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175 lines
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open Pdfutil
let find_composition_structure_info pdf marked =
match Pdf.lookup_obj pdf pdf.Pdf.root with
| Pdf.Dictionary d ->
begin match lookup "/StructTreeRoot" d with
| Some x ->
let l = ref [] in
let objs = Pdf.objects_referenced ["/Pg"] [] pdf x in
(fun i ->
match Hashtbl.find marked i with
| () -> ()
| exception Not_found -> l := i::!l; Hashtbl.add marked i ())
| _ -> []
| _ -> []
let find_composition_piece_info pdf marked =
let l = ref [] in
(fun i obj ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/PieceInfo" obj with
| Some x ->
let objs = Pdf.objects_referenced [] [] pdf x in
(fun i ->
match Hashtbl.find marked i with
| () -> ()
| exception Not_found -> l := i::!l; Hashtbl.add marked i ())
| None -> ())
let find_composition_images pdf i obj marked =
match Hashtbl.find marked i with () -> [] | exception Not_found ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Image") ->
Hashtbl.add marked i (); [i]
| _ -> []
(* If it has /Font, find all objects referenced from it, and add
any not already marked to the count *)
let find_composition_fonts pdf i obj marked =
match Hashtbl.find marked i with () -> [] | exception Not_found ->
let l = ref [] in
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Font") ->
(fun i ->
(*Printf.printf "Object %i\n%s\n" i (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i));*)
match Hashtbl.find marked i with
| () -> ()
| exception Not_found -> l := i::!l; Hashtbl.add marked i ())
(Pdf.objects_referenced [] [] pdf (Pdf.Indirect i));
| _ -> []
let find_composition_content_streams pdf i obj marked =
match Hashtbl.find marked i with () -> [] | exception Not_found ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Page") ->
(*Printf.printf "Found a page...%s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.direct pdf obj));*)
let cs =
match obj with Pdf.Dictionary d ->
begin match lookup "/Contents" d with
| Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> [i]
| Some (Pdf.Array is) -> option_map (function Pdf.Indirect i -> Some i | _ -> None) is
| _ -> []
| _ -> []
(*Printf.printf "Found %i content streams\n" (length cs);*)
let l = ref [] in
(fun i ->
(*Printf.printf "Considering content stream %i\n" i;*)
match Hashtbl.find marked i with
| () -> ()
| exception Not_found -> Hashtbl.add marked i (); l := i::!l)
| _ ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" obj with
| Some (Pdf.Name "/Form") ->
Hashtbl.add marked i ();
| _ -> []
let find_composition pdf =
let marked = null_hash () in
let images = ref [] in
let fonts = ref [] in
let content_streams = ref [] in
(fun i obj ->
(*Printf.printf "Looking at object %i\n" i;
Printf.printf "Which is %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i));
Printf.printf "Marked objects at beginning: ";
Hashtbl.iter (fun k () -> Printf.printf "%i " k) marked;
Printf.printf "\n";*)
match Hashtbl.find marked i with _ -> () | exception Not_found ->
images := find_composition_images pdf i obj marked @ !images;
content_streams := find_composition_content_streams pdf i obj marked @ !content_streams;
fonts := find_composition_fonts pdf i obj marked @ !fonts)
let structure_info = find_composition_structure_info pdf marked in
let piece_info = find_composition_piece_info pdf marked in
(!images, !fonts, !content_streams, structure_info, piece_info)
let size pdf i =
String.length (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf_including_data (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i))
let compressed_size pdf objnums =
if objnums = [] then 0 else
(* If there were object streams, assume objects were in them, and compressed with FlateDecode *)
if Hashtbl.length pdf.Pdf.objects.Pdf.object_stream_ids = 0 then
sum (map (size pdf) (setify objnums))
let b = Buffer.create 262144 in
let streams = ref 0 in
(fun i ->
match Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i with
| Pdf.Stream _ -> streams += size pdf i
| obj -> Buffer.add_string b (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf_including_data obj))
!streams + Pdfio.bytes_size (Pdfcodec.encode_flate (Pdfio.bytes_of_string (Buffer.contents b)))
(* If no object streams, calculate the size of the xref table. If streams, the xref stream total *)
let compressed_xref_table_size pdf =
if Hashtbl.length pdf.Pdf.objects.Pdf.object_stream_ids = 0 then 20 * Pdf.objcard pdf else
compressed_size pdf (map fst (list_of_hashtbl pdf.Pdf.objects.Pdf.object_stream_ids))
let show_composition_json filesize pdf =
let perc x = float_of_int x /. float_of_int filesize *. 100. in
let o_images, o_fonts, o_content_streams, o_structure_info, o_piece_info = find_composition pdf in
let images, fonts, content_streams, structure_info, attached_files, piece_info, xref_table =
compressed_size pdf o_images,
compressed_size pdf o_fonts,
compressed_size pdf o_content_streams,
compressed_size pdf o_structure_info,
Cpdfattach.size_attached_files pdf,
compressed_size pdf o_piece_info,
compressed_xref_table_size pdf
let r = images + fonts + content_streams + structure_info + attached_files + xref_table + piece_info in
`List [`List [`String "Images"; `Int images; `Float (perc images)];
`List [`String "Fonts"; `Int fonts; `Float (perc fonts)];
`List [`String "Content streams"; `Int content_streams; `Float (perc content_streams)];
`List [`String "Structure Info"; `Int structure_info; `Float (perc structure_info)];
`List [`String "Attached Files"; `Int attached_files; `Float (perc attached_files)];
`List [`String "XRef Table"; `Int xref_table; `Float (perc xref_table)];
`List [`String "Piece Info"; `Int piece_info; `Float (perc piece_info)];
`List [`String "Unclassified"; `Int (filesize - r); `Float (perc (filesize - r))]]
let show_composition_json_blob filesize pdf =
Pdfio.bytes_of_string (Cpdfyojson.Safe.pretty_to_string (show_composition_json filesize pdf))
let show_composition filesize json pdf =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let j = show_composition_json filesize pdf in
if json then (flprint (J.pretty_to_string j); flprint "\n") else
match j with
| `List js ->
| `List [`String a; `Int b; `Float c] -> Printf.printf "%s: %i bytes (%.2f%%)\n" a b c
| _ -> ())
| _ -> ()