# CHAPTER 2. Merging and Splitting

def mergeSimple(pdfs):
    """Given a list of PDFs, merges the documents into a new PDF, which is

def merge(pdfs, retain_numbering, remove_duplicate_fonts):
    """Merges the list of PDFs. If retain_numbering is True page labels are not
    rewritten. If remove_duplicate_fonts is True, duplicate fonts are merged.
    This is useful when the source documents for merging originate from the
    same source."""

def mergeSame(pdfs, retain_numbering, remove_duplicate_fonts, ranges):
    """The same as merge, except that it has an additional argument
    - a list of page ranges. This is used to select the pages to pick from
    each PDF. This avoids duplication of information when multiple discrete
    parts of a single source PDF are included."""

def selectPages(pdf, r):
    """ Returns a new document which just those pages in the page range."""