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146 lines
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(* Truetype font embedding example *)
open Pdfutil
(* For the first stage of our embedder, we are only allowing standard encodings, and we don't actually subset.
a) Get a list of Unicode codepoints;
b) See which of them are in the glyph list;
c) See which of those are in (StdEncoding|MacRomanEncoding|WinAnsiEncoding), and get their codes;
d) Build a font to do just those;
e) We put question marks for any character not in the encoding
(* FUTURE *)
1) Actually subset the font to save size
2) Allow characters not in the standard encodings by builing one or more secondary subsets *)
(* UTF8 Input text *)
let text = "Noto Sans Black Àë"
let encoding = Pdftext.MacRomanEncoding
let unicodepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 text
let glyphlist_table = Pdfglyphlist.reverse_glyph_hashes ()
let encoding_table = Pdftext.reverse_table_of_encoding encoding
(*let () =
(fun u ->
Printf.printf "unicode %i --> " u;
let glyphname = Hashtbl.find glyphlist_table [u] in
Printf.printf "glyph name %s --> " glyphname;
let pdfcode = Hashtbl.find encoding_table glyphname in
Printf.printf "pdf code %i\n" pdfcode)
let pdfcode_of_unicode_codepoint u =
Some (Hashtbl.find encoding_table (Hashtbl.find glyphlist_table [u]))
Not_found -> None
let tj_text =
(fun x -> match pdfcode_of_unicode_codepoint x with Some c -> char_of_int c | None -> '?')
let calc_accepted_unicodepoints codepoints =
(fun u -> match pdfcode_of_unicode_codepoint u with Some _ -> Some u | None -> None)
let accepted_unicodepoints =
(fun u -> (u, pdfcode_of_unicode_codepoint u))
(calc_accepted_unicodepoints unicodepoints)
let contents_of_file filename =
let ch = open_in_bin filename in
let s = really_input_string ch (in_channel_length ch) in
close_in ch;
let fontname = "NotoSans-Black"
let fontstr = contents_of_file (fontname ^ ".ttf")
let f =
Cpdftruetype.parse ~subset:accepted_unicodepoints (Pdfio.bytes_of_string fontstr)
let contents =
"1 0 0 1 50 770 cm BT/TT1 36 Tf(" ^ tj_text ^ ")Tj ET"
let widths =
Pdf.Array (map (fun x -> Pdf.Integer x) (Array.to_list f.Cpdftruetype.widths))
let fontnum = ref 0
let basename () =
incr fontnum;
"AAAAA" ^ string_of_char (char_of_int (!fontnum + 65))
let name_1 = basename ()
let string_of_encoding = function
| Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding -> "/WinAnsiEncoding"
| Pdftext.MacRomanEncoding -> "/MacRomanEncoding"
| Pdftext.StandardEncoding -> "/StandardEncoding"
| _ -> failwith "unknown encoding"
let font =
(Printf.sprintf "<</Type/Font/Subtype/TrueType/BaseFont/%s+%s/FontDescriptor 6 0 R/Encoding%s/FirstChar %i/LastChar %i>>" name_1 fontname (string_of_encoding encoding) f.Cpdftruetype.firstchar f.Cpdftruetype.lastchar))
let fontdescriptor =
(Printf.sprintf "<</Type/FontDescriptor/FontName/%s+%s/Flags %i/FontBBox[%i %i %i %i]/ItalicAngle %i/Ascent %i/Descent %i/CapHeight %i/StemV %i/XHeight %i/AvgWidth %i/MaxWidth %i/FontFile2 7 0 R>>"
name_1 fontname f.Cpdftruetype.flags f.Cpdftruetype.minx f.Cpdftruetype.miny f.Cpdftruetype.maxx f.Cpdftruetype.maxy f.Cpdftruetype.italicangle
f.Cpdftruetype.ascent f.Cpdftruetype.descent f.Cpdftruetype.capheight f.Cpdftruetype.stemv f.Cpdftruetype.xheight f.Cpdftruetype.avgwidth f.Cpdftruetype.maxwidth)
let fontfile =
let len = String.length fontstr in
{contents =
(Pdf.Dictionary [("/Length", Pdf.Integer len); ("/Length1", Pdf.Integer len)],
Pdf.Got (Pdfio.bytes_of_string fontstr))}
(*let objects =
[(1, Pdfread.parse_single_object "<</Type/Catalog/Pages 2 0 R>>");
(2, Pdfread.parse_single_object "<</Type/Pages/Kids[3 0 R]/Count 1>>");
(3, Pdfread.parse_single_object "<</Type/Page/Resources<</Font <</TT1 5 0 R>>>>/Parent 2 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 595 842]/Rotate 0/Contents[4 0 R]>>");
(4, Pdf.Stream
{contents = (Pdf.Dictionary [("/Length", Pdf.Integer (String.length contents))],
(Pdf.Got (Pdfio.bytes_of_string contents)))});
(5, font);
(6, fontdescriptor);
(7, fontfile);
let root = 1
let trailerdict =
Pdfread.parse_single_object (Printf.sprintf "<</Root 1 0 R/Size %i>>" (length objects + 1))
let pdf =
let pdf =
{Pdf.major = 2;
Pdf.minor = 0;
Pdf.root = root;
Pdf.objects =
{Pdf.maxobjnum = 0;
Pdf.parse = None;
Pdf.pdfobjects = Pdf.pdfobjmap_empty ();
Pdf.object_stream_ids = null_hash ()};
Pdf.trailerdict = trailerdict;
Pdf.was_linearized = false;
Pdf.saved_encryption = None}
iter (Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf) objects;
let () =
Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file pdf "subset.pdf"*)