open Pdfutil open Cpdferror type colspec = NoCol | RGB of float * float * float | Grey of float | CYMK of float * float * float * float type drawops = | Rect of float * float * float * float | Bezier of float * float * float * float * float * float | Bezier23 of float * float * float * float | Bezier13 of float * float * float * float | To of float * float | Line of float * float | ClosePath | SetFill of colspec | SetStroke of colspec | SetLineThickness of float | SetLineCap of int | SetLineJoin of int | SetMiterLimit of float | SetDashPattern of float list * float | Matrix of Pdftransform.transform_matrix | Qq of drawops list | Fill | FillEvenOdd | Stroke | FillStroke | FillStrokeEvenOdd | Clip | ClipEvenOdd | FormXObject of float * float * float * float * string * drawops list | Use of string | ImageXObject of string * Pdf.pdfobject | Image of string | NewPage | Opacity of float | SOpacity of float | Font of Cpdfembed.cpdffont * float | TextSection of drawops list | Text of string | SpecialText of string | Newline | Leading of float | CharSpace of float | WordSpace of float | TextScale of float | RenderMode of int | Rise of float let rec string_of_drawop = function | Qq o -> "Qq (" ^ string_of_drawops o ^ ")" | FormXObject (_, _, _, _, _, o) -> "FormXObject (" ^ string_of_drawops o ^ ")" | TextSection o -> "TextSection (" ^ string_of_drawops o ^ ")" | Rect _ -> "Rect" | Bezier _ -> "Bezier" | Bezier23 _ -> "Bezier23" | Bezier13 _ -> "Bezier13" | To _ -> "To" | Line _ -> "Line" | ClosePath -> "ClosePath" | SetFill _ -> "SetFill" | SetStroke _ -> "SetStroke" | SetLineThickness _ -> "SetLineThickness" | SetLineCap _ -> "SetLineCap" | SetLineJoin _ -> "SetLineJoin" | SetMiterLimit _ -> "SetMiterLimit" | SetDashPattern _ -> "SetDashPattern" | Matrix _ -> "SetMatrix" | Fill -> "Fill" | FillEvenOdd -> "FillEvenOdd" | Stroke -> "Stroke" | FillStroke -> "FillStroke" | FillStrokeEvenOdd -> "FillStrokeEvenOdd" | Clip -> "Clip" | ClipEvenOdd -> "ClipEvenOdd" | Use _ -> "Use" | ImageXObject _ -> "ImageXObject" | Image _ -> "Image" | NewPage -> "NewPage" | Opacity _ -> "Opacity" | SOpacity _ -> "SOpacity" | Font _ -> "Font" | Text _ -> "Text" | SpecialText _ -> "SpecialText" | Newline -> "Newline" | Leading _ -> "Leading" | CharSpace _ -> "CharSpace" | WordSpace _ -> "WordSpace" | TextScale _ -> "TextScale" | RenderMode _ -> "RenderMode" | Rise _ -> "Rise" and string_of_drawops l = fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ " " ^ y) "" (map string_of_drawop l) (* Per page / xobject resources *) type res = {images : (string, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (name, (pdf name, objnum)) *) extgstates : ((string * float), string) Hashtbl.t; (* (kind, value), name *) fonts : (Pdftext.font, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (font, (objnum, pdf name)) *) form_xobjects : (string, (string * int)) Hashtbl.t; (* (name, (pdf name, objnum)) *) mutable page_names : string list; mutable time : Cpdfstrftime.t; mutable current_fontpack : Cpdfembed.t; mutable font_size : float; mutable num : int} let empty_res () = {images = null_hash (); extgstates = null_hash (); fonts = null_hash (); form_xobjects = null_hash (); page_names = []; time = Cpdfstrftime.dummy; current_fontpack = (Cpdfembed.fontpack_of_standardfont (Pdftext.StandardFont (Pdftext.TimesRoman, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding))); font_size = 12.; num = 0} let resstack = ref [empty_res ()] let res () = try hd !resstack with _ -> error "graphics stack empty" let rescopy r = {r with images = Hashtbl.copy r.images; fonts = Hashtbl.copy r.fonts; extgstates = Hashtbl.copy r.extgstates; form_xobjects = Hashtbl.copy r.form_xobjects} let respush () = resstack := (rescopy (res ()))::!resstack let respop () = let n = (res ()).num in resstack := tl !resstack; (* not necessary, since names are isolated in the xobject, but it makes manual debugging of PDF files easier if we don't re-use numbers *) (res ()).num <- max n (res ()).num let fresh_name s = (res ()).num <- (res ()).num + 1; s ^ string_of_int (res ()).num (* At end of page, we keep things for which we have indirects - but ExtGStates aren't indirect, so they go. *) let reset_state () = Hashtbl.clear (res ()).extgstates; (res ()).page_names <- [] let process_specials pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page s = let pairs = Cpdfaddtext.replace_pairs pdf endpage None filename bates batespad num page in Cpdfaddtext.process_text (res ()).time s pairs (* FIXME: implement for other kinds of font *) let runs_of_utf8 s = match (res ()).current_fontpack with | ((f::_, _) as fontpack) -> let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 s in let charcodes = option_map (Cpdfembed.get_char fontpack) codepoints in let fontname = fst (Hashtbl.find (res ()).fonts f) in [Pdfops.Op_Tf (fontname, (res ()).font_size); Pdfops.Op_Tj (implode (map (fun (c, _, _) -> char_of_int c) charcodes))] | _ -> failwith "charcodes_of_utf8: unknown font" let extgstate kind v = try Hashtbl.find (res ()).extgstates (kind, v) with Not_found -> let n = fresh_name "/G" in Hashtbl.add (res ()).extgstates (kind, v) n; n let read_resource pdf n res = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf n res with | Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> d | _ -> [] let update_resources pdf old_resources = let gss_resources = map (fun ((kind, v), n) -> (n, Pdf.Dictionary [(kind, Pdf.Real v)])) (list_of_hashtbl (res ()).extgstates) in let select_resources t = option_map (fun (_, (n, o)) -> if mem n (res ()).page_names then Some (n, Pdf.Indirect o) else None) (list_of_hashtbl t) in let update = fold_right (fun (k, v) d -> add k v d) in let new_gss = update gss_resources (read_resource pdf "/ExtGState" old_resources) in let new_xobjects = update (select_resources (res ()).form_xobjects @ select_resources (res ()).images) (read_resource pdf "/XObject" old_resources) in let new_fonts = update (select_resources (res ()).fonts) (read_resource pdf "/Font" old_resources) in let add_if_non_empty dict name newdict = if newdict = Pdf.Dictionary [] then dict else Pdf.add_dict_entry dict name newdict in add_if_non_empty (add_if_non_empty (add_if_non_empty old_resources "/XObject" (Pdf.Dictionary new_xobjects)) "/ExtGState" (Pdf.Dictionary new_gss)) "/Font" (Pdf.Dictionary new_fonts) let rec ops_of_drawop pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page = function | Qq ops -> [Pdfops.Op_q] @ ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page ops @ [Pdfops.Op_Q] | Matrix m -> [Pdfops.Op_cm m] | Rect (x, y, w, h) -> [Pdfops.Op_re (x, y, w, h)] | Bezier (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> [Pdfops.Op_c (a, b, c, d, e, f)] | Bezier23 (a, b, c, d) -> [Pdfops.Op_v (a, b, c, d)] | Bezier13 (a, b, c, d) -> [Pdfops.Op_y (a, b, c, d)] | To (x, y) -> [Pdfops.Op_m (x, y)] | Line (x, y) -> [Pdfops.Op_l (x, y)] | SetFill x -> begin match x with | RGB (r, g, b) -> [Op_rg (r, g, b)] | Grey g -> [Op_g g] | CYMK (c, y, m, k) -> [Op_k (c, y, m, k)] | NoCol -> [] end | SetStroke x -> begin match x with | RGB (r, g, b) -> [Op_RG (r, g, b)] | Grey g -> [Op_G g] | CYMK (c, y, m, k) -> [Op_K (c, y, m, k)] | NoCol -> [] end | ClosePath -> [Pdfops.Op_h] | Fill -> [Pdfops.Op_f] | FillEvenOdd -> [Pdfops.Op_f'] | Stroke -> [Pdfops.Op_S] | FillStroke -> [Pdfops.Op_B] | FillStrokeEvenOdd -> [Pdfops.Op_B'] | Clip -> [Pdfops.Op_W; Pdfops.Op_n] | ClipEvenOdd -> [Pdfops.Op_W'; Pdfops.Op_n] | SetLineThickness t -> [Pdfops.Op_w t] | SetLineCap c -> [Pdfops.Op_J c] | SetLineJoin j -> [Pdfops.Op_j j] | SetMiterLimit m -> [Pdfops.Op_M m] | SetDashPattern (x, y) -> [Pdfops.Op_d (x, y)] | FormXObject (a, b, c, d, n, ops) -> create_form_xobject a b c d pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page n ops; [] | Use n -> let pdfname = try fst (Hashtbl.find (res ()).form_xobjects n) with _ -> error ("Form XObject not found: " ^ n) in (res ()).page_names <- pdfname::(res ()).page_names; [Pdfops.Op_Do pdfname] | Image s -> let pdfname = try fst (Hashtbl.find (res ()).images s) with _ -> error ("Image not found: " ^ s) in (res ()).page_names <- pdfname::(res ()).page_names; [Pdfops.Op_Do pdfname] | ImageXObject (s, obj) -> Hashtbl.add (res ()).images s (fresh_name "/I", Pdf.addobj pdf obj); [] | NewPage -> Pdfe.log ("NewPage remaining in graphic stream"); assert false | Opacity v -> [Pdfops.Op_gs (extgstate "/ca" v)] | SOpacity v -> [Pdfops.Op_gs (extgstate "/CA" v)] | Font (cpdffont, size) -> let fontpack = match cpdffont with | PreMadeFontPack fp -> fp | EmbedInfo {fontfile; fontname; encoding} -> Cpdfembed.embed_truetype pdf ~fontfile ~fontname ~codepoints:[int_of_char 'a'] ~encoding | ExistingNamedFont -> error "-draw does not support using an exsiting named font" in let ns = map (fun font -> try fst (Hashtbl.find (res ()).fonts font) with Not_found -> let o = Pdftext.write_font pdf font in let n = fresh_name "/F" in Hashtbl.add (res ()).fonts font (n, o); n) (fst fontpack) in (res ()).current_fontpack <- fontpack; (res ()).page_names <- ns @ (res ()).page_names; (res ()).font_size <- size; [] | TextSection ops -> [Pdfops.Op_BT] @ ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page ops @ [Pdfops.Op_ET] | Text s -> runs_of_utf8 s | SpecialText s -> runs_of_utf8 (process_specials pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page s) | Leading f -> [Pdfops.Op_TL f] | CharSpace f -> [Pdfops.Op_Tc f] | WordSpace f -> [Pdfops.Op_Tw f] | TextScale f -> [Pdfops.Op_Tz f] | RenderMode i -> [Pdfops.Op_Tr i] | Rise f -> [Pdfops.Op_Ts f] | Newline -> [Pdfops.Op_T'] and ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page drawops = flatten (map (ops_of_drawop pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page) drawops) and create_form_xobject a b c d pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page n ops = respush (); reset_state (); let data = Pdfio.bytes_of_string (Pdfops.string_of_ops (ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page ops)) in let obj = Pdf.Stream {contents = (Pdf.Dictionary [("/Length", Pdf.Integer (Pdfio.bytes_size data)); ("/Subtype", Pdf.Name "/Form"); ("/Resources", update_resources pdf (Pdf.Dictionary [])); ("/BBox", Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real a; Pdf.Real b; Pdf.Real c; Pdf.Real d]) ], Pdf.Got data)} in respop (); Hashtbl.add (res ()).form_xobjects n (fresh_name "/X", (Pdf.addobj pdf obj)) let minimum_resource_number pdf range = let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in let pages_in_range = option_map2 (fun p n -> if mem n range then Some p else None) pages (indx pages) in let number_of_name s = match implode (rev (takewhile (function '0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false) (rev (explode s)))) with | "" -> None | s -> Some (int_of_string s) in let resource_names_page p = let names n = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf n p.Pdfpage.resources with | Some (Pdf.Dictionary d) -> map fst d | _ -> [] in names "/XObject" @ names "/ExtGState" @ names "/Font" in match sort (fun a b -> compare b a) (option_map number_of_name (flatten (map resource_names_page pages_in_range))) with | [] -> 0 | n::_ -> n + 1 let rec contains_specials_drawop = function | SpecialText _ -> true | Qq l | TextSection l | FormXObject (_, _, _, _, _, l) -> contains_specials l | _ -> false and contains_specials l = List.exists contains_specials_drawop l let draw_single ~fast ~underneath ~filename ~bates ~batespad fast range pdf drawops = (res ()).num <- max (res ()).num (minimum_resource_number pdf range); let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage pdf in let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in let ops = if contains_specials drawops then None else Some (ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad 0 (hd pages) drawops) in let ss = map2 (fun n p -> if mem n range then (match ops with Some x -> x | None -> ops_of_drawops pdf endpage filename bates batespad n p drawops) else []) (ilist 1 endpage) pages in let pages = map3 (fun n p ops -> if not (mem n range) then p else let page = {p with Pdfpage.resources = update_resources pdf p.Pdfpage.resources} in (if underneath then Pdfpage.prepend_operators else Pdfpage.postpend_operators) pdf ops ~fast page) (ilist 1 endpage) (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) ss in Pdfpage.change_pages true pdf pages let draw ?(fast=false) ?(underneath=false) ~filename ~bates ~batespad fast range pdf drawops = resstack := [empty_res ()]; (res ()).time <- Cpdfstrftime.current_time (); let pdf = ref pdf in let range = ref range in (* Double up a trailing NewPage so it actually does something... *) let drawops = match rev drawops with NewPage::t -> rev (NewPage::NewPage::t) | _ -> drawops in let chunks = ref (split_around (eq NewPage) drawops) in while !chunks <> [] do reset_state (); if hd !chunks <> [] then pdf := draw_single ~fast ~underneath ~filename ~bates ~batespad fast !range !pdf (hd !chunks); chunks := tl !chunks; if !chunks <> [] then begin let endpage = Pdfpage.endpage !pdf in pdf := Cpdfpad.padafter [endpage] !pdf; range := [endpage + 1] end done; !pdf