(** Embed a TrueType font in a PDF *) (* Embed a TrueType font for the given set of unicode codepoints in the given encoding, adding the fontfiles to the PDF and returning a list of font objects, together with a unicode codepoint --> (font number in list, charcode) table *) type t = Pdftext.font list * (int, int * int) Hashtbl.t type cpdffont = PreMadeFontPack of t | EmbedInfo of {fontfile : Pdfio.bytes; fontname : string; encoding : Pdftext.encoding} | ExistingNamedFont (** Build a fontpack for a Standard 14 font *) val fontpack_of_standardfont : Pdftext.font -> t (** Look up a unicode codepoint in a font page. Returns (charcode, fontnumber, font) *) val get_char : t -> int -> (int * int * Pdftext.font) option (** Build a fontpack from a TrueType font and list of codepoints, embedding its fonts in the document *) val embed_truetype : Pdf.t -> fontfile:Pdfio.bytes -> fontname:string -> codepoints:int list -> encoding:Pdftext.encoding -> t (** Collate outputs of [get_char] with like font *) val collate_runs : ('a * 'b * 'c) list -> ('a * 'b * 'c) list list