(* Read and write PDF files in JSON format. Format version 3: adds UTF8 option for strings for easier editing Format version 2: adds object -1 with format data, roundtripping Format version 1: no format specifier, output only The file is an array of arrays containing an object number followed by an object, one for each object in the file and two special ones: Object -1: CPDF's own data with the PDF version number, CPDF JSON format number, and flags used when writing (which may be required when reading): o /CPDFJSONformatversion (CPDFJSON integer (see below), currently 3) o /CPDFJSONcontentparsed (boolean, true if content streams have been parsed) o /CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded (boolean, true if stream data included. Cannot round-trip if false). o /CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion (CPDFJSON integer) o /CPDFJSONminorpdfversion (CPDFJSON integer) Object 0: The PDF's trailer dictionary Objects 1..n: The PDF's objects. o PDF arrays, dictionaries, booleans, and strings are the same in JSON. o Integers are written as {"I": 0} o Floats are written as {"F": 0.0} o Names are written as {"N": "/Pages"} o Indirect references are integers o Streams are {"S": [dict, data]} o Strings are converted into JSON strings in a way which is fully reversible. In original (utf8=false) mode, the bytes of the string in PDF representation are converted into UTF8, rather than the string itself being converted. In UTF8 mode (utf8=true), instead: - If a String contains only PDFDocEncoding characters, is is converted to UTF8, and stored as {"U" : "..."} - If a String has a BOM and successfully converts to UTF8, it is converted to UTF8, and stored as {"V" : "..."} - If a String has a BOM but fails to convert, or has no BOM, it is stored in original mode, as an unmarked string. In all cases, this process is still reversible. There are two subformats: parsing content streams or not. Hello World in CPDF JSON without parsing content streams: [ [ -1, { "/CPDFJSONformatversion": { "I": 2 }, "/CPDFJSONcontentparsed": false, "/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded": true, "/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion": { "I": 1 }, "/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion": { "I": 1 } } ], [ 0, { "/Size": { "I": 4 }, "/Root": 4, "/ID": [ "èÎ25\u001e³/°q:Oʇ°u‰", "èÎ25\u001e³/°q:Oʇ°u‰" ] } ], [ 1, { "/Type": { "N": "/Pages" }, "/Kids": [ 3 ], "/Count": { "I": 1 } } ], [ 2, { "S": [ { "/Length": { "I": 49 } }, "1 0 0 1 50 770 cm BT/F0 36 Tf(Hello, World!)Tj ET" ] } ], [ 3, { "/Type": { "N": "/Page" }, "/Parent": 1, "/Resources": { "/Font": { "/F0": { "/Type": { "N": "/Font" }, "/Subtype": { "N": "/Type1" }, "/BaseFont": { "N": "/Times-Italic" } } } }, "/MediaBox": [ { "I": 0 }, { "I": 0 }, { "F": 595.2755905510001 }, { "F": 841.88976378 } ], "/Rotate": { "I": 0 }, "/Contents": [ 2 ] } ], [ 4, { "/Type": { "N": "/Catalog" }, "/Pages": 1 } ] ] Alternative object number 2 when parsing of object streams in operation: 2, { "S": [ {}, [ [ { "F": 1.0 }, { "F": 0.0 }, { "F": 0.0 }, { "F": 1.0 }, { "F": 50.0 }, { "F": 770.0 }, "cm" ], [ "BT" ], [ "/F0", { "F": 36.0 }, "Tf" ], [ "Hello, World!", "Tj" ], [ "ET" ] ] ] } ], [ When parsing content streams: o Each operation is an array o The 'operation' for inline images is "InlineImage" CPDF currently never preserves object streams, and only outputs unencrypted files. When reloading a JSON file, CPDF knows how to correct or add /Length entries in streams, so you need not worry about them. *) open Pdfutil open Cpdferror module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe module P = Pdf module O = Pdfops let opf = function | `Assoc ["F", `Float f] -> f | `Assoc ["F", `Int i] -> float_of_int i | _ -> error "num: not a float" let opi = function | `Assoc ["I", `Int i] -> i | `Assoc ["I", `Float f] -> int_of_float f | _ -> error "num: not an integer" let rec op_of_json utf8 = function | `List [`String "S"] -> O.Op_S | `List [`String "s"] -> O.Op_s | `List [`String "f"] -> O.Op_f | `List [`String "F"] -> O.Op_F | `List [`String "f*"] -> O.Op_f' | `List [`String "B"] -> O.Op_B | `List [`String "B*"] -> O.Op_B' | `List [`String "b"] -> O.Op_b | `List [`String "b*"] -> O.Op_b' | `List [`String "n"] -> O.Op_n | `List [`String "W"] -> O.Op_W | `List [`String "W*"] -> O.Op_W' | `List [`String "BT"] -> O.Op_BT | `List [`String "ET"] -> O.Op_ET | `List [`String "q"] -> O.Op_q | `List [`String "Q"] -> O.Op_Q | `List [`String "h"] -> O.Op_h | `List [`String "T*"] -> O.Op_T' | `List [`String "EMC"] -> O.Op_EMC | `List [`String "BX"] -> O.Op_BX | `List [`String "EX"] -> O.Op_EX | `List [a; b; c; d; `String "re"] -> O.Op_re (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d) | `List [a; b; c; d; `String "k"] -> O.Op_k (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d) | `List [a; b; `String "m"] -> O.Op_m (opf a, opf b) | `List [a; b; `String "l"] -> O.Op_l (opf a, opf b) | `List [`String s; obj; `String "BDC"] -> O.Op_BDC (s, object_of_json ~utf8 obj) | `List [`String s; `String "gs"] -> O.Op_gs s | `List [`String s; `String "Do"] -> O.Op_Do s | `List [`String s; `String "CS"] -> O.Op_CS s | `List [i; `String "j"] -> O.Op_j (opi i) | `List [a; b; c; d; e; f; `String "cm"] -> O.Op_cm {Pdftransform.a = opf a; Pdftransform.b = opf b; Pdftransform.c = opf c; Pdftransform.d = opf d; Pdftransform.e = opf e; Pdftransform.f = opf f} | `List [`List fls; y; `String "d"] -> O.Op_d (map opf fls, opf y) | `List [a; `String "w"] -> O.Op_w (opf a) | `List [a; `String "J"] -> O.Op_J (opi a) | `List [a; `String "M"] -> O.Op_M (opf a) | `List [`String s; `String "ri"] -> O.Op_ri s | `List [a; `String "i"] -> O.Op_i (opi a) | `List [a; b; c; d; e; f; `String "c"] -> O.Op_c (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d, opf e, opf f) | `List [a; b; c; d; `String "v"] -> O.Op_v (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d) | `List [a; b; c; d; `String "y"] -> O.Op_y (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d) | `List [a; `String "Tc"] -> O.Op_Tc (opf a) | `List [a; `String "Tw"] -> O.Op_Tw (opf a) | `List [a; `String "Tz"] -> O.Op_Tz (opf a) | `List [a; `String "TL"] -> O.Op_TL (opf a) | `List [`String k; n; `String "Tf"] -> O.Op_Tf (k, opf n) | `List [a; `String "Tr"] -> O.Op_Tr (opi a) | `List [a; `String "Ts"] -> O.Op_Ts (opf a) | `List [a; b; `String "Td"] -> O.Op_Td (opf a, opf b) | `List [a; b; `String "TD"] -> O.Op_TD (opf a, opf b) | `List [a; b; c; d; e; f; `String "Tm"] -> O.Op_Tm {Pdftransform.a = opf a; Pdftransform.b = opf b; Pdftransform.c = opf c; Pdftransform.d = opf d; Pdftransform.e = opf e; Pdftransform.f = opf f} | `List [`String s; `String "Tj"] -> Op_Tj s | `List [obj; `String "TJ"] -> Op_TJ (object_of_json ~utf8 obj) | `List [`String s; `String "'"] -> Op_' s | `List [a; b; `String s; `String "''"] -> Op_'' (opf a, opf b, s) | `List [a; b; `String "d0"] -> Op_d0 (opf a, opf b) | `List [a; b; c; d; e; f; `String "d1"] -> Op_d1 (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d, opf e, opf f) | `List [`String s; `String "cs"] -> Op_cs s | `List [a; `String "G"] -> Op_G (opf a); | `List [a; `String "g"] -> Op_g (opf a); | `List [a; b; c; `String "RG"] -> Op_RG (opf a, opf b, opf c); | `List [a; b; c; `String "rg"] -> Op_rg (opf a, opf b, opf c); | `List [a; b; c; d; `String "K"] -> Op_K (opf a, opf b, opf c, opf d); | `List [`String s; `String "sh"] -> Op_sh s; | `List [`String s; `String "MP"] -> Op_MP s; | `List [`String s; `String "BMC"] -> Op_BMC s; | `List [`String s; `String "Unknown"] -> O.Op_Unknown s | `List [`String s; obj; `String "DP"] -> O.Op_DP (s, object_of_json ~utf8 obj) | `List [a; `String b; `String "InlineImage"] -> O.InlineImage (object_of_json ~utf8 a, Pdfio.bytes_of_string b) | `List torev -> begin match rev torev with | `String "SCN"::ns -> O.Op_SCN (map opf (rev ns)) | `String "SC"::ns -> O.Op_SC (map opf (rev ns)) | `String "sc"::ns -> O.Op_sc (map opf (rev ns)) | `String "scn"::ns -> O.Op_scn (map opf (rev ns)) | `String "SCNName"::`String s::ns -> O.Op_SCNName (s, map opf (rev ns)) | `String "scnName"::`String s::ns -> O.Op_scnName (s, map opf (rev ns)) | j -> Printf.eprintf "Unable to read reversed op from %s\n" (J.show (`List j)); error "op reading failed" end | j -> Printf.eprintf "Unable to read op from %s\n" (J.show j); error "op reading failed" and object_of_json ~utf8 = function | `Null -> P.Null | `Bool b -> P.Boolean b | `Int n -> Pdf.Indirect n | `String s -> if utf8 then P.String (Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 s) else P.String s | `List objs -> P.Array (map (object_of_json ~utf8) objs) | `Assoc ["I", `Int i] -> P.Integer i | `Assoc ["F", `Float f] -> P.Real f | `Assoc ["N", `String n] -> P.Name n | `Assoc ["S", `List [dict; `String data]] -> let d' = P.add_dict_entry (object_of_json ~utf8 dict) "/Length" (P.Integer (String.length data)) in P.Stream (ref (d', P.Got (Pdfio.bytes_of_string data))) | `Assoc ["S", `List [dict; `List parsed_ops]] -> begin match Pdfops.stream_of_ops (List.map (op_of_json utf8) parsed_ops) with | P.Stream {contents = (_, Pdf.Got data)} -> let d' = P.add_dict_entry (object_of_json ~utf8 dict) "/Length" (P.Integer (Pdfio.bytes_size data)) in P.Stream (ref (d', Pdf.Got data)) | _ -> assert false end | `Assoc elts -> P.Dictionary (map (fun (n, o) -> (n, object_of_json ~utf8 o)) elts) | _ -> error "not recognised in object_of_json" let pdf_of_json json = let objs = match json with `List objs -> objs | _ -> error "bad json top level" in let params = ref Pdf.Null in let utf8 = ref false in let read_utf8 () = match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONisUTF8" !params with Some (Pdf.Boolean b) -> utf8 := b | _ -> () in let trailerdict = ref Pdf.Null in let objects = option_map (function | `List [`Int objnum; o] -> begin match objnum with | -1 -> params := object_of_json ~utf8:false o; read_utf8 (); None | 0 -> trailerdict := object_of_json ~utf8:false o; None (* utf8 false since /IDs are not PdfDocencoding, so don't get transformed *) | n when n < 0 -> None | n -> Some (n, object_of_json ~utf8:!utf8 o) end | _ -> error "json bad obj") objs in begin match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded" !params with | Some (Pdf.Boolean false) -> error "no stream data; cannot reconstruct PDF" | _ -> () end; let major = match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion" !params with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> error "bad major version" in let minor = match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion" !params with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> error "bad minor version" in let root = match !trailerdict with Pdf.Dictionary d -> begin match lookup "/Root" d with Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> i | _ -> error "bad root" end | _ -> error "bad root 2" in let objmap = P.pdfobjmap_empty () in List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add objmap k (ref (P.Parsed v), 0)) objects; let objects = {P.maxobjnum = 0; P.parse = None; P.pdfobjects = objmap; P.object_stream_ids = Hashtbl.create 0} in {P.major; P.minor; P.root; P.objects; P.trailerdict = !trailerdict; P.was_linearized = false; P.saved_encryption = None} let mkfloat f = `Assoc [("F", `Float f)] let mkint i = `Assoc [("I", `Int i)] let mkname n = `Assoc [("N", `String n)] (* A reversible encoding which marks strings which have been converted to UTF8 ("V" = was a bom, "U" = no bom). If a string can't be converted, it is preserved unmarked. *) let json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 s = if Pdftext.is_unicode s then begin try `Assoc [("V", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring s))] with _ -> `String s end else begin try `Assoc [("U", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring s))] with _ -> `String s end let rec json_of_object ~utf8 ?(clean_strings=false) pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content = function | P.Null -> `Null | P.Boolean b -> `Bool b | P.Integer i -> mkint i | P.Real r -> mkfloat r | P.String s -> if clean_strings then `String (Pdftext.simplify_utf16be s) else if utf8 then json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 s else `String s | P.Name n -> mkname n | P.Array objs -> `List (map (json_of_object ~utf8 pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content) objs) | P.Dictionary elts -> iter (function ("/Contents", P.Indirect i) -> begin match Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i with | Pdf.Array is -> iter (function Pdf.Indirect i -> fcs i | _ -> ()) is | _ -> fcs i end | ("/Contents", P.Array elts) -> iter (function P.Indirect i -> fcs i | _ -> ()) elts | _ -> ()) elts; `Assoc (map (fun (k, v) -> (k, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content v)) elts) | P.Stream ({contents = (P.Dictionary dict as d, stream)} as mut) as thestream -> P.getstream thestream; let str, dict' = match P.lookup_direct pdf "/FunctionType" d, parse_content with | Some _, true -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf thestream; let dict = P.remove_dict_entry d "/Filter" in begin match !mut with (_, P.Got b) -> (Pdfio.string_of_bytes b, dict) | _ -> error "/FunctionType: failure: decomp" end | _ -> if no_stream_data then ("<>", d) else match !mut with (_, P.Got b) -> (Pdfio.string_of_bytes b, d) | _ -> error "failure: toget" in (* We don't want to allow UTF8 processing of the stream here, so generate JSON without recursion. *) let dictjson = json_of_object ~utf8 pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content dict' in `Assoc [("S", `List [dictjson; `String str])] | P.Stream _ -> error "error: stream with not-a-dictionary" | P.Indirect i -> begin match P.lookup_obj pdf i with | P.Stream {contents = (P.Dictionary dict as d, _)} -> begin match P.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" d with | Some (P.Name "/Form") -> fcs i | _ -> begin match P.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" d with | Some (P.Name "/Pattern") -> fcs i | _ -> () end end | _ -> () end; `Int i let json_of_op utf8 pdf no_stream_data = function | O.Op_S -> `List [`String "S"] | O.Op_s -> `List [`String "s"] | O.Op_f -> `List [`String "f"] | O.Op_F -> `List [`String "F"] | O.Op_f' ->`List [`String "f*"] | O.Op_B -> `List [`String "B"] | O.Op_B' -> `List [`String "B*"] | O.Op_b -> `List [`String "b"] | O.Op_b' -> `List [`String "b*"] | O.Op_n -> `List [`String "n"] | O.Op_W -> `List [`String "W"] | O.Op_W' -> `List [`String "W*"] | O.Op_BT -> `List [`String "BT"] | O.Op_ET -> `List [`String "ET"] | O.Op_q -> `List [`String "q"] | O.Op_Q -> `List [`String "Q"] | O.Op_h -> `List [`String "h"] | O.Op_T' -> `List [`String "T*"] | O.Op_EMC -> `List [`String "EMC"] | O.Op_BX -> `List [`String "BX"] | O.Op_EX -> `List [`String "EX"] | O.Op_re (a, b, c, d) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; mkfloat c; mkfloat d; `String "re"] | O.Op_k (c, m, y, k) -> `List [mkfloat c; mkfloat m; mkfloat y; mkfloat k; `String "k"] | O.Op_m (a, b) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; `String "m"] | O.Op_l (a, b) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; `String "l"] | O.Op_BDC (s, obj) -> `List [`String s; json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false obj; `String "BDC"] | O.Op_gs s -> `List [`String s; `String "gs"] | O.Op_Do s -> `List [`String s; `String "Do"] | O.Op_CS s -> `List [`String s; `String "CS"] | O.Op_SCN fs -> `List ((map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs) @ [`String "SCN"]) | O.Op_j j -> `List [mkint j; `String "j"] | O.Op_cm t -> `List [mkfloat t.Pdftransform.a; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.b; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.c; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.d; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.e; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.f; `String "cm"] | O.Op_d (fl, y) -> `List [`List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fl); mkfloat y; `String "d"] | O.Op_w w -> `List [mkfloat w; `String "w"] | O.Op_J j -> `List [mkint j; `String "J"] | O.Op_M m -> `List [mkfloat m; `String "M"] | O.Op_ri s -> `List [`String s; `String "ri"] | O.Op_i i -> `List [mkint i; `String "i"] | O.Op_c (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; mkfloat c; mkfloat d; mkfloat e; mkfloat f; `String "c"] | O.Op_v (a, b, c, d) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; mkfloat c; mkfloat d; `String "v"] | O.Op_y (a, b, c, d) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; mkfloat c; mkfloat d; `String "y"] | O.Op_Tc c -> `List [mkfloat c; `String "Tc"] | O.Op_Tw w -> `List [mkfloat w; `String "Tw"] | O.Op_Tz z -> `List [mkfloat z; `String "Tz"] | O.Op_TL l -> `List [mkfloat l; `String "TL"] | O.Op_Tf (k, s) -> `List [`String k; mkfloat s; `String "Tf"] | O.Op_Tr i -> `List [mkint i; `String "Tr"] | O.Op_Ts k -> `List [mkfloat k; `String "Ts"] | O.Op_Td (k, k') -> `List [mkfloat k; mkfloat k'; `String "Td"] | O.Op_TD (k, k') -> `List [mkfloat k; mkfloat k'; `String "TD"] | O.Op_Tm t -> `List [mkfloat t.Pdftransform.a; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.b; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.c; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.d; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.e; mkfloat t.Pdftransform.f; `String "Tm"] | O.Op_Tj s -> `List [`String s; `String "Tj"] | O.Op_TJ pdfobject -> `List [json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false pdfobject; `String "TJ"] | O.Op_' s -> `List [`String s; `String "'"] | O.Op_'' (k, k', s) -> `List [mkfloat k; mkfloat k'; `String s; `String "''"] | O.Op_d0 (k, k') -> `List [mkfloat k; mkfloat k'; `String "d0"] | O.Op_d1 (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> `List [mkfloat a; mkfloat b; mkfloat c; mkfloat d; mkfloat e; mkfloat f; `String "d1"] | O.Op_cs s -> `List [`String s; `String "cs"] | O.Op_SC fs -> `List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs @ [`String "SC"]) | O.Op_sc fs -> `List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs @ [`String "sc"]) | O.Op_scn fs -> `List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs @ [`String "scn"]) | O.Op_G k -> `List [mkfloat k; `String "G"] | O.Op_g k -> `List [mkfloat k; `String "g"] | O.Op_RG (r, g, b) -> `List [mkfloat r; mkfloat g; mkfloat b; `String "RG"] | O.Op_rg (r, g, b) -> `List [mkfloat r; mkfloat g; mkfloat b; `String "rg"] | O.Op_K (c, m, y, k) -> `List [mkfloat c; mkfloat m; mkfloat y; mkfloat k; `String "K"] | O.Op_sh s -> `List [`String s; `String "sh"] | O.Op_MP s -> `List [`String s; `String "MP"] | O.Op_BMC s -> `List [`String s; `String "BMC"] | O.Op_Unknown s -> `List [`String s; `String "Unknown"] | O.Op_SCNName (s, fs) -> `List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs @ [`String s; `String "SCNName"]) | O.Op_scnName (s, fs) -> `List (map (fun x -> mkfloat x) fs @ [`String s; `String "scnName"]) | O.InlineImage (dict, data) -> `List [json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false dict; `String (Pdfio.string_of_bytes data); `String "InlineImage"] | O.Op_DP (s, obj) -> `List [`String s; json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun _ -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false obj; `String "DP"] (* parse_stream needs pdf and resources. These are for lexing of inline images, * looking up the colourspace. *) let parse_content_stream utf8 pdf resources bs = let ops = O.parse_stream pdf resources [bs] in `List (map (json_of_op utf8 pdf false) ops) (* Make sure each page only has one page content stream. Otherwise, if not split on op boundaries, each one would fail to parse on its own. *) let precombine_page_content pdf = let pages' = map (fun page -> match page.Pdfpage.content with [] | [_] -> page | _ -> let operators = Pdfops.parse_operators pdf page.Pdfpage.resources page.Pdfpage.content in {page with Pdfpage.content = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops operators]} ) (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in Pdfpage.change_pages true pdf pages' (* Convert any strings in UTF16BE which could actually be in PDFDocEncoding (due to having no high bytes) to make editing JSON easier. *) let rec ppstring_single_object pdf = function | Pdf.Dictionary d -> Pdf.recurse_dict (ppstring_single_object pdf) d | (Pdf.Stream {contents = (Pdf.Dictionary dict, data)}) -> Pdf.Stream {contents = (Pdf.recurse_dict (ppstring_single_object pdf) dict, data)} | Pdf.Array a -> Pdf.recurse_array (ppstring_single_object pdf) a | Pdf.String s -> Pdf.String (Pdftext.simplify_utf16be s) | x -> x (* Do all objects, but skip the trailer dictionary since may mess up /ID if it happens to begin with UTF16BE BOM *) let preprocess_strings pdf = Pdf.objselfmap (ppstring_single_object pdf) pdf let json_of_pdf ~utf8 ~parse_content ~no_stream_data ~decompress_streams ~clean_strings pdf = if clean_strings then preprocess_strings pdf; let pdf = if parse_content then precombine_page_content pdf else pdf in if decompress_streams then Pdf.objiter (fun _ obj -> match obj with Pdf.Stream _ -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf obj | _ -> ()) pdf; Pdf.remove_unreferenced pdf; let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun x -> ()) ~no_stream_data ~parse_content:false pdf.P.trailerdict) in let parameters = (-1, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf (fun x -> ()) ~no_stream_data:false ~parse_content:false (Pdf.Dictionary [("/CPDFJSONformatversion", Pdf.Integer 3); ("/CPDFJSONcontentparsed", Pdf.Boolean parse_content); ("/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded", Pdf.Boolean (not no_stream_data)); ("/CPDFJSONisUTF8", Pdf.Boolean utf8); ("/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.major); ("/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.minor); ])) in let content_streams = ref [] in let fcs n = content_streams := n::!content_streams; if parse_content then Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf (P.lookup_obj pdf n) in let pairs = let ps = ref [] in P.objiter (fun i pdfobj -> ps := (i, json_of_object ~utf8 pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content pdfobj)::!ps) pdf; parameters::trailerdict::sort compare !ps in let pairs_parsed = if not parse_content then pairs else map (fun (objnum, obj) -> if mem objnum !content_streams then begin match obj with | `Assoc ["S", `List [dict; `String _]] -> let streamdata = match P.lookup_obj pdf objnum with | P.Stream {contents = (_, P.Got b)} -> b | _ -> error "JSON: stream not decoded" in let dict = match dict with | `Assoc d -> `Assoc (option_map (function (("/Filter" | "/Length"), _) -> None | (a, b) -> Some (a, b)) d) | _ -> assert false in (objnum, `Assoc ["S", `List [dict; parse_content_stream utf8 pdf (P.Dictionary []) streamdata]]) | _ -> error "json_of_pdf: stream parsing inconsistency" end else (objnum, obj)) pairs in `List (map (fun (objnum, jsonobj) -> `List [`Int objnum; jsonobj]) pairs_parsed) let to_output o ~utf8 ~parse_content ~no_stream_data ~decompress_streams ?(clean_strings=false) pdf = let json = json_of_pdf ~utf8 ~parse_content ~no_stream_data ~decompress_streams ~clean_strings pdf in match o.Pdfio.out_caml_channel with | Some ch -> J.pretty_to_channel ch json | None -> o.Pdfio.output_string (J.pretty_to_string json) let of_input i = try match i.Pdfio.caml_channel with | Some ch -> pdf_of_json (J.from_channel ch) | None -> let content = Pdfio.string_of_bytes (Pdfio.bytes_of_input i 0 i.Pdfio.in_channel_length) in pdf_of_json (J.from_string content) with e -> error (Printexc.to_string e)