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1746 lines
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1746 lines
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(* Structured Graphics *)
open Pdfutil
open Pdfio
type fpoint = float * float
type winding_rule = EvenOdd | NonZero
type segment =
| Straight of fpoint * fpoint
| Bezier of fpoint * fpoint * fpoint * fpoint
(* Each segment list may be marked as a hole or not. *)
type hole = Hole | Not_hole
(* A [subpath] is either closed or open. *)
type closure = Closed | Open
(* A [subpath] is the pair of a hole and a list of segments. *)
type subpath = hole * closure * segment list
(* A path is made from a number of subpaths. *)
type path = winding_rule * subpath list
type tiling = Tiling
type function_shading =
{funshading_domain : float * float * float * float;
funshading_matrix : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
funshading_function : Pdffun.t}
type radial_shading =
{radialshading_coords : float * float * float * float * float * float;
radialshading_domain : float * float;
radialshading_function : Pdffun.t list;
radialshading_extend : bool * bool}
type axial_shading =
{axialshading_coords : float * float * float * float;
axialshading_domain : float * float;
axialshading_function : Pdffun.t list;
axialshading_extend : bool * bool}
type shading_kind =
| FunctionShading of function_shading
| AxialShading of axial_shading
| RadialShading of radial_shading
| FreeFormGouraudShading
| LatticeFormGouraudShading
| CoonsPatchMesh
| TensorProductPatchMesh
type shading =
{shading_colourspace : Pdf.pdfobject;
shading_background : Pdf.pdfobject option;
shading_bbox : Pdf.pdfobject option;
shading_antialias : bool;
shading_matrix : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
shading_extgstate : Pdf.pdfobject;
shading : shading_kind}
type pattern =
| ColouredTilingPattern of tiling
| UncolouredTilingPattern of tiling
| ShadingPattern of shading
type colvals =
| Floats of float list
| Named of (string * float list)
| Pattern of pattern
let rec string_of_colvals = function
| Floats fs ->
"Floats " ^ fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map (function x -> string_of_float x ^ " ") fs)
| Named (n, fs) ->
"Named " ^ n ^ " " ^ string_of_colvals (Floats fs)
| Pattern p ->
type objectclass =
| PathObject
| TextObject
| ClippingPathObject
| PageDescriptionLevel
| ShadingObject
| InlineImageObject
| ExternalObject
let string_of_objectclass = function
| PathObject -> "PathObject"
| TextObject -> "TextObject"
| ClippingPathObject -> "ClippingPathObject"
| PageDescriptionLevel -> "PageDescriptionLevel"
| ShadingObject -> "ShadingObject"
| InlineImageObject -> "InlineImageObject"
| ExternalObject -> "ExternalObject"
type transparency_attributes =
{fill_transparency : float;
line_transparency : float}
type path_attributes =
{path_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
path_fill : (Pdfspace.t * colvals) option;
path_line : (Pdfspace.t * colvals) option;
path_linewidth : float;
path_joinstyle : int;
path_capstyle : int;
path_dash : float list * float;
path_mitrelimit : float;
path_transparency : transparency_attributes;
path_intent : string}
type text_attributes =
{textmode : int}
type textblock_attributes =
{textblock_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix}
type textblock =
text_attributes * Pdfops.t
type softmask_subtype =
Alpha | Luminosity
type transparency_group =
{tr_group_colourspace : Pdf.pdfobject option; (* FIXME: This should be colourspace *)
isolated : bool;
knockout : bool;
tr_graphic : t}
and softmask =
{softmask_subtype : softmask_subtype;
transparency_group : transparency_group;
softmask_bbox : float * float * float * float;
backdrop : float list option;
softmask_transfer : Pdffun.t option}
and image_attributes =
{image_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
image_transparency : float; (* The /ca value *)
image_softmask : softmask option}
and fontname = string * Pdf.pdfobject (*r Name, font *)
(* The main type for a graphic. It must be kept paired with the PDF it comes
from, since it will reference objects (fonts, images etc) in that PDF. *)
and graphic_elt =
| Path of (path * path_attributes)
| Text of textblock list * textblock_attributes
| MCPoint of string
| MCPointProperties of string * Pdf.pdfobject
| MCSection of string * graphic_elt list
| MCSectionProperties of string * Pdf.pdfobject * graphic_elt list
| Image of image_attributes * int (* object number *)
| GraphicInlineImage of Pdf.pdfobject * bytes * Pdftransform.transform_matrix
| Clip of path * graphic_elt list
| Shading of path option * shading * Pdftransform.transform_matrix
and t =
{elements : graphic_elt list; (* Page content *)
fonts : fontname list; (* Fonts *)
resources : Pdf.pdfobject} (* Anything else in /Resources *)
(* Calculate the bounding box (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) of a graphic. *)
let bbox_of_segment = function
| Straight ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) ->
fmin x1 x2, fmax x1 x2, fmin y1 y2, fmax y1 y2
| Bezier ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), (x4, y4)) ->
fmin (fmin x1 x2) (fmin x3 x4), fmax (fmax x1 x2) (fmax x3 x4),
fmin (fmin y1 y2) (fmin y3 y4), fmax (fmax y1 y2) (fmax y3 y4)
let bbox_of_path (_, subpaths) =
let segments =
flatten (map (function (_, _, l) -> l) subpaths)
(max_float, min_float, max_float, min_float)
(map bbox_of_segment segments)
let rec bbox_of_graphic_inner (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = function
| [] -> xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
| (Path (p, _) | Clip (p, _))::t ->
(box_union_float (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (bbox_of_path p)) t
| h::t -> bbox_of_graphic_inner (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) t
let bbox_of_graphic graphic =
(max_float, min_float, max_float, min_float)
(* For debug purposes, build a string of a graphic. *)
let string_of_segment = function
| Straight ((ax, ay), (bx, by)) ->
Printf.sprintf "Straight line: (%f, %f) --> (%f, %f)\n" ax ay bx by
| Bezier ((ax, ay), (bx, by), (cx, cy), (dx, dy)) ->
"Bezier curve: (%f, %f) --> (%f, %f) --> (%f, %f) --> (%f, %f)\n"
ax ay bx by cx cy dx dy
let string_of_subpath (h, o ,segments) =
Printf.sprintf "Hole: %b, Open: %b, segments:%s\n"
(h = Hole) (o = Open) (fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_segment segments))
let string_of_path (windingrule, subpaths) =
Printf.sprintf "%s %s"
(match windingrule with
| EvenOdd -> "Even-odd\n"
| NonZero -> "Non-zero\n")
(fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_subpath subpaths))
let string_of_textblock (st, op) =
"TEXTPIECE: " ^ Pdfops.string_of_op op ^ "\n"
let string_of_font (f, i) = f ^ " " ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf i ^ "\n"
let string_of_colvals = function
| Floats l -> Printf.sprintf "Floats (%i)" (length l)
| Named (s, fl) -> Printf.sprintf "Named %s, Floats (%i)" s (length fl)
| Pattern _ -> Printf.sprintf "Pattern"
let string_of_attributes a =
let line =
match a.path_line with
| None -> "none"
| Some (cs, vals) ->
Printf.sprintf "line colourspace is %s, %s vals"
(Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace cs)
(string_of_colvals vals)
and fill =
match a.path_fill with
| None -> "none"
| Some (cs, vals) ->
Printf.sprintf "fill colourspace is %s, %s vals"
(Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace cs)
(string_of_colvals vals)
line ^ "\n" ^ fill ^ "\n"
let rec string_of_graphic_elt = function
| MCSection (n, g) ->
Printf.sprintf "Marked content section %s...\n" n ^ "BEGIN\n" ^
(fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_graphic_elt g))
^ "\nEND Marked content section\n"
| MCSectionProperties (n, d, g) ->
Printf.sprintf "Marked content section %s with properties %s...\n" n
(Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf d)
^ "BEGIN\n" ^
(fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_graphic_elt g))
^ "\nEND Marked content section\n"
| MCPoint n ->
Printf.sprintf "Marked content point %s...\n" n
| MCPointProperties (n, d) ->
Printf.sprintf "Marked content point %s with properties %s...\n" n (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf d)
| Path (p, attributes) -> Printf.sprintf "Path: %s\nAttributes\n%s\n" (string_of_path p) (string_of_attributes attributes)
| Text (ts, attr) ->
"-----BEGIN TEXT - fonts:\n" ^
fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_textblock ts) ^
"-----END TEXT\n"
| Image (tr, x) ->
"Image " ^ string_of_int x ^ "\n"
| GraphicInlineImage _ ->
"Inline image\n"
| Clip (p, g) ->
"Clipview: path = " ^ string_of_path p ^ "\ngraphic is " ^
fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_graphic_elt g)
| Shading (clip, shading, tr) ->
and string_of_graphic g =
"Elements:\n" ^
fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_graphic_elt g.elements) ^
"Fonts:\n" ^
fold_left ( ^ ) ""
(fun (name, obj) -> name ^ " " ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf obj)
g.fonts) ^
"Resources:\n" ^
Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf g.resources
type state =
{mutable objectclass : objectclass; (*r Not strictly part of the state, but fits here. *)
mutable clip : path option; (*r Ditto - stores a clipping path which is to be invoked on the next path operation. *)
mutable intent : string;
mutable fill : colvals;
mutable linewidth : float;
mutable line : colvals;
mutable mitrelimit : float;
mutable joinstyle : int;
mutable capstyle : int;
mutable colourspace_stroke : Pdfspace.t;
mutable colourspace_nonstroke : Pdfspace.t;
mutable dash : float list * float;
mutable flatness : int;
mutable transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
mutable extra_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
mutable text_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
mutable text_line_transform : Pdftransform.transform_matrix;
mutable opacity_stroke : float;
mutable opacity_nonstroke : float;
mutable character_spacing : float;
mutable word_spacing : float;
mutable scale : float;
mutable leading : float;
mutable font_and_size : (string * float) option;
mutable font_render : int;
mutable font_rise : float;
mutable blendmode : int;
mutable softmask : softmask option;
mutable in_xobject : int;
mutable opdo_matrix : Pdftransform.transform_matrix}
let default_state () =
{objectclass = PageDescriptionLevel;
clip = None;
intent = "/RelativeColorimetric";
fill = Floats [1.];
linewidth = 1.;
line = Floats [1.];
mitrelimit = 10.;
joinstyle = 0;
capstyle = 0;
colourspace_stroke = Pdfspace.DeviceGray;
colourspace_nonstroke = Pdfspace.DeviceGray;
dash = [], 0.;
flatness = 0;
transform = Pdftransform.i_matrix;
extra_transform = Pdftransform.i_matrix;
text_transform = Pdftransform.i_matrix;
text_line_transform = Pdftransform.i_matrix;
opacity_stroke = 1.;
opacity_nonstroke = 1.;
character_spacing = 0.;
word_spacing = 0.;
scale = 100.;
leading = 0.;
font_and_size = None; (*r No initial value. *)
font_render = 0;
font_rise = 0.;
blendmode = 1;
softmask = None;
in_xobject = 0;
opdo_matrix = Pdftransform.i_matrix}
let state = ref (default_state ())
let string_of_state s =
(*i "Object class: " ^ string_of_objectclass s.objectclass ^ "\n" ^ i*)
"Stroke Colourspace: " ^ Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace s.colourspace_stroke ^ "\n" ^
"Nonstroke Colourspace: " ^ Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace s.colourspace_nonstroke ^ "\n" ^
"Stroke colours: " ^ string_of_colvals s.line ^ "\n" ^
"NonStroke colours: " ^ string_of_colvals s.fill ^ "\n"
let path_attributes_fill_and_stroke () =
{path_transform = (!state).transform;
path_fill = Some ((!state).colourspace_nonstroke, (!state).fill);
path_line = Some ((!state).colourspace_stroke, (!state).line);
path_linewidth = (!state).linewidth;
path_joinstyle = (!state).joinstyle;
path_capstyle = (!state).capstyle;
path_dash = (!state).dash;
path_mitrelimit = (!state).mitrelimit;
path_transparency =
{fill_transparency = (!state).opacity_nonstroke;
line_transparency = (!state).opacity_stroke};
path_intent = (!state).intent}
let path_attributes_fill () =
{path_transform = (!state).transform;
path_fill = Some ((!state).colourspace_nonstroke, (!state).fill);
path_line = None;
path_linewidth = (!state).linewidth;
path_joinstyle = (!state).joinstyle;
path_capstyle = (!state).capstyle;
path_dash = (!state).dash;
path_mitrelimit = (!state).mitrelimit;
path_transparency =
{fill_transparency = (!state).opacity_nonstroke;
line_transparency = 1.};
path_intent = (!state).intent}
let path_attributes_stroke () =
{path_transform = (!state).transform;
path_fill = None;
path_line = Some ((!state).colourspace_stroke, (!state).line);
path_linewidth = (!state).linewidth;
path_joinstyle = (!state).joinstyle;
path_capstyle = (!state).capstyle;
path_dash = (!state).dash;
path_mitrelimit = (!state).mitrelimit;
path_transparency =
{fill_transparency = 1.;
line_transparency = (!state).opacity_stroke};
path_intent = (!state).intent}
let textstate () =
{textmode = 0}
let nonzero = EvenOdd
let rec initial_colour pdf resources = function
| Pdf.Name "/DeviceGray"
| Pdf.Array (Pdf.Name "/CalGray"::_) ->
Floats [0.]
| Pdf.Name "/DeviceRGB"
| Pdf.Array (Pdf.Name "/CalRGB"::_) ->
Floats [0.; 0.; 0.]
| Pdf.Name "/DeviceCMYK" ->
Floats [0.; 0.; 0.; 1.]
| Pdf.Name "/Pattern"
| Pdf.Array [Pdf.Name "/Pattern"] ->
Floats [0.]
| Pdf.Array elts as cs ->
begin match elts with
| [Pdf.Name "/ICCBased"; iccstream] ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Alternate" iccstream with
| Some space -> initial_colour pdf resources space
| None ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/N" iccstream with
| Some (Pdf.Integer 1) -> Floats [0.]
| Some (Pdf.Integer 3) -> Floats [0.; 0.; 0.]
| Some (Pdf.Integer 4) -> Floats [0.; 0.; 0.; 0.]
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Bad ICCBased Alternate")
| Pdf.Name "/DeviceN"::_::alternate::_
| [Pdf.Name "/Separation"; _; alternate; _] ->
initial_colour pdf resources alternate
| [Pdf.Name "/Pattern"; alternate] ->
initial_colour pdf resources alternate
| _ -> Pdfe.log (Printf.sprintf "%s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf cs)); raise (Pdf.PDFError "Unknown colourspace A")
| Pdf.Indirect _ as indirect ->
initial_colour pdf resources (Pdf.direct pdf indirect)
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Unknown colourspace B")
(* PartialPath (sp, cp, p, s) is starting point [sp], current point [cp] the
partial segment list [p], subpath [s] and graphic [g]. *)
type partial =
| NoPartial
| PartialText of textblock list
| PartialPath of fpoint * fpoint * segment list * subpath list
(* g is a [group_transparency] xobject *)
let rec read_transparency_group pdf g =
let group =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Group" g with
| Some gr -> gr
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.read_transparency_group: no /Group found")
let colourspace =
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CS" group
and isolated =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/I" group with
| Some (Pdf.Boolean b) -> b
| _ -> false
and knockout =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/K" group with
| Some (Pdf.Boolean b) -> b
| _ -> false
and graphic =
let fakepage =
let resources =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" g with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> Pdf.Dictionary d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
and contents =
{Pdfpage.content = contents;
Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdf.Null;
Pdfpage.resources = resources;
Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0;
Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.Dictionary []}
graphic_of_page pdf fakepage
and a, b, c, d =
Pdf.parse_rectangle pdf (Pdf.lookup_fail "no bbox" pdf "/BBox" g)
{tr_group_colourspace = colourspace;
isolated = isolated;
knockout = knockout;
tr_graphic = graphic}, a, b, c, d
and read_soft_mask pdf mask =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/S" mask with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Alpha") -> Some Alpha
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Luminosity") -> Some Luminosity
| _ -> None
| None -> None
| Some subtype ->
let transparency_group, a, b, c, d =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/G" mask with
| Some g -> read_transparency_group pdf g
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.transparency group not found in soft mask")
and backdrop =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BC" mask with
| Some (Pdf.Array nums) -> Some (map (Pdf.getnum pdf) nums)
| _ -> None
and transfer =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/TR" mask with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) ->
Some (Pdffun.parse_function pdf (Pdf.Dictionary d))
| _ -> None
{softmask_subtype = subtype;
transparency_group = transparency_group;
backdrop = backdrop;
softmask_transfer = transfer;
softmask_bbox = (a, b, c, d)}
and update_graphics_state_from_dict pdf resources gdict =
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/SMask" gdict with
| Some softmask -> (!state).softmask <- read_soft_mask pdf softmask
| None -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CA" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Real o) -> (!state).opacity_stroke <- o
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ca" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Real o) -> (!state).opacity_nonstroke <- o
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BM" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n)
| Some (Pdf.Array (Pdf.Name n::_)) ->
(!state).blendmode <- 0 (* FIXME: Do properly *)
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/LW" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Integer width) ->
(!state).linewidth <- float width
| Some (Pdf.Real width) ->
(!state).linewidth <- width
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/LC" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Integer style) ->
(!state).capstyle <- style
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/LC" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Integer join) ->
(!state).joinstyle <- join
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ML" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Integer limit) ->
(!state).mitrelimit <- float limit
| Some (Pdf.Real limit) ->
(!state).mitrelimit <- limit
| _ -> ()
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/D" gdict with
| Some (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Array dashes; phase]) ->
let dashnums, phase =
| (Pdf.Integer n) -> float n
| (Pdf.Real n) -> n
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Malformed dash."))
match phase with
| Pdf.Integer phase -> float phase
| Pdf.Real phase -> phase
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Malformed dash phase.")
(!state).dash <- dashnums, phase
| _ -> ()
and statestack : state list ref = ref []
and copystate () =
{!state with fill = (!state).fill}
and push_statestack () =
(*i Printf.printf "push_statestack\n"; i*)
statestack =| copystate ()
and pop_statestack () =
(*i Printf.printf "pop_statestack: %i items in stack before pop\n" (length !statestack);
Printf.printf "Before pop_statestack, line and fill spaces are %s and %s\n"
(Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace (!state).colourspace_stroke) (Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace (!state).colourspace_nonstroke); I*)
begin match !statestack with
| [] -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Unbalanced q/Q Ops")
| h::t -> statestack := t; state := h
end(*i ;
Printf.printf "After pop_statestack, line and fill spaces are %s and %s\n"
(Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace (!state).colourspace_stroke) (Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace (!state).colourspace_nonstroke) i*)
and read_tiling_pattern _ =
ColouredTilingPattern Tiling
and read_function_shading pdf shading =
let domain =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Domain" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d]) -> Pdf.getnum pdf a, Pdf.getnum pdf b, Pdf.getnum pdf c, Pdf.getnum pdf d
| _ -> 0., 1., 0., 1.
and matrix =
Pdf.parse_matrix pdf "/Matrix" shading
and func =
Pdf.lookup_fail "No function found" pdf "/Function" shading
{funshading_domain = domain;
funshading_matrix = matrix;
funshading_function = Pdffun.parse_function pdf func}
and read_radial_shading pdf shading =
let coords =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Coords" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d; e; f]) ->
Pdf.getnum pdf a, Pdf.getnum pdf b, Pdf.getnum pdf c, Pdf.getnum pdf d, Pdf.getnum pdf e, Pdf.getnum pdf f
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.read_radial_shading: no coords in radial shading")
and domain =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Domain" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b]) -> Pdf.getnum pdf a, Pdf.getnum pdf b
| _ -> 0., 1.
and func =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Function" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array fs) -> map (Pdffun.parse_function pdf) fs
| Some f -> [Pdffun.parse_function pdf f]
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.read_radial_shading: no function in radial shading")
and extend =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Extend" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Boolean a; Pdf.Boolean b]) -> a, b
| _ -> false, false
{radialshading_coords = coords;
radialshading_domain = domain;
radialshading_function = func;
radialshading_extend = extend}
and read_axial_shading pdf shading =
let coords =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Coords" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d]) ->
Pdf.getnum pdf a, Pdf.getnum pdf b, Pdf.getnum pdf c, Pdf.getnum pdf d
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.read_axial_shading: no coords in radial shading")
and domain =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Domain" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b]) -> Pdf.getnum pdf a, Pdf.getnum pdf b
| _ -> 0., 1.
and func =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Function" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array fs) -> map (Pdffun.parse_function pdf) fs
| Some f -> [Pdffun.parse_function pdf f]
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.read_axial_shading: no function in radial shading")
and extend =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Extend" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Boolean a; Pdf.Boolean b]) -> a, b
| _ -> false, false
{axialshading_coords = coords;
axialshading_domain = domain;
axialshading_function = func;
axialshading_extend = extend}
(* Read a shading pattern *)
and read_shading pdf matrix extgstate shading =
let colourspace =
Pdf.lookup_fail "No colourspace in shading" pdf "/ColorSpace" shading
and background =
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Background" shading
and bbox =
Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BBox" shading
and antialias =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BBox" shading with
| Some (Pdf.Boolean true) -> true
| _ -> false
let shading =
match Pdf.lookup_fail "no /ShadingType" pdf "/ShadingType" shading with
| Pdf.Integer 1 -> read_function_shading pdf shading
| Pdf.Integer 3 -> read_radial_shading pdf shading
| Pdf.Integer 2 -> read_axial_shading pdf shading
| Pdf.Integer 4 -> FreeFormGouraudShading
| Pdf.Integer 5 -> LatticeFormGouraudShading
| Pdf.Integer 6 -> CoonsPatchMesh
| Pdf.Integer 7 -> TensorProductPatchMesh
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.unknown shadingtype")
{shading_colourspace = colourspace;
shading_background = background;
shading_bbox = bbox;
shading_antialias = antialias;
shading_matrix = matrix;
shading_extgstate = extgstate;
shading = shading}
and read_shading_pattern pdf p =
let matrix = Pdf.parse_matrix pdf "/Matrix" p
and extgstate =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ExtGState" p with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary _ as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Shading" p with
| Some shading ->
ShadingPattern (read_shading pdf matrix extgstate shading)
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "No shading dictionary")
and read_pattern pdf page name =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Pattern" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "No pattern dictionary")
| Some patterndict ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf name patterndict with
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pattern not found")
| Some pattern ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/PatternType" pattern with
| Some (Pdf.Integer 1) ->
read_tiling_pattern pattern
| Some (Pdf.Integer 2) ->
read_shading_pattern pdf pattern
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "unknown pattern")
and process_op pdf page (partial, graphic) op =
let ret = (partial, graphic) in
(*i flprint (string_of_state !state); *)
(*i flprint (Pdfpages.string_of_op op ^ "\n"); i*)
match op with
| Pdfops.Op_W ->
(* Move the current partial path into Clip, and return *)
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (_, _, segments, subpaths) ->
if segments = [] && subpaths = [] then ret else
let path =
if segments <> []
then (Not_hole, Closed, rev segments)::subpaths
else subpaths
(!state).clip <- Some (NonZero, path); ret
| _ -> ret
(* FIXME: In NextClip needs to support possibly several clips, since we can do W n W n W n f, for instance? *)
| Pdfops.Op_W' ->
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (_, _, segments, subpaths) ->
if segments = [] && subpaths = [] then ret else
let path =
if segments <> []
then (Not_hole, Closed, rev segments)::subpaths
else subpaths
(!state).clip <- Some (EvenOdd, path); ret
| _ -> ret
| Pdfops.InlineImage (dict, data) ->
(NoPartial, GraphicInlineImage (dict, data, (!state).transform)::graphic)
| Pdfops.Op_MP name ->
begin match (!state).objectclass with
| PageDescriptionLevel -> (NoPartial, MCPoint name::graphic)
| TextObject -> ret (* FIXME -- Add it to the text partial. *)
| _ -> ret (* Invalid, silently drop *)
| Pdfops.Op_DP (name, properties) ->
begin match (!state).objectclass with
| PageDescriptionLevel ->
(NoPartial, MCPointProperties (name, properties)::graphic)
| TextObject -> ret (* FIXME -- Add it to the text partial. *)
| _ -> ret (* Invalid, silently drop *)
| Pdfops.Op_BX | Pdfops.Op_EX -> ret
| Pdfops.Op_ri n -> (!state).intent <- n; ret
| Pdfops.Op_j j -> (!state).joinstyle <- j; ret
| Pdfops.Op_J c -> (!state).capstyle <- c; ret
| Pdfops.Op_w w -> (!state).linewidth <- w; ret
| Pdfops.Op_M m -> (!state).mitrelimit <- m; ret
| Pdfops.Op_q ->
(*i flprint "Op_q\n"; i*)
push_statestack ();
| Pdfops.Op_Q ->
(*i flprint "Op_Q\n"; i*)
pop_statestack ();
| Pdfops.Op_SC vals | Pdfops.Op_SCN vals ->
(!state).line <- Floats vals;
| Pdfops.Op_sc vals | Pdfops.Op_scn vals ->
(!state).fill <- Floats vals;
| Pdfops.Op_scnName (name, vals) ->
begin match (!state).colourspace_nonstroke with
| Pdfspace.Pattern | Pdfspace.PatternWithBaseColourspace _ ->
begin try
(!state).fill <- Pattern (read_pattern pdf page name);
_ -> ret
| _ ->
(!state).fill <- Named (name, vals);
| Pdfops.Op_SCNName (name, vals) ->
begin match (!state).colourspace_stroke with
| Pdfspace.Pattern | Pdfspace.PatternWithBaseColourspace _ ->
begin try
(!state).line <- Pattern (read_pattern pdf page name);
_ -> ret
| _ ->
(!state).line <- Named (name, vals);
| Pdfops.Op_CS c ->
(*i Printf.printf "Op_CS: %s\n" c; *)
(!state).colourspace_nonstroke <- Pdfspace.read_colourspace pdf page.Pdfpage.resources (Pdf.Name c);
| Pdfops.Op_cs c ->
(*i flprint "Op_cs\n";
Printf.printf "Pdfgraphics: Op_cs: %s\n" c; i*)
(!state).colourspace_nonstroke <- Pdfspace.read_colourspace pdf page.Pdfpage.resources (Pdf.Name c);
| Pdfops.Op_G gv ->
(*i flprint "Op_G\n"; i*)
(!state).colourspace_stroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceGray;
(!state).line <- Floats [gv];
| Pdfops.Op_g gv ->
(*i flprint "Op_g\n"; i*)
(!state).colourspace_nonstroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceGray;
(!state).fill <- Floats [gv];
| Pdfops.Op_RG (rv, gv, bv) ->
(!state).colourspace_stroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceRGB;
(!state).line <- Floats [rv; gv; bv];
| Pdfops.Op_rg (rv, gv, bv) ->
(!state).colourspace_nonstroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceRGB;
(!state).fill <- Floats [rv; gv; bv];
| Pdfops.Op_K (c, m, y, k) ->
(!state).colourspace_stroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceCMYK;
(!state).line <- Floats [c; y; m; k];
| Pdfops.Op_k (c, m, y, k) ->
(!state).colourspace_nonstroke <- Pdfspace.DeviceCMYK;
(!state).fill <- Floats [c; y; m; k];
| Pdfops.Op_gs name ->
let ext_state_dict = Pdf.lookup_fail "Bad Op_gs" pdf "/ExtGState" page.Pdfpage.resources in
let gdict = Pdf.lookup_fail "Bad Op_gs" pdf name ext_state_dict in
update_graphics_state_from_dict pdf page.Pdfpage.resources gdict;
| Pdfops.Op_m (x, y) ->
(* Begin a new subpath. Get into path mode if not already there. If the last op was an
[Op_m], it should have no effect. *)
(!state).objectclass <- PathObject;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
if segs = []
then PartialPath ((x, y), (x, y), [], subpaths), graphic
else PartialPath ((x, y), (x, y), [], (Not_hole, Open, rev segs)::subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
PartialPath ((x, y), (x, y), [], []), graphic
| Pdfops.Op_l (x, y) ->
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_l");
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
PartialPath (sp, (x, y), Straight (cp, (x, y))::segs, subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_l")
| Pdfops.Op_c (a, b, c, d, e, f) ->
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_c");
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
let ep = (e, f) in
let curve = Bezier (cp, (a, b), (c, d), ep) in
PartialPath (sp, ep, curve::segs, subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_c")
| Pdfops.Op_v (a, b, c, d) ->
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_v");
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
let ep = (c, d) in
let curve = Bezier (cp, cp, (a, b), ep) in
PartialPath (sp, ep, curve::segs, subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_v")
| Pdfops.Op_y (a, b, c, d) ->
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_y");
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
let ep = (c, d) in
let curve = Bezier (cp, (a, b), ep, ep) in
PartialPath (sp, ep, curve::segs, subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_y")
| Pdfops.Op_h ->
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_h - not in PathObject");
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], (Not_hole, Closed, rev segs)::subpaths), graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_h - not a partial path")
| Pdfops.Op_s ->
(* Close and stroke. Equivalent to h S *)
process_ops pdf page ret [Pdfops.Op_h; Pdfops.Op_S]
| Pdfops.Op_b ->
(* Close, fill, stroke, nonzero. Equivalent to h B *)
process_ops pdf page ret [Pdfops.Op_h; Pdfops.Op_B]
| Pdfops.Op_b' ->
(* Close, fill, stroke, evenodd. Equivalent to h B* *)
process_ops pdf page ret [Pdfops.Op_h; Pdfops.Op_B']
| Pdfops.Op_f | Pdfops.Op_F ->
(* Close and Fill non-zero *)
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_f");
let partial, graphic = process_op pdf page (partial, graphic) Pdfops.Op_h in
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
(* segs is empty, due to [Op_h] *)
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((NonZero, rev subpaths), path_attributes_fill ())::graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_f")
| Pdfops.Op_S ->
(* Stroke *)
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_S");
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
if segs = [] then
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev subpaths), path_attributes_stroke ())::graphic
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev ((Not_hole, Open, rev segs)::subpaths)), path_attributes_stroke ())::graphic
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_S")
| Pdfops.Op_B ->
(* Fill and stroke, non-zero. *)
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_B");
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
if segs = [] then
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((NonZero, rev subpaths), path_attributes_fill_and_stroke ())::graphic
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((NonZero, rev ((Not_hole, Open, rev segs)::subpaths)), path_attributes_fill_and_stroke ())
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_B")
| Pdfops.Op_B' ->
(* Fill and stroke, even-odd. *)
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_B*");
let partial, graphic = process_op pdf page (partial, graphic) Pdfops.Op_h in
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
if segs = [] then
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev subpaths), path_attributes_fill_and_stroke ())::graphic
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev ((Not_hole, Open, rev segs)::subpaths)), path_attributes_fill_and_stroke ())
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_B*")
| Pdfops.Op_f' ->
(* Fill, even-odd *)
if (!state).objectclass <> PathObject then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_f*");
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
begin match partial with
| PartialPath (sp, cp, segs, subpaths) ->
if segs = [] then
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev subpaths), path_attributes_fill ())::graphic
PartialPath (sp, cp, [], []),
Path ((EvenOdd, rev ((Not_hole, Open, rev segs)::subpaths)), path_attributes_fill ())
| _ ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Op_f*")
| Pdfops.Op_n ->
(* no-op *)
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
(* for now, until we support clipviews, clean up the polygon *)
(NoPartial, graphic)
| Pdfops.Op_re (x, y, w, h) ->
(* Rectangle. *)
let ops =
[Pdfops.Op_m (x, y);
Pdfops.Op_l (x +. w, y);
Pdfops.Op_l (x +. w, y +. h);
Pdfops.Op_l (x, y +. h);
process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) ops
| Pdfops.Op_Do name ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XObject" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some d ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf name d with
| Some xobj ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" xobj with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image") ->
let objnum =
match Pdf.find_indirect name d with
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "image not found")
| Some i -> i
({image_transform = (!state).transform;
image_transparency = (!state).opacity_nonstroke;
image_softmask = (!state).softmask}
, objnum)::graphic
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Form") ->
let elts = read_form_xobject pdf page xobj in
partial, rev elts @ graphic
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Unknown kind of xobject")
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Unknown xobject")
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "xobject not found")
| Pdfops.Op_cm tr ->
(!state).transform <- Pdftransform.matrix_compose (!state).transform tr;
| ( Pdfops.Op_Tc _
| Pdfops.Op_Tw _
| Pdfops.Op_Tz _
| Pdfops.Op_TL _
| Pdfops.Op_Tf _
| Pdfops.Op_Tr _
| Pdfops.Op_Ts _
| Pdfops.Op_Td _
| Pdfops.Op_TD _
| Pdfops.Op_Tm _
| Pdfops.Op_T'
| Pdfops.Op_Tj _
| Pdfops.Op_TJ _
| Pdfops.Op_' _
| Pdfops.Op_'' _
| Pdfops.Op_d0 _
| Pdfops.Op_d1 _) as op ->
begin match partial with
| PartialText t ->
let st = textstate () in
PartialText ((st, op)::t), graphic
| _ ->
(* If there's no partial text, this is an op affecting the text state but not in a text section. Such ops are allowed. FIXME: Deal with them properly - by ops altering the text state so this can be reflected in the initial state at the start of a text section *)
| Pdfops.Op_sh n ->
let shading =
let shadingdict = Pdf.lookup_fail "no /Shading" pdf "/Shading" page.Pdfpage.resources in
let shading = Pdf.lookup_fail "named shading not found" pdf n shadingdict in
read_shading pdf Pdftransform.i_matrix Pdf.Null shading
and currentclip = (!state).clip in
partial, Shading (currentclip, shading, (!state).transform)::graphic
| Pdfops.Op_i flatness ->
if flatness >= 0 && flatness <= 100 then (!state).flatness <- flatness;
| Pdfops.Op_d (spec, phase) ->
(!state).dash <- spec, phase;
| Pdfops.Op_Unknown _ -> ret
| _ -> Pdfe.log "Operator shouldn't appear at this place"; ret
and getuntil_matching_emc level prev = function
| (Pdfops.Op_BMC _ | Pdfops.Op_BDC (_, _)) as h::t ->
getuntil_matching_emc (level + 1) (h::prev) t
| Pdfops.Op_EMC::t ->
if level < 0
then raise (Pdf.PDFError "Too many EMCs\n")
else if level = 0
then rev prev, t
else getuntil_matching_emc (level - 1) (Pdfops.Op_EMC::prev) t
| h::t -> getuntil_matching_emc level (h::prev) t
| [] -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Missing EMC\n")
and getuntil_matching_Q level prev = function
| Pdfops.Op_q::t -> getuntil_matching_Q (level + 1) (Pdfops.Op_q::prev) t
| Pdfops.Op_Q::t ->
if level = 0
then rev prev, Pdfops.Op_Q::t
else getuntil_matching_Q (level - 1) (Pdfops.Op_Q::prev) t
| [] -> rev prev, []
| h::t -> getuntil_matching_Q level (h::prev) t
and process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) ops =
match ops with
| [] -> partial, rev graphic
| Pdfops.Op_n::t ->
(* If there's a NextClip, select all operators within the scope of this
clip. That is, all operators until an [Op_Q] which puts the stack level
below the current level or the end of the stream, whichever comes first.*)
begin match (!state).clip with
| None ->
process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) t
| Some path ->
(* We process the operators concerned, putting them inside a Clip,
and then proceed with the remaining operators (including any [Op_Q]).
However, to deal with the case of overlapping pairs of marked content
sections and q/Q pairs (which is allowed). Currently just chuck BDC we don't understand. *)
let toq, rest = getuntil_matching_Q 0 [] t in
let _, elts =
process_ops pdf page (NoPartial, []) toq
process_ops pdf page (NoPartial, Clip (path, elts)::graphic) rest
| Pdfops.Op_BMC n::t ->
(* FIXME: Marked content regions / q/Q pairs overlapping problem *)
begin try
let ops, rest = getuntil_matching_emc 0 [] t in
let partial, graphic' = process_ops pdf page (partial, []) ops in
process_ops pdf page (partial, MCSection (n, graphic')::graphic) rest
_ -> process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) t
| Pdfops.Op_BDC (n, d)::t ->
(* FIXME: Marked content regions / q/Q pairs overlapping problem *)
begin try
let ops, rest = getuntil_matching_emc 0 [] t in
let partial, graphic' = process_ops pdf page (partial, []) ops in
process_ops pdf page (partial, MCSectionProperties (n, d, graphic')::graphic) rest
_ -> process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) t
| Pdfops.Op_BT::t ->
(* Can't nest text sections, so just get to ET *)
let textops, rest = cleavewhile (neq Pdfops.Op_ET) t in
begin match rest with
| Pdfops.Op_ET::_ | [] ->
(* We allow blank in case of wrongly nested EMC / ET etc *)
let more = tail_no_fail rest in
(* We need to process the ops, and capture the text operations, but state changes inside
text sections (e.g colour changes) have global effect, so need to keep the state *)
(!state).objectclass <- TextObject;
let partial, _ =
process_ops pdf page (PartialText [], graphic) textops
begin match partial with
| PartialText t ->
let textblock =
Text (rev t, {textblock_transform = (!state).transform})
process_ops pdf page (partial, textblock::graphic) (Pdfops.Op_ET::more)
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Bad operations in text block")
| _ ->
(*i Printf.printf "textops: %s\n\n" (Pdfops.string_of_ops textops);
Printf.printf "rest: %s\n\n" (Pdfops.string_of_ops rest); i*)
raise (Pdf.PDFError "No Matching Op_ET")
| Pdfops.Op_ET::t ->
(!state).objectclass <- PageDescriptionLevel;
process_ops pdf page (partial, graphic) t
| h::t -> process_ops pdf page (process_op pdf page (partial, graphic) h) t
(* Load the fonts as (name, pdfobject) pairs *)
and fonts_of_page pdf page =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Font" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary fs) -> fs
| _ -> []
(* Find the operations of a form xobject. *)
and read_form_xobject pdf page pdfobject =
let content = [Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject] in
let pagedict =
match Pdf.direct pdf page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Pdf.Dictionary rs -> rs
| _ -> []
and xobjdict =
match Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject with
| Pdf.Stream {contents = (dict, _)} ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary rs) -> rs
| _ -> []
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "bad stream in read_form_xobject")
let total_resources =
Pdf.Dictionary (mergedict pagedict xobjdict)
let fake_page =
{Pdfpage.content = [];
Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdf.Null;
Pdfpage.resources = total_resources;
Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0;
Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.Dictionary []}
let _, graphic_elts =
(process_ops pdf fake_page (NoPartial, [])
(Pdfops.parse_operators pdf total_resources content))
(* Main function - build a graphic from a page *)
and graphic_of_page pdf page =
statestack := [];
state := default_state ();
if Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf then
raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: File is encrypted")
let _, elts =
let ops =
Pdfops.parse_operators pdf page.Pdfpage.resources page.Pdfpage.content
process_ops pdf page (NoPartial, []) ops
{elements = elts;
fonts = fonts_of_page pdf page;
resources = page.Pdfpage.resources}
let graphic_of_ops ops =
(Pdf.empty ())
{(Pdfpage.blankpage Pdfpaper.a4) with
Pdfpage.content =
[Pdf.Stream {contents =
(Pdf.Dictionary [], Pdf.Got (bytes_of_string (Pdfops.string_of_ops ops)))}]}
(* \section{Building a page from a graphic} *)
let int_of_shading_kind = function
| FunctionShading _ -> 1
| AxialShading _ -> 2
| RadialShading _ -> 3
| FreeFormGouraudShading -> 4
| LatticeFormGouraudShading -> 5
| CoonsPatchMesh -> 6
| TensorProductPatchMesh -> 7
let entries_of_shading pdf s =
match s.shading with
| RadialShading r ->
let coords =
let a, b, c, d, e, f = r.radialshading_coords in
[Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b; Pdf.Real c; Pdf.Real d; Pdf.Real e; Pdf.Real f]
and domain =
let a, b = r.radialshading_domain in
[Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b]
and funcnum =
match r.radialshading_function with
| [f] ->
Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdffun.pdfobject_of_function pdf f)
| funs ->
Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdf.Array (map (Pdffun.pdfobject_of_function pdf) funs))
and extend =
[Pdf.Boolean (fst r.radialshading_extend);
Pdf.Boolean (snd r.radialshading_extend)]
["/Coords", coords;
"/Domain", domain;
"/Function", Pdf.Indirect funcnum;
"/Extend", extend]
| AxialShading a ->
let coords =
let a, b, c, d = a.axialshading_coords in
[Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b; Pdf.Real c; Pdf.Real d]
and domain =
let a, b = a.axialshading_domain in
[Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b]
and funcnum =
match a.axialshading_function with
| [f] ->
Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdffun.pdfobject_of_function pdf f)
| funs ->
Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdf.Array (map (Pdffun.pdfobject_of_function pdf) funs))
and extend =
[Pdf.Boolean (fst a.axialshading_extend);
Pdf.Boolean (snd a.axialshading_extend)]
["/Coords", coords;
"/Domain", domain;
"/Function", Pdf.Indirect funcnum;
"/Extend", extend]
| _ -> []
let shading_object_of_shading pdf s =
let background =
match s.shading_background with
| None -> []
| Some b -> ["/Background", b]
and bbox =
match s.shading_bbox with
| None -> []
| Some b -> ["/BBox", b]
(["/ShadingType", Pdf.Integer (int_of_shading_kind s.shading);
"/ColorSpace", s.shading_colourspace;
"/AntiAlias", Pdf.Boolean s.shading_antialias]
@ background @ bbox @ entries_of_shading pdf s)
let pattern_object_of_pattern xobject_level opdo_matrix pdf = function
| ShadingPattern s ->
begin try
let shading_matrix =
if xobject_level > 0 then
let inverted = Pdftransform.matrix_invert opdo_matrix in
Pdftransform.matrix_compose inverted s.shading_matrix
["/Type", Pdf.Name "/Pattern";
"/PatternType", Pdf.Integer 2;
"/Shading", shading_object_of_shading pdf s;
"/Matrix", Pdf.make_matrix shading_matrix]
Pdftransform.NonInvertable -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics.Bad pattern")
| _ ->
Pdfe.log "Unknown pattern\n";
Pdf.Dictionary []
(* Output a move and line/curve ops. *)
let ops_of_segs segs closure =
let raw_seg_ops =
| Straight (_, (x, y)) -> Pdfops.Op_l (x, y)
| Bezier (_, (bx, by), (cx, cy), (dx, dy)) -> Pdfops.Op_c (bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy))
and get_move = function
| Straight ((x, y), _) | Bezier ((x, y), _, _, _) -> Pdfops.Op_m (x, y)
(* Predicate: Do we need to close this subpath? *)
match segs with
| [] -> []
| h::_ -> get_move h::raw_seg_ops @ (if closure = Closed then [Pdfops.Op_h] else [])
let protect ops =
[Pdfops.Op_q] @ ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q]
let attribute_ops_of_path (_, a) =
[Pdfops.Op_w a.path_linewidth;
Pdfops.Op_J a.path_capstyle;
Pdfops.Op_j a.path_joinstyle;
begin match a.path_dash with (x, y) -> Pdfops.Op_d (x, y) end;
Pdfops.Op_M a.path_mitrelimit;
Pdfops.Op_ri a.path_intent]
let transform_ops_of_path (_, a) =
[Pdfops.Op_cm a.path_transform]
let stroke_ops_of_path ((winding, _), a) =
match winding, a.path_fill, a.path_line with
| _, None, None -> Pdfops.Op_n
| EvenOdd, Some _, Some _ -> Pdfops.Op_B'
| EvenOdd, Some _, None -> Pdfops.Op_f'
| NonZero, Some _, Some _ -> Pdfops.Op_B
| NonZero, Some _, None -> Pdfops.Op_f
| _, None, Some _ -> Pdfops.Op_S
let path_ops_of_path (_, subpaths) =
flatten (map (fun (_, closure, segs) -> ops_of_segs segs closure) subpaths)
let ops_of_path pdf page (((winding, subpaths), a) as p) =
(* Add a colourspace returning new resources and a new name, or return the name it's already held under. *)
let name_of_colourspace cs resources =
match cs with
(*i | Pdf.Name (("/DeviceGray" | "/DeviceRGB" | "/DeviceCMYK" | "/Pattern") as str) -> resources, str i*)
| Pdfspace.DeviceGray | Pdfspace.DeviceRGB | Pdfspace.DeviceCMYK | Pdfspace.Pattern -> resources, Pdfspace.string_of_colourspace cs
| _ ->
let existing_colourspacedict =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ColorSpace" resources with
| Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
(* FIXME: For now, we just always create a new one. Must search to see if it's already there for efficiency. *)
let name = Pdf.unique_key "cs" existing_colourspacedict in
let newcolourspacedict = Pdf.add_dict_entry existing_colourspacedict name (Pdfspace.write_colourspace pdf cs) in
Pdf.add_dict_entry resources "/ColorSpace" newcolourspacedict, name
let resources = page.Pdfpage.resources in
let attribute_ops = attribute_ops_of_path p
and transform = transform_ops_of_path p
and stroke_op = stroke_ops_of_path p in
let colours_stroke, resources =
match a.path_line with
| Some (cs, Floats vals) ->
let resources', name = name_of_colourspace cs resources in
[Pdfops.Op_CS name; Pdfops.Op_SCN vals], resources
| Some (cs, Named (n, vals)) ->
let resources', name = name_of_colourspace cs resources in
[Pdfops.Op_CS name; Pdfops.Op_SCNName (n, vals)], resources'
| _ -> [], resources
let colours_nonstroke, resources =
match a.path_fill with
| Some (cs, Floats vals) ->
let resources', name = name_of_colourspace cs resources in
[Pdfops.Op_cs name; Pdfops.Op_scn vals], resources'
| Some (cs, Named (n, vals)) ->
let resources', name = name_of_colourspace cs resources in
[Pdfops.Op_cs name; Pdfops.Op_scnName (n, vals)], resources'
| Some (_, Pattern p) ->
(* Build /Pattern cs and reference to pattern, having built the
pattern in the pattern dictionary *)
let pattern = pattern_object_of_pattern (!state).in_xobject (!state).opdo_matrix pdf p in
let resources, name =
let existing_patterndict =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Pattern" resources with
| Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
let name = Pdf.unique_key "pt" existing_patterndict in
let newpatterndict = Pdf.add_dict_entry existing_patterndict name pattern in
Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.resources "/Pattern" newpatterndict, name
[Pdfops.Op_cs "/Pattern"; Pdfops.Op_scnName (name, [])], resources
| _ -> [], resources
let gs, resources =
if a.path_transparency.fill_transparency < 1. || a.path_transparency.line_transparency < 1.
let resources, name =
let existing_extgstate =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ExtGState" resources with
| Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
let name = Pdf.unique_key "gs" existing_extgstate
and gsdict =
[("/ca", Pdf.Real a.path_transparency.fill_transparency);
("/CA", Pdf.Real a.path_transparency.line_transparency)]
let new_extgstate = Pdf.add_dict_entry existing_extgstate name gsdict in
Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.resources "/ExtGState" new_extgstate, name
[Pdfops.Op_gs name], resources
[], resources
let path_ops = path_ops_of_path (winding, subpaths) in
protect (gs @ transform @ attribute_ops @ colours_stroke @ colours_nonstroke @ path_ops @ [stroke_op]),
let ops_of_textstate st = []
let ops_of_textpiece (st, op) =
ops_of_textstate st @ [op]
(* Upon entry to this, the transformation matrix is identity *)
let ops_of_text tr ops =
protect ([Pdfops.Op_cm tr; Pdfops.Op_BT] @ (flatten <| map ops_of_textpiece ops) @ [Pdfops.Op_ET])
(* Transform a bounding box by a given matrix *)
let extreme_of_4 f a b c d =
hd <| sort f [a; b; c; d]
let min_of_4 = extreme_of_4 compare
let max_of_4 = extreme_of_4 (fun a b -> ~-(compare a b))
let transform_bbox tr l b r t =
let (x0, y0) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (l, t)
and (x1, y1) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (l, b)
and (x2, y2) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (r, t)
and (x3, y3) = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr (r, b) in
min_of_4 x0 x1 x2 x3,
min_of_4 y0 y1 y2 y3,
max_of_4 x0 x1 x2 x3,
max_of_4 y0 y1 y2 y3
(* Build a transparency group xobject, add it to the pdf and return its object number *)
let rec pdfobject_of_transparency_group (a, b, c, d) pdf t =
(!state).in_xobject <- (!state).in_xobject + 1;
let r =
let page = page_of_graphic pdf (0., 0., 0., 0.) t.tr_graphic
and group_attributes =
let cs =
match t.tr_group_colourspace with
| None -> []
| Some pdfobject -> ["/CS", pdfobject]
(["/Type", Pdf.Name "/Group";
"/S", Pdf.Name "/Transparency";
"/I", Pdf.Boolean t.isolated;
"/K", Pdf.Boolean t.knockout] @ cs)
let extras =
["/Type", Pdf.Name "/XObject";
"/Subtype", Pdf.Name "/Form";
"/BBox", Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b; Pdf.Real c; Pdf.Real d];
"/Resources", page.Pdfpage.resources;
"/Group", group_attributes]
match page.Pdfpage.content with
| Pdf.Stream ({contents = Pdf.Dictionary dict, Pdf.Got data})::_ ->
Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdf.Stream ({contents = Pdf.Dictionary (extras @ dict), Pdf.Got data}))
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Pdfgraphics: Bad page content")
(!state).in_xobject <- (!state).in_xobject - 1;
and pdfobject_of_softmask pdf m =
let bc =
match m.backdrop with
| None -> []
| Some fs -> ["/BC", Pdf.Array (map (function x -> Pdf.Real x) fs)]
and tr =
match m.softmask_transfer with
| None -> []
| Some f -> ["/TR", Pdffun.pdfobject_of_function pdf f]
Pdf.addobj pdf
(["/Type", Pdf.Name "/Mask";
"/S", Pdf.Name (match m.softmask_subtype with Alpha -> "/Alpha" | Luminosity -> "/Luminosity");
"/G", Pdf.Indirect (pdfobject_of_transparency_group m.softmask_bbox pdf m.transparency_group)]
@ bc @ tr))
and ops_of_image pdf page (a, i) =
(!state).opdo_matrix <- a.image_transform;
let resources = page.Pdfpage.resources in
let ops, resources =
let opgs, resources =
if a.image_transparency < 1. || a.image_softmask <> None
let resources, name =
let existing_extgstate =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ExtGState" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
let name = Pdf.unique_key "gs" existing_extgstate
and gsdict =
let softmask =
match a.image_softmask with
| None -> []
| Some m -> ["/SMask", Pdf.Indirect (pdfobject_of_softmask pdf m)]
([("/ca", Pdf.Real a.image_transparency)] @ softmask)
let new_extgstate = Pdf.add_dict_entry existing_extgstate name gsdict in
Pdf.add_dict_entry resources "/ExtGState" new_extgstate, name
[Pdfops.Op_gs name], resources
[], resources
[Pdfops.Op_cm a.image_transform] @ opgs @ [Pdfops.Op_Do ("/Im" ^ string_of_int i)], resources
protect ops, resources
and ops_of_shading pdf page path shading transform =
let resources', name =
(* Add new entry to shading dictionary, return its name, new resources *)
let existing_shadingdict =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Shading" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some ((Pdf.Dictionary _) as d) -> d
| _ -> Pdf.Dictionary []
let name = Pdf.unique_key "sh" existing_shadingdict
and objnum = Pdf.addobj pdf (shading_object_of_shading pdf shading) in
let shadingref = Pdf.Indirect objnum in
let new_shadingdict = Pdf.add_dict_entry existing_shadingdict name shadingref in
let r =
Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.resources "/Shading" new_shadingdict
r, name
let ops =
let pathops, clipops =
match path with
| None -> [], []
| Some p ->
path_ops_of_path p, [Pdfops.Op_W; Pdfops.Op_n] (* FIXME: Even-odd vs Non-Zero *)
pathops @ clipops @ [Pdfops.Op_cm transform; Pdfops.Op_sh name]
protect ops, resources'
and ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page oplists = function
| [] ->
flatten (rev oplists), page
| Path p::t ->
let ops, resources' = ops_of_path pdf page p in
let page' = {page with Pdfpage.resources = resources'} in
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' (ops::oplists) t
| Image (attr, i)::t ->
let ops, resources' = ops_of_image pdf page (attr, i) in
let page' = {page with Pdfpage.resources = resources'} in
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' (ops::oplists) t
| Text (ts, {textblock_transform = tr})::t ->
let ops = ops_of_text tr ts in
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page (ops::oplists) t
| MCSection (n, graphic)::t ->
let oplist, page' =
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page [] graphic
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' (([Pdfops.Op_BMC n] @ oplist @ [Pdfops.Op_EMC])::oplists) t
| MCSectionProperties (n, d, graphic)::t ->
let oplist, page' =
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page [] graphic
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' (([Pdfops.Op_BDC (n, d)] @ oplist @ [Pdfops.Op_EMC])::oplists) t
| MCPoint n::t ->
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page ([Pdfops.Op_MP n]::oplists) t
| MCPointProperties (n, d)::t ->
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page ([Pdfops.Op_DP (n, d)]::oplists) t
| GraphicInlineImage (dict, data, tr)::t ->
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page (protect [Pdfops.Op_cm tr; Pdfops.InlineImage (dict, data)]::oplists) t
| Clip ((w, _) as p, elts)::t ->
let ops, page' =
let path_ops =
[Pdfops.Op_cm (!state).transform] @ path_ops_of_path p
and clipviewops =
[if w = NonZero then Pdfops.Op_W else Pdfops.Op_W'; Pdfops.Op_n]
and insideclipops, page' =
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page [] elts
protect (path_ops @ clipviewops @ insideclipops), page'
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' (ops::oplists) t
| Shading (path, shading, transform)::t ->
let ops, resources' = ops_of_shading pdf page path shading transform in
let oplists'= protect ops::oplists
and page' = {page with Pdfpage.resources = resources'} in
ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page' oplists' t
(* Build a page from a graphic in the same PDF. *)
and image_numbers_of_elts prev = function
| Image (_, i)::t -> image_numbers_of_elts (i::prev) t
| MCSection (_, elts)::t
| MCSectionProperties (_, _, elts)::t
| Clip (_, elts)::t ->
let these = image_numbers_of_elts [] elts in
image_numbers_of_elts (these @ prev) t
| _::t -> image_numbers_of_elts prev t
| [] -> prev
and make_xobjects pdf elts =
let numbers = image_numbers_of_elts [] elts in
setify <| map (function n -> ("/Im" ^ string_of_int n), Pdf.Indirect n) numbers
and make_resources pdf g page' =
let resources =
match g.resources with
| Pdf.Dictionary rs -> rs
| _ -> []
and fontdict =
Pdf.Dictionary g.fonts
and xobjdict =
let objs = make_xobjects pdf g.elements in
Pdf.Dictionary objs
and resources_frompage =
match page'.Pdfpage.resources with
| Pdf.Dictionary d -> d
| _ -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "bad resources in page in make_resources")
let resources = remove "/Shading" resources in
let resources = remove "/Pattern" resources in
let resources = remove "/ExtGState" resources in
let resources = remove "/ColorSpace" resources in
(* [fold_right] so that entries overwrite *)
(fun (k, v) d -> add k v d)
["/Font", fontdict; "/XObject", xobjdict]
(resources_frompage @ resources))
and page_of_graphic pdf (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) graphic =
let page =
Pdfpage.custompage (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real xmin; Pdf.Real ymin; Pdf.Real xmax; Pdf.Real ymax])
let ops, page' = ops_of_graphic_acc pdf page [] graphic.elements in
(* We're not including the ExtGState because it's in the page', so need
to merge with resources *)
let resources = make_resources pdf graphic page' in
{page' with
Pdfpage.content = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops ops];
Pdfpage.resources = resources}
let ops_of_simple_graphic graphic =
fst (ops_of_graphic_acc (Pdf.empty ()) (Pdfpage.blankpage Pdfpaper.a4) [] graphic.elements)
(* FIXME Add in here a function to copy a page/graphic from one document to another *)
let streams_of_simple_graphic g =
(page_of_graphic (Pdf.empty ()) (0., 0., 600., 400.) g).Pdfpage.content
(* Transforming a graphic *)
let transform_segment tr s =
let f = Pdftransform.transform_matrix tr in
match s with
| Straight (x, y) -> Straight (f x, f y)
| Bezier (a, b, c, d) -> Bezier (f a, f b, f c, f d)
let transform_subpath tr (h, c, segments) =
(h, c, map (transform_segment tr) segments)
let transform_path tr (w, subpaths) =
(w, map (transform_subpath tr) subpaths)
let transform_element tr = function
| Path (pth, attr) -> Path (transform_path tr pth, attr)
| x -> x (* FIXME: Add rest of elements. *)
let transform_graphic tr g =
{g with elements = map (transform_element tr) g.elements}