John Whitington 98d37b58a5 more
2022-01-13 16:35:03 +00:00

27 lines
522 B

(** Experimental typesetter for cpdf *)
type glue =
{glen : float;
gstretch : float}
type element =
Text of char list
| HGlue of glue
| VGlue of glue
| NewLine
| NewPage
| Font of (Pdftext.font * float)
| BeginDest of Pdfdest.t
| EndDest
| BeginDocument
type t = element list
val to_string : t -> string
val font_widths : Pdftext.font -> float -> float array
val width_of_string : float array -> char list -> float
val typeset : float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdfpaper.t -> Pdf.t -> t -> Pdfpage.t list