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external ( @@ ) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b = "%apply"
let ($) g f = fun x -> g (f x)
let id x = x
let tee f x = ignore @@ f x; x
let (!%) = Printf.sprintf
let (!$) x = Lazy.force x
let slist delim show l =
String.concat delim @@ List.map show l
let string_of_chars = slist "" (String.make 1)
let string1 c = String.make 1 c
type ('l, 'r) either = Inl of 'l | Inr of 'r
let maybe f x =
try Inl (f x) with e -> Inr e
let value = function
Inl v -> v | Inr e -> raise e
let open_with (opn, close) filepath f =
let ch = opn filepath in
value @@ tee (fun _ -> close ch) (maybe f ch)
let open_in_with filepath f = open_with (open_in, close_in) filepath f
let to_hex n =
let to_char = function
| x when 0<=x && x<=9 -> (string_of_int x).[0]
| x when 10<=x && x<=15 -> char_of_int (int_of_char 'A'+(x-10))
| _ -> failwith"tohex MNH"
let rec iter store n =
if n < 16 then
to_char n :: store
let r,q = n / 16, n mod 16 in
iter (to_char q :: store) r
if n < 0 then raise (Invalid_argument (!%"to_hex: (%d)" n))
else string_of_chars @@ iter [] n