1;
begin match p2 state code with
| Inl (x2, state', ts) -> Inl (x2,state',ts)
| Inr err2 -> Inr (eplus err1 err2)
let rec many : 'a t -> ('a list) t =
fun p ->
(p >>= fun x -> many p >>= fun xs -> return (x::xs))
<|> (return [])
let many1 p =
p >>= fun x -> many p >>= fun xs -> return (x::xs)
let sep separator p =
(p >>= fun x -> many (separator >> p) >>= fun xs -> return (x::xs))
<|> (return [])
let opt : 'a t -> ('a option) t =
fun p ->
(p >>= fun x -> return (Some x)) <|> (return None)
let _char1_with_debug state = function
| Nil -> Inr (state,"(Nil)")
| Cons (x,xs) ->
let next (pre,x0, _) =
let pre' = if List.length pre < 100 then pre @ [x0]
else List.tl pre @ [x0]
(pre' , x, take 100 !$xs)
match x, state with
| '\n', (line,_pos,cs) ->
Inl (x,(line+1,-1, next cs), !$xs)
| _, (line,pos,cs) ->
Inl (x,(line, pos+1, next cs),!$xs)
let char1_without_debug state = function
| Nil -> Inr (state,"(Nil)")
| Cons (x,xs) -> Inl (x, state, !$xs)
let char1 = char1_without_debug
let char_when f = char1 >>= fun c ->
if f c then return c
else error (!%"(char:'%c')" c)
let char c = char_when ((=) c)
let keyword w =
let rec iter i =
if i < String.length w then
char w.[i] >> iter (i+1)
else return w
iter 0
let make_ident f =
many1 (char_when f) >>= fun cs ->
return (string_of_chars cs)
let int =
opt (char '-') >>= fun minus ->
make_ident (function '0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false) >>= fun s ->
begin match minus with
| None -> int_of_string s
| Some _ -> - int_of_string s
let run p state ts =
match p state ts with
| Inl (x,_state',_xs) -> x
| Inr err ->
raise (ParseError (showerr err))
let init_state = (1, 0, ([],'_',[]))
let run_ch p ch =
run p init_state (of_stream (Cpdfstream.of_channel ch))
let run_stdin p = run_ch p stdin
let run_file p filename =
open_in_with filename (fun ch -> run_ch p ch)
let run_string p s =
run p init_state (of_string s)
let run_function p f =
run p init_state (of_function f)