John Whitington d9183e0ed6 more
2023-05-31 14:15:51 +01:00

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(** A loose JSON equivalent of XFDF. *)
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
(* List annotations, simple old style. *)
let get_annotation_string encoding pdf annot =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Contents" annot with
| Some (Pdf.String s) -> Cpdfmetadata.encode_output encoding s
| _ -> ""
let print_annotation encoding pdf num s =
let s = get_annotation_string encoding pdf s in
match s with
| "" -> ()
| s ->
flprint (Printf.sprintf "Page %d: " num);
flprint s;
flprint "\n"
let list_page_annotations encoding pdf num page =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
iter (print_annotation encoding pdf num) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
| _ -> ()
let list_annotations range encoding pdf =
Cpdfpage.iter_pages (list_page_annotations encoding pdf) pdf range
(* New, JSON style *)
let rewrite_destination f d =
match d with
| Pdf.Array (Pdf.Indirect i::r) ->
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (f i)::r)
| x -> x
let rewrite_destinations f pdf annot =
(* Deal with /P in annotation *)
let annot =
match Pdf.indirect_number pdf "/P" annot with
| Some i -> Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/P" (Pdf.Integer (f i))
| None -> annot
(* Deal with /Dest in annotation *)
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Dest" annot with
| Some d -> Pdf.add_dict_entry annot "/Dest" (rewrite_destination f d)
| None ->
(* Deal with /A --> /D dest when /A --> /S = /GoTo *)
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/A" annot with
| Some action ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/D" action with
| Some d ->
annot "/A" (Pdf.add_dict_entry action "/D" (rewrite_destination f d))
| None -> annot
| None -> annot
(* We exclude the same annotations as the XFDF spec does *)
let excluded pdf annot =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" annot with
| Some (Pdf.Name ("/Movie" | "/Widget" | "/Screen" | "/PrinterMark" | "/TrapNet")) -> true
| _ -> false
(* Printf.printf "Skipping %s\n" n; true
| Some (Pdf.Name x) ->
Printf.printf "Including %s\n" x; false*)
let extra = ref []
let annotations_json_page calculate_pagenumber pdf page pagenum =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
(fun annot ->
begin match annot with
| Pdf.Indirect objnum ->
let annot = Pdf.direct pdf annot in
if excluded pdf annot then None else
let annot =
(fun i -> calculate_pagenumber (Pdfdest.Fit (Pdfdest.PageObject i)))
pdf annot
extra := annot::!extra;
Some (`List
[`Int pagenum;
`Int objnum;
Cpdfjson.json_of_object ~utf8:true ~clean_strings:true pdf (fun _ -> ())
~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false annot])
| _ -> Pdfe.log "Warning: annotations must be indirect\n"; None
| _ -> []
let get_annotations_json pdf range =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
let calculate_pagenumber = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf in
extra := [];
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagenums = indx pages in
let pairs = combine pages pagenums in
let pairs = option_map (fun (p, n) -> if mem n range then Some (p, n) else None) pairs in
let pages, pagenums = split pairs in
let json = flatten (map2 (annotations_json_page calculate_pagenumber pdf) pages pagenums) in
let jsonobjnums : int list = map (function `List [_; `Int n; _] -> n | _ -> assert false) json in
(*Printf.eprintf "%i extra roots to explore\n" (length !extra);
iter (fun x -> Pdfe.log (Printf.sprintf "%s\n\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x))) !extra;*)
let extra =
(fun n ->
[`Int n;
Cpdfjson.json_of_object ~utf8:true ~clean_strings:true pdf (fun _ -> ())
~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf n)])
(fun x ->
let x = Pdf.remove_dict_entry x "/Popup" in
let x = Pdf.remove_dict_entry x "/Parent" in
let r = Pdf.objects_referenced [] [] pdf x in
(*Printf.eprintf "%i extra for annot %s\n" (length r) (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x);*)
let extra =
(function `List [`Int n; _] as json -> if mem n jsonobjnums then None else Some json | _ -> assert false)
let header =
[`Int 0;
Cpdfjson.json_of_object ~utf8:true ~clean_strings:true pdf (fun _ -> ())
~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false
(Pdf.Dictionary ["/CPDFJSONannotformatversion", Pdf.Integer 1])]
let json = `List ([header] @ json @ extra) in
Pdfio.bytes_of_string (J.pretty_to_string json)
(* Return annotations *)
let get_annotations encoding pdf =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun page pagenumber ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
let strings =
map (get_annotation_string encoding pdf) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
combine (many pagenumber (length strings)) strings
| _ -> [])
(ilist 1 (length pages)))
(** Set annotations from JSON, keeping any existing ones. *)
let set_annotations_json pdf i =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let content = Pdfio.string_of_input i in
let json = J.from_string content in
match json with
| `List entries ->
(* Renumber the PDF so everything has bigger object numbers than that. *)
let maxobjnum =
fold_left max min_int
| `List [_; `Int i; _] | `List [`Int i; _] -> i
| _ -> error "Bad annots entry")
let pdf_objnums = map fst (list_of_hashtbl pdf.Pdf.objects.Pdf.pdfobjects) in
let change_table =
hashtable_of_dictionary (map2 (fun f t -> (f, t)) pdf_objnums (ilist (maxobjnum + 1) (maxobjnum + length pdf_objnums)))
let pdf' = Pdf.renumber change_table pdf in
pdf.root <- pdf'.root;
pdf.objects <- pdf'.objects;
pdf.trailerdict <- pdf'.trailerdict;
(* Add the extra objects back in and build the annotations. *)
let extras = option_map (function `List [`Int i; o] -> Some (i, o) | _ -> None) entries in
let annots = option_map (function `List [`Int pagenum; `Int i; o] -> Some (pagenum, i, o) | _ -> None) entries in
iter (fun (i, o) -> Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, Cpdfjson.object_of_json o)) extras;
let pageobjnummap =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
combine (indx refnums) refnums
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let annotsforeachpage = collate compare (sort compare annots) in
let newpages =
(fun pagenum page ->
let forthispage = flatten (keep (function (p, _, _)::t when p = pagenum -> true | _ -> false) annotsforeachpage) in
(fun (pnum, i, o) ->
let pageobjnum = match lookup pnum pageobjnummap with Some x -> x | None -> 0 in
let f = fun pnum -> if pageobjnum = 0 then pnum else pageobjnum in
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (i, rewrite_destinations f pdf (Cpdfjson.object_of_json o)))
if forthispage = [] then page else
let annots =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with | Some (Pdf.Array annots) -> annots | _ -> []
let newannots = map (fun (_, i, _) -> Pdf.Indirect i) forthispage in
{page with Pdfpage.rest = Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots" (Pdf.Array (annots @ newannots))})
(indx pages)
let pdf' = Pdfpage.change_pages true pdf newpages in
pdf.root <- pdf'.root;
pdf.objects <- pdf'.objects;
pdf.trailerdict <- pdf'.trailerdict
| _ -> error "Bad Annotations JSON file"
let copy_annotations range frompdf topdf =
set_annotations_json topdf (Pdfio.input_of_bytes (get_annotations_json frompdf range))
(* Remove annotations *)
let remove_annotations range pdf =
let remove_annotations_page pagenum page =
if mem pagenum range then
let rest' =
Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots"
{page with Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (Pdfpage.ppstub remove_annotations_page) pdf range