(* compressor <infile> <outfile> [<compress>] substitutes data files specified by __DATA:<filename>\n into the <infile> template, writing to <outfile>. The data is printed in way which meets OCaml's syntax. It is compressed by zlib. *) open Pdfutil let contents_of_file filename = let ch = open_in_bin filename in let s = really_input_string ch (in_channel_length ch) in close_in ch; s let contents_to_file filename contents = let ch = open_out_bin filename in output_string ch contents; close_out ch let rec process a = function | '_'::'_'::'D'::'A'::'T'::'A'::':'::more -> let filename, rest = cleavewhile (neq '\n') more in let data = all_but_last (explode (contents_of_file (implode filename))) in let compressed = Pdfio.string_of_bytes (Pdfcodec.encode_flate (Pdfio.bytes_of_string (implode data))) in let ocaml = explode (Printf.sprintf "%S" compressed) in process (rev ocaml @ a) rest | h::t -> process (h::a) t | [] -> rev a let go infile outfile compress = let indata = explode (contents_of_file infile) in let processed = process [] indata in contents_to_file outfile (implode processed) let () = match Sys.argv with | [|_; infile; outfile|] -> go infile outfile false | [|_; infile; outfile; "compress"|] -> go infile outfile true | _ -> Printf.eprintf "compressor: unknown command line\n"