Version 2.4 (to come) o Optional Content Groups now preserved when merging / stamping pages o Listing, coalescing and modfying Optional Content Groups. o Vendored in tiny_json from Yoshihiro Imai via Jan Furuse o New -labels-progress option to improve page labels interface o New options -output-json et al. to export PDF files in JSON format o New option -stamp-as-xobject to add one PDF as an xobject in another o Removed dependency on Unix and Bigarray. No no dependencies at all. Version 2.3 (patchlevel 1, December 2019) o Fixed bug which prevented -info working on encrypted files o Allow -shift with -add-text for additional adjustment o Prepend and postpend directly to page content streams Version 2.3 (October 2019) o Directly set and remove Trim, Art, and Bleed boxes o Dump attachments to file o Extended bookmark format, preserving all bookmark information o New -pad-with, -pad-mutiple-before options o Set or create XMP metadata o Remove graphics clipping o Extended support for reading malformed files o Embed missing fonts by calling out to gs o Set bookmarks open to a given level o Create PDF files from scatch o Remove single images by name o Add trim marks Version 2.2 (patchlevel 1) o Fix for inability to read null objects in streams o Workaround for Adobe "Error 21" on re-saving encrypted files o More efficient bookmark operations on files with many pages o New operation -hard-box to clip contents to a given box Version 2.2 (March 2017) o Perform arithmetic on dimensions when specifying size or position o Add simple rectangles to PDF to blank things out o Stamping operations now preserve annotations o Decryption fully on-demand for speed. o -keep-l keeps existing linearization status o -remove-dict-entry to remove the contents of a dictionary entry o -topline in addition to -midline o -producer and -creator may be used to alter producer and creator in conjunction with any other operation o -topline and -midline now apply to stamps o -list-spot-colours o -bates-at-range and -bates-pad-to o -print-page-labels o -squeeze replaces smpdf o Preserve more sharing of data when doing merges and page alterations Version 2.1 (December 2014) o Encryption now much, much faster o Faster parsing of delayed object streams on large files o -decompress now leaves object streams decompressed o Select pages by landscape-ness or portrait-ness in a page range o New -open-at-page and -open-at-page-fit option to set the open action o New -recrypt option to re-encrypt output o Reads XMP metadata and outputs it on -info o New -center position for text o -stamp can now use positions, just like stamping text o Better handling of permissions for files with user passwords o Linearization excised o Can encrypt or recrypt output of -split and -split-bookmarks now o -args replaces -control with better behaviour o Can scale a stamp to fit before stamping with -scale-stamp-to-fit