(*FIXME failwiths -> Pdf.PDFError or similar *) (*FIXME flprintfs to eprintf *) open Pdfutil module J = Tjjson module P = Pdf module O = Pdfops let sof = Printf.sprintf "%f" (* To prevent "0." *) let soi = string_of_int let string_of_float _ = failwith "use sof" let string_of_int _ = failwith "use soi" let rec object_of_json = function | J.Null -> P.Null | J.Bool b -> P.Boolean b | J.Number n -> Pdf.Indirect (int_of_string n) | J.String s -> P.String s | J.Array objs -> P.Array (map object_of_json objs) | J.Object ["I", J.Number i] -> P.Integer (int_of_string i) | J.Object ["F", J.Number f] -> P.Real (float_of_string f) | J.Object ["N", J.String n] -> P.Name n | J.Object ["S", J.Array [dict; J.String data]] -> P.Stream (ref (object_of_json dict, P.Got (Pdfio.bytes_of_string data))) | J.Object elts -> P.Dictionary (map (fun (n, o) -> (n, object_of_json o)) elts) let rec json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data = function | P.Null -> J.Null | P.Boolean b -> J.Bool b | P.Integer i -> J.Object [("I", J.Number (soi i))] | P.Real r -> J.Object [("F", J.Number (sof r))] | P.String s -> J.String s | P.Name n -> J.Object [("N", J.String n)] | P.Array objs -> J.Array (map (json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data) objs) | P.Dictionary elts -> iter (function ("/Contents", P.Indirect i) -> begin match Pdf.lookup_obj pdf i with | Pdf.Array is -> iter (function Pdf.Indirect i -> fcs i | _ -> ()) is | _ -> fcs i end | ("/Contents", P.Array elts) -> iter (function P.Indirect i -> fcs i | _ -> ()) elts | _ -> ()) elts; J.Object (map (fun (k, v) -> (k, json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data v)) elts) | P.Stream ({contents = (P.Dictionary dict as d, stream)} as mut) as thestream -> P.getstream thestream; let str = begin match P.lookup_direct pdf "/FunctionType" d with | Some _ -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf thestream; begin match !mut with (_, P.Got b) -> Pdfio.string_of_bytes b | _ -> "failure: decomp" end | None -> if no_stream_data then "<>" else match stream with P.Got b -> Pdfio.string_of_bytes b | P.ToGet _ -> "failure: toget" end in json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data (P.Dictionary [("S", P.Array [P.Dictionary dict; P.String str])]) | P.Stream _ -> J.String "error: stream with not-a-dictionary" | P.Indirect i -> begin match P.lookup_obj pdf i with | P.Stream {contents = (P.Dictionary dict as d, _)} -> begin match P.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" d with | Some (P.Name "/Form") -> fcs i | _ -> () end | _ -> () end; J.Number (soi i) let json_of_op pdf no_stream_data = function | O.Op_S -> J.Array [J.String "S"] | O.Op_s -> J.Array [J.String "s"] | O.Op_f -> J.Array [J.String "f"] | O.Op_F -> J.Array [J.String "F"] | O.Op_f' ->J.Array [J.String "f*"] | O.Op_B -> J.Array [J.String "B"] | O.Op_B' -> J.Array [J.String "B*"] | O.Op_b -> J.Array [J.String "b"] | O.Op_b' -> J.Array [J.String "b*"] | O.Op_n -> J.Array [J.String "n"] | O.Op_W -> J.Array [J.String "W"] | O.Op_W' -> J.Array [J.String "W*"] | O.Op_BT -> J.Array [J.String "BT"] | O.Op_ET -> J.Array [J.String "ET"] | O.Op_q -> J.Array [J.String "q"] | O.Op_Q -> J.Array [J.String "Q"] | O.Op_h -> J.Array [J.String "h"] | O.Op_T' -> J.Array [J.String "T*"] | O.Op_EMC -> J.Array [J.String "EMC"] | O.Op_BX -> J.Array [J.String "BX"] | O.Op_EX -> J.Array [J.String "EX"] | O.Op_re (a, b, c, d) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof d); J.String "re"] | O.Op_k (c, m, y, k) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof m); J.Number (sof y); J.Number (sof k); J.String "k"] | O.Op_m (a, b) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.String "m"] | O.Op_l (a, b) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.String "l"] | O.Op_BDC (s, obj) -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf obj); J.String "BDC"] | O.Op_gs s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "gs"] | O.Op_Do s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "Do"] | O.Op_CS s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "CS"] | O.Op_SCN fs -> J.Array ((map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs) @ [J.String "SCN"]) | O.Op_j j -> J.Array [J.Number (soi j); J.String "j"] | O.Op_cm t -> J.Array [J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.a); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.b); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.c); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.d); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.e); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.f); J.String "cm"] | O.Op_d (fl, y) -> J.Array [J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fl); J.Number (sof y); J.String "d"] | O.Op_w w -> J.Array [J.Number (sof w); J.String "w"] | O.Op_J j -> J.Array [J.Number (soi j); J.String "J"] | O.Op_M m -> J.Array [J.Number (sof m); J.String "M"] | O.Op_ri s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "ri"] | O.Op_i i -> J.Array [J.Number (soi i); J.String "i"] | O.Op_c (a, b, c, d, e, k) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof d); J.Number (sof e); J.Number (sof k); J.String "c"] | O.Op_v (a, b, c, d) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof d); J.String "v"] | O.Op_y (a, b, c, d) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof d); J.String "y"] | O.Op_Tc c -> J.Array [J.Number (sof c); J.String "Tc"] | O.Op_Tw w -> J.Array [J.Number (sof w); J.String "Tw"] | O.Op_Tz z -> J.Array [J.Number (sof z); J.String "Tz"] | O.Op_TL l -> J.Array [J.Number (sof l); J.String "TL"] | O.Op_Tf (k, s) -> J.Array [J.String k; J.Number (sof s); J.String "Tf"] | O.Op_Tr i -> J.Array [J.Number (soi i); J.String "Tr"] | O.Op_Ts k -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.String "Ts"] | O.Op_Td (k, k') -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.Number (sof k'); J.String "Td"] | O.Op_TD (k, k') -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.Number (sof k'); J.String "TD"] | O.Op_Tm t -> J.Array [J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.a); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.b); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.c); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.d); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.e); J.Number (sof t.Pdftransform.f); J.String "Tm"] | O.Op_Tj s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "Tj"] | O.Op_TJ pdfobject -> J.Array [json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) no_stream_data pdfobject; J.String "TJ"] | O.Op_' s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "'"] | O.Op_'' (k, k', s) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.Number (sof k'); J.String s; J.String "''"] | O.Op_d0 (k, k') -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.Number (sof k'); J.String "d0"] | O.Op_d1 (a, b, c, d, e, k) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof a); J.Number (sof b); J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof d); J.Number (sof e); J.Number (sof k); J.String "d1"] | O.Op_cs s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "cs"] | O.Op_SC fs -> J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs @ [J.String "SC"]) | O.Op_sc fs -> J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs @ [J.String "sc"]) | O.Op_scn fs -> J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs @ [J.String "scn"]) | O.Op_G k -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.String "G"] | O.Op_g k -> J.Array [J.Number (sof k); J.String "g"] | O.Op_RG (r, g, b) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof r); J.Number (sof g); J.Number (sof b); J.String "RG"] | O.Op_rg (r, g, b) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof r); J.Number (sof g); J.Number (sof b); J.String "rg"] | O.Op_K (c, m, y, k) -> J.Array [J.Number (sof c); J.Number (sof m); J.Number (sof y); J.Number (sof k); J.String "K"] | O.Op_sh s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "sh"] | O.Op_MP s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "MP"] | O.Op_BMC s -> J.Array [J.String s; J.String "BMC"] | O.Op_Unknown _ -> J.Array [J.String "Unknown"] | O.Op_SCNName (s, fs) -> J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs @ [J.String s; J.String "SCNName"]) | O.Op_scnName (s, fs) -> J.Array (map (fun x -> J.Number (sof x)) fs @ [J.String s; J.String "scnName"]) | O.InlineImage (dict, data) -> J.Array [json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) no_stream_data dict; J.String (Pdfio.string_of_bytes data)] | O.Op_DP (s, obj) -> J.Array [J.String s; json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) no_stream_data obj; J.String "DP"] (* parse_stream needs pdf and resources. These are for lexing of inline images, * looking up the colourspace. We do not need to worry about inherited * resources, though? For now, don't worry about inherited resources: check in * PDF standard. *) let parse_content_stream pdf resources bs = let ops = O.parse_stream pdf resources [bs] in J.Array (map (json_of_op pdf false) ops) (* We need to make sure each page only has one page content stream. Otherwise, if not split on op boundaries, each one would fail to parse on its own. *) (* Future improvement. Don't blow up shared content streams. *) let precombine_page_content pdf = let pages' = map (fun page -> match page.Pdfpage.content with [] | [_] -> page | _ -> let operators = Pdfops.parse_operators pdf page.Pdfpage.resources page.Pdfpage.content in {page with Pdfpage.content = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops operators]} ) (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf) in Pdfpage.change_pages true pdf pages' let json_of_pdf parse_content no_stream_data pdf = let pdf = if parse_content then precombine_page_content pdf else pdf in Pdf.remove_unreferenced pdf; let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object pdf (fun x -> ()) no_stream_data pdf.P.trailerdict) in let parameters = (-1, json_of_object pdf (fun x -> ()) false (Pdf.Dictionary [("/CPDFJSONformatversion", Pdf.Integer 2); ("/CPDFJSONcontentparsed", Pdf.Boolean parse_content); ("/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded", Pdf.Boolean (not no_stream_data)); ("/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.major); ("/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion", Pdf.Integer pdf.Pdf.minor); ])) in let content_streams = ref [] in let fcs n = content_streams := n::!content_streams in let pairs = let ps = ref [] in P.objiter (fun i pdfobj -> ps := (i, json_of_object pdf fcs no_stream_data pdfobj)::!ps) pdf; parameters::trailerdict::!ps in if parse_content then iter (fun n -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf (P.lookup_obj pdf n)) !content_streams; let pairs_parsed = if not parse_content then pairs else map (fun (objnum, obj) -> if mem objnum !content_streams then begin match obj with | J.Object ["S", J.Array [dict; J.String _]] -> (* FIXME Proper resources here for reasons explained above? *) let streamdata = match P.lookup_obj pdf objnum with | P.Stream {contents = (_, P.Got b)} -> b | _ -> failwith "JSON: stream not decoded" in (objnum, J.Object ["S", J.Array [dict; parse_content_stream pdf (P.Dictionary []) streamdata]]) | _ -> failwith "json_of_pdf: stream parsing inconsistency" end else (objnum, obj)) pairs in J.Array (map (fun (objnum, jsonobj) -> J.Array [J.Number (soi objnum); jsonobj]) pairs_parsed) let pdf_of_json json = (*flprint (J.show json); flprint "\n";*) let objs = match json with J.Array objs -> objs | _ -> failwith "bad json top level" in let params = ref Pdf.Null in let trailerdict = ref Pdf.Null in let objects = option_map (function | J.Array [J.Number n; o] -> let objnum = int_of_string n in begin match objnum with | -1 -> params := object_of_json o; None | 0 -> trailerdict := object_of_json o; None | n when n < 0 -> None | n -> Some (n, object_of_json o) end | _ -> failwith "json bad obj") objs in (*List. iter (fun (i, o) -> flprint (soi i); flprint "\n"; flprint (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf o); flprint "\n") objects;*) begin match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONstreamdataincluded" !params with | Some (Pdf.Boolean false) -> failwith "no stream data; cannot reconstruct PDF" | _ -> () end; let major = match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONmajorpdfversion" !params with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad major version" in let minor = match Pdf.lookup_direct (Pdf.empty ()) "/CPDFJSONminorpdfversion" !params with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad minor version" in (*flprint (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf !trailerdict);*) let root = match !trailerdict with Pdf.Dictionary d -> begin match lookup "/Root" d with Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> i | _ -> failwith "bad root" end | _ -> failwith "bad root 2" in let objmap = P.pdfobjmap_empty () in List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.add objmap k (ref (P.Parsed v), 0)) objects; let objects = {P.maxobjnum = 0; P.parse = None; P.pdfobjects = objmap; P.object_stream_ids = Hashtbl.create 0} in {P.major; P.minor; P.root; P.objects; P.trailerdict = !trailerdict; P.was_linearized = false; P.saved_encryption = None} (* FIXME Proper streaming to output / from input, rather than making a big string first. *) let to_output o parse_content no_stream_data pdf = let b = Buffer.create 256 in let formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in J.format formatter (json_of_pdf parse_content no_stream_data pdf); Format.pp_print_flush formatter (); o.Pdfio.output_string (Buffer.contents b) let of_input i = pdf_of_json (J.parse (Pdfio.string_of_bytes (Pdfio.bytes_of_input i 0 (i.Pdfio.in_channel_length))))