module J = Tjjson module P = Pdf let rec json_of_object fcs = function | P.Null -> J.String "null" | P.Boolean b -> J.Bool b | P.Integer i -> J.Number (string_of_int i) | P.Real r -> J.Number (string_of_float r) | P.String s -> J.String s | P.Name n -> J.String n | P.Array objs -> J.Array ( (json_of_object fcs) objs) | P.Dictionary elts -> (* Detect contents stream object numbers for second pass *) List.iter (function ("/Contents", P.Indirect i) -> fcs i | _ -> ()) elts; J.Object ( (fun (k, v) -> (k, json_of_object fcs v)) elts) | P.Stream {contents = (Pdf.Dictionary dict, stream)} as thestream -> Pdf.getstream thestream; let str = match stream with Got b -> Pdfio.string_of_bytes b | ToGet _ -> "failure: toget" in json_of_object fcs (P.Array [P.Dictionary dict; P.String str]) | P.Stream _ -> J.String "error: stream with not-a-dictioary" | P.Indirect i -> J.Number (string_of_int i) let parse_content_stream str = J.String ("PARSED: str") let json_of_pdf parse_content pdf = let trailerdict = (0, json_of_object (fun x -> ()) pdf.Pdf.trailerdict) in let content_streams = ref [] in let pairs = let ps = ref [] in Pdf.objiter (fun i pdfobj -> ps := (i, json_of_object (fun n -> content_streams := n::!content_streams) pdfobj)::!ps) pdf; trailerdict::!ps in let pairs_parsed = if not parse_content then pairs else (fun (objnum, obj) -> if Pdfutil.mem objnum !content_streams then begin match obj with | J.Array [dict; J.String streamdata] -> (objnum, J.Array [dict; parse_content_stream streamdata]) | _ -> failwith "json_of_pdf: stream parsing inconsistency" end else (objnum, obj)) pairs in J.Array ( (fun (objnum, jsonobj) -> J.Array [J.String (string_of_int objnum); jsonobj]) pairs_parsed) let write fh parse_content pdf = let b = Buffer.create 256 in let formatter = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in Tjjson.format formatter (json_of_pdf parse_content pdf); Format.pp_print_flush formatter (); output_string fh (Buffer.contents b)