open Pdfutil open Cpdferror (* Verify a list of bookmarks. Positive jumps of > 1 not allowed, no numbers smaller than 0. *) let rec verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage = function | [] -> true | {Pdfmarks.level = level; = target}::more -> let page = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target pdf ~fastrefnums target in level < lastlevel + 2 && level >= 0 && page <= endpage && page >= 0 && verify_bookmarks pdf level fastrefnums endpage more let verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel endpage marks = let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in match marks with | [] -> true | m::more -> m.Pdfmarks.level = 0 && verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage more (* Parse a line of the bookmarks file. *) (* Un-escape things which are escaped. Quotes, newlines and backslashes *) let rec fixup_characters prev = function | [] -> rev prev | '\\'::'\\'::t -> fixup_characters ('\\'::prev) t | '\\'::'"'::t -> fixup_characters ('"'::prev) t | '\\'::'n'::t -> fixup_characters ('\n'::prev) t | h::t -> fixup_characters (h::prev) t (* If optionaldest = [Pdfgenlex.LexString s], we parse the string, convert the * integer to an indirect of the real page target, and then put it in. *) let target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj = (*Printf.printf "Parsed %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf pdfobj);*) match pdfobj with Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer x::more) -> let pageobjnum = Pdfpage.page_object_number pdf i' in begin match pageobjnum with None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "bookmark_of_data: page obj num not found") | Some p -> Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.Array (Pdf.Indirect p::more)) end (* Need to deal with "null", "(string)", and "< Pdfdest.NullDestination | Pdf.String s -> Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.String s) | x -> Pdfdest.Action x let target_of_markfile_target pdf i' = function | [Pdfgenlex.LexString s] -> let pdfobj = Pdfread.parse_single_object s in target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj | _ -> Pdfpage.target_of_pagenumber pdf i' let bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' isopen optionaldest = {Pdfmarks.level = i; Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s))); = target_of_markfile_target pdf i' optionaldest; Pdfmarks.isopen = isopen} let target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target = target_of_markfile_obj pdf pagenumber (Cpdfjson.object_of_json target) let mark_of_json pdf = function | `Assoc [("level", `Int level); ("text", `String text); ("page", `Int pagenumber); ("open", `Bool openstatus); ("target", target)] -> {Pdfmarks.level = level; Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 text; = target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target; Pdfmarks.isopen = openstatus} | _ -> error "malformed mark in mark_of_json" let marks_of_json pdf = function | `List ms -> map (mark_of_json pdf) ms | _ -> error "top level of JSON boomark file not a list" let parse_bookmark_file_json verify pdf i = let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in try let json = match i.Pdfio.caml_channel with | Some ch -> J.from_channel ch | None -> let content = Pdfio.string_of_input i in J.from_string content in let marks = marks_of_json pdf json in if verify then if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) marks then marks else error "Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)" else marks with e -> error (Printf.sprintf "Malformed JSON bookmark file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string e)) let parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input = let currline = ref 0 in try let lines = Pdfio.read_lines input in let currline = ref 0 in let bookmarks = ref [] in iter (function line -> match incr currline; Pdfgenlex.lex_string line with | Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::Pdfgenlex.LexName "open"::optionaldest -> bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' true optionaldest | Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::optionaldest -> bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' false optionaldest | [] -> () (* ignore blank lines *) | _ -> error ("Bad bookmark file, line " ^ (string_of_int !currline))) lines; let bookmarks = rev !bookmarks in if verify then if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) bookmarks then bookmarks else error "Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)" else bookmarks with e -> error (Printf.sprintf "Bad bookmark file (syntax) at line %i (error was %s)" !currline (Printexc.to_string e)) let add_bookmarks ~json verify input pdf = let parsed = (if json then parse_bookmark_file_json else parse_bookmark_file) verify pdf input in (*iter (fun b -> flprint (Pdfmarks.string_of_bookmark b); flprint "\n") parsed;*) Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks parsed pdf (* List bookmarks *) let output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums x = match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with | Pdf.Array (_::more) -> let a = Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more) in "\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf a ^ "\"" | x -> "\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x ^ "\"" let json_of_target pdf fastrefnums x = match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with | Pdf.Array (_::more) -> let a = Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more) in Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~utf8:false ~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false a | x -> Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~utf8:false ~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false x let output_json_marks output calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums marks = let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in let json_of_mark m = `Assoc [("level", `Int m.Pdfmarks.level); ("text", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring (Pdftext.simplify_utf16be m.Pdfmarks.text))); ("page", `Int (calculate_page_number m)); ("open", `Bool m.Pdfmarks.isopen); ("target", json_of_target pdf fastrefnums] in let json = `List (map json_of_mark marks) in output.Pdfio.output_string (J.pretty_to_string json) let process_string encoding s = let rec replace c x y = function | [] -> [] | h::t when h = c -> x::y::replace c x y t | h::t -> h::replace c x y t in (* Convert to UTF8, raw, or stripped, and escape backslashed and quotation marks *) let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_pdfdocstring s in let escaped = let bs = int_of_char '\\' and nl = int_of_char '\n' and n = int_of_char 'n' and q = int_of_char '\"' in replace q bs q (replace nl bs n (replace bs bs bs codepoints)) in let process_stripped escaped = let b = Buffer.create 200 in iter (fun x -> if x <= 127 then Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int x)) escaped; Buffer.contents b in match encoding with | Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 -> Pdftext.utf8_of_codepoints escaped | Cpdfmetadata.Stripped -> process_stripped escaped | Cpdfmetadata.Raw -> s (* List the bookmarks in the given range to the given output *) let list_bookmarks ~json encoding range pdf output = let bookmarks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in let rangetable = hashset_of_list range in let range_is_all = range = ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) in let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in (* Find the pagenumber of each bookmark target. If it is in the range, * keep that bookmark. Also keep the bookmark if its target is the null * destination. *) let inrange = keep (function x -> range_is_all || = Pdfdest.NullDestination || (match with Pdfdest.NamedDestinationElsewhere _ -> true | _ -> false) || Hashtbl.mem rangetable (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf bookmarks in let calculate_page_number mark = (* Some buggy PDFs use integers for page numbers instead of page * object references. Adobe Reader and Preview seem to support * this, for presumably historical reasons. So if we see a * OtherDocPageNumber (which is what Pdfdest parses these as, * because that's what they are legitimately, we use this as the * page number. It is zero based, though, and we are one-based, so * we add one. Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target has been modified to support this.*) Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf in if json then output_json_marks output calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums inrange else iter (function mark -> output.Pdfio.output_string (Printf.sprintf "%i \"%s\" %i%s %s\n" mark.Pdfmarks.level (process_string encoding mark.Pdfmarks.text) (calculate_page_number mark) (if mark.Pdfmarks.isopen then " open" else "") (output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums inrange let get_bookmarks_json pdf = let o, br = Pdfio.input_output_of_bytes (20 * 1024) in list_bookmarks ~json:true Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf)) pdf o; Pdfio.extract_bytes_from_input_output o br let get_bookmark_name encoding pdf marks splitlevel n _ = let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in match keep (function m -> n = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf && m.Pdfmarks.level <= splitlevel) marks with | {Pdfmarks.text = title}::_ -> Cpdfattach.remove_unsafe_characters encoding title | _ -> "" (* @F means filename without extension *) (* @N means sequence number with no padding *) (* @S means start page of this section *) (* @E means end page of this section *) (* @B means bookmark name at start page *) (* @b52| means bookmark name at start page truncated to 52 characters using crude UTF8 truncation. *) let process_others encoding marks pdf splitlevel filename sequence startpage endpage s = let trim_utf8 len l = Printf.printf "trim_uff input $%S$\n" (implode l); (* This truncator is far from perfect, but it does yield a valid UTF8 string, when given one. *) match rev l with | b2::b1::b0::t -> if int_of_char b2 land 0x80 > 0 then begin if int_of_char b2 land 0x40 > 0 then rev (b1::b0::t) else if int_of_char b1 land 0xe0 = 0xe0 then rev (b0::t) else if int_of_char b0 land 0xf0 = 0xf0 then rev t else l end else l | _ -> l in let rec find_ats p = function '@'::r -> find_ats (p + 1) r | r -> (p, r) in let string_of_int_width w i = if w < 0 then raise (Pdf.PDFError "width of field too narrow") else if w > 8 then raise (Pdf.PDFError "width of field too broad") else let formats = [|format_of_string "%i"; format_of_string "%i"; format_of_string "%02i"; format_of_string "%03i"; format_of_string "%04i"; format_of_string "%05i"; format_of_string "%06i"; format_of_string "%07i"; format_of_string "%08i"|] in Printf.sprintf formats.(w) i in let rec procss prev = function | [] -> rev prev | '@'::'F'::t -> procss (rev (explode filename) @ prev) t | '@'::'N'::t -> let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width sequence)) @ prev) rest | '@'::'S'::t -> let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width startpage)) @ prev) rest | '@'::'E'::t -> let width, rest = find_ats 0 t in procss (rev (explode (string_of_int_width width endpage)) @ prev) rest | '@'::'B'::t -> procss (rev (explode (get_bookmark_name encoding pdf marks splitlevel startpage pdf)) @ prev) t | '@'::'b'::t -> let number, rest = cleavewhile (function '0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false) t in let text = trim_utf8 (int_of_string (implode number)) (explode (get_bookmark_name encoding pdf marks splitlevel startpage pdf)) in procss ((rev text) @ prev) (tl rest) | h::t -> procss (h::prev) t in implode (procss [] (explode s)) let name_of_spec encoding marks (pdf : Pdf.t) splitlevel spec n filename startpage endpage = let fill l n = let chars = explode (string_of_int n) in if length chars > l then implode (drop chars (length chars - l)) else implode ((many '0' (l - length chars)) @ chars) in let chars = explode spec in let before, including = cleavewhile (neq '%') chars in let percents, after = cleavewhile (eq '%') including in if percents = [] then process_others encoding marks pdf splitlevel filename n startpage endpage spec else process_others encoding marks pdf splitlevel filename n startpage endpage (implode before ^ fill (length percents) n ^ implode after) (* Indent bookmarks in each file by one and add a title bookmark pointing to the first page. *) let add_bookmark_title filename use_title pdf = let title = if use_title then match Cpdfmetadata.get_info_utf8 pdf "/Title", Cpdfmetadata.get_xmp_info pdf "/Title" with "", x | x, "" | _, x -> x else Filename.basename filename in let marks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in let page1objnum = match Pdfpage.page_object_number pdf 1 with None -> error "add_bookmark_title: page not found" | Some x -> x in let newmarks = {Pdfmarks.level = 0; Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 title; = Pdfdest.XYZ (Pdfdest.PageObject page1objnum, None, None, None); Pdfmarks.isopen = false} ::map (function m -> {m with Pdfmarks.level = m.Pdfmarks.level + 1}) marks in Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks newmarks pdf let bookmarks_open_to_level n pdf = let marks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in let newmarks = map (fun m -> {m with Pdfmarks.isopen = m.Pdfmarks.level < n}) marks in Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks newmarks pdf (* Alter bookmark destinations given a hash table of (old page reference * number, new page reference number) pairings *) let change_destination t = function Pdfdest.XYZ (Pdfdest.PageObject p, a, b, c) -> Pdfdest.XYZ (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), a, b, c) | Pdfdest.Fit (Pdfdest.PageObject p) -> Pdfdest.Fit (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p)) | Pdfdest.FitH (Pdfdest.PageObject p, x) -> Pdfdest.FitH (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), x) | Pdfdest.FitV (Pdfdest.PageObject p, x) -> Pdfdest.FitV (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), x) | Pdfdest.FitR (Pdfdest.PageObject p, a, b, c, d) -> Pdfdest.FitR (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), a, b, c, d) | Pdfdest.FitB (Pdfdest.PageObject p) -> Pdfdest.Fit (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p)) | Pdfdest.FitBH (Pdfdest.PageObject p, x) -> Pdfdest.FitBH (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), x) | Pdfdest.FitBV (Pdfdest.PageObject p, x) -> Pdfdest.FitBV (Pdfdest.PageObject (Hashtbl.find t p), x) | x -> x let change_bookmark t m = {m with = try change_destination t with Not_found ->}