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(* A typesetter for cpdf. A list of elements is manipulated zero or more times
to lay it out, paginate it, and so on. It is then typeset to produce a list
of pages *)
open Pdfutil
(* Text is represented as a list of unicode code points *)
type text = int list
(* Glue *)
type glue =
{glen : float;
stretch : float}
(* Main type *)
type element =
Text of text
| HGlue of glue
| VGlue of glue
| NewLine
| NewPage
| Font of Pdftext.font * float
let string_of_element = function
| Text t -> Pdftext.utf8_of_codepoints t
| HGlue _ -> "HGLUE"
| VGlue _ -> "VGLUE"
| NewLine -> "NewLine"
| NewPage -> "NewPage"
| Font _ -> "Font"
let indent x = HGlue {glen = x; stretch = 0.}
let newpara x = VGlue {glen = x; stretch = 0.}
type t = element list
let of_utf8 = Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8
let example =
[Font (Pdftext.StandardFont (Pdftext.TimesRoman, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding), 12.);
Text (of_utf8 "Jackdaws love my Sphinx of Quartz. And this, this is the second sentence to provoke a line-break. We need rather more text than one might think in this diminutive font.");
newpara 10.;
indent 72.;
Font (Pdftext.StandardFont (Pdftext.TimesItalic, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding), 10.);
Text (of_utf8 "The second paragraph");
Font (Pdftext.StandardFont (Pdftext.TimesBold, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding), 10.);
Text (of_utf8 "A little too bold");
type state =
{mutable font : Pdftext.font option;
mutable xpos : float;
mutable ypos : float}
let initial_state () =
{font = None;
xpos = 0.;
ypos = 0.}
(* Split text into lines, resolve all hglue stretches to 0, remove Newlines. *)
let layout_element s xpos_max fo = function
| e -> fo e
let layout lmargin rmargin papersize i =
let width =
Pdfunits.convert 72. (Pdfpaper.unit papersize) Pdfunits.PdfPoint (Pdfpaper.width papersize)
let o = ref [] in
let s = initial_state () in
let xpos_max = Pdfpaper.width papersize -. lmargin in
s.xpos <- lmargin;
iter (layout_element s xpos_max (fun e -> o := e::!o)) i;
rev !o
(* Resolve all hglue stretches, insert NewPage as needed. *)
let paginate tmargin bmargin papersize i = i
let make_resources fontobjnums =
[("/Font", Pdf.Dictionary (map (fun fo -> ("/F" ^ string_of_int fo, Pdf.Indirect fo)) fontobjnums))]
(* At this stage, just Font and Text and HGlue 0. and VGlue 0. and Newline and
NewPage elements. Split on NewPages, typeset each page, add font
dictionaries. New page only
creates a page when that page has content. *)
let typeset lmargin rmargin tmargin bmargin papersize pdf i =
let i = layout lmargin rmargin papersize i in
let i = paginate tmargin bmargin papersize i in
let height = Pdfunits.convert 72. (Pdfpaper.unit papersize) Pdfunits.PdfPoint (Pdfpaper.height papersize) in
let s = initial_state () in
s.xpos <- lmargin;
s.ypos <- tmargin;
let ops = ref [] in
let fonts = ref [] in
let thispagefontnums = ref [] in
let pages = ref [] in
let write_page () =
if !ops <> [] then
let page =
{Pdfpage.content = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops (rev !ops)];
Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdfpage.rectangle_of_paper papersize;
Pdfpage.resources = make_resources !thispagefontnums;
Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0;
Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.Dictionary []}
pages := page :: !pages
let typeset_element = function
| Text cps ->
let charcodestring =
match s.font with
| None -> failwith "font not set up"
| Some f ->
match List.assoc_opt f !fonts with
| Some objnum ->
let extractor =
Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font pdf (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf objnum)
implode (map char_of_int (option_map extractor cps))
| None -> failwith "font not found"
ops :=
::Pdfops.Op_Tj charcodestring
::Pdfops.Op_cm (Pdftransform.mktranslate s.xpos (height -. s.ypos))
| Font (f, fontsize) ->
let name, objnum =
match List.assoc_opt f !fonts with
| Some objnum -> ("/F" ^ string_of_int objnum, objnum)
| None ->
let num = Pdftext.write_font pdf f in
let n = "/F" ^ string_of_int num in
fonts := (f, num) :: !fonts;
(n, num)
s.font <- Some f;
thispagefontnums := objnum :: !thispagefontnums;
ops := Pdfops.Op_Tf (name, fontsize)::!ops
| HGlue {glen} ->
s.xpos <- s.xpos +. glen
| VGlue {glen} ->
s.ypos <- s.ypos +. glen
| NewLine ->
s.xpos <- 0.
| NewPage ->
write_page ();
thispagefontnums := [];
ops := [];
s.xpos <- lmargin;
s.ypos <- tmargin
iter typeset_element i;
write_page ();
rev !pages
let example_pdf () =
let pdf = Pdf.empty () in
let pages = typeset 20. 20. 20. 20. Pdfpaper.a4 pdf example in
let pdf, pageroot = Pdfpage.add_pagetree pages pdf in
Pdfpage.add_root pageroot [] pdf
let _ =
Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file (example_pdf ()) "out.pdf"