"""Pycpdflib: a python interface to cpdf.

Before using the library, you must load the libpycpdf and libcpdf DLLs. This is
achieved with the pycpdflib.loadDLL function, given the filename or full path
of the libpycpdf DLL.  On Windows, you may have to call os.add_dll_directory
first. On MacOS, you may need to give the full path, and you may need to
install libcpdf.so in a standard location /usr/local/lib/, or use the
install_name_tool command to tell libpycpdf.so where to find libcpdf.so.

A 'range' is a list of integers specifying page numbers.

Text arguments and results are in UTF8. Data is of type bytes.

Any function may raise the exception CPDFError, carrying a string describing
the error. """