(* C-Style strftime *) open Pdfutil type t = {_tm_sec : int; _tm_min : int; _tm_hour : int; _tm_mday : int; _tm_mon : int; _tm_year : int; _tm_wday : int; _tm_yday : int; _tm_isdst : bool} let strf_A t = match t._tm_wday with | 0 -> "Sunday" | 1 -> "Monday" | 2 -> "Tuesday" | 3 -> "Wednesday" | 4 -> "Thursday" | 5 -> "Friday" | 6 -> "Saturday" | _ -> "strf_AFail" let strf_a t = String.sub (strf_A t) 0 3 let strf_B t = match t._tm_mon with | 0 -> "January" | 1 -> "February" | 2 -> "March" | 3 -> "April" | 4 -> "May" | 5 -> "June" | 6 -> "July" | 7 -> "August" | 8 -> "September" | 9 -> "October" | 10 -> "November" | 11 -> "December" | _ -> "strf_Bfail" let strf_b t = String.sub (strf_B t) 0 3 let strf_d t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_mday in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_e t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_mday in if String.length s = 1 then " " ^ s else s let strf_H t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_hour in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_I t = let s = string_of_int (t._tm_hour mod 12) in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_j t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_yday in match String.length s with | 1 -> "00" ^ s | 2 -> "0" ^ s | _ -> s let strf_m t = let s = string_of_int (t._tm_mon + 1) in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_M t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_min in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_p t = if t._tm_hour >= 12 then "p.m" else "a.m" let strf_S t = let s = string_of_int t._tm_sec in if String.length s = 1 then "0" ^ s else s let strf_T t = strf_H t ^ ":" ^ strf_M t ^ ":" ^ strf_S t let strf_u t = match t._tm_wday with | 0 -> "7" | n -> string_of_int (n + 1) let strf_w t = string_of_int t._tm_wday let strf_Y t = string_of_int (t._tm_year + 1900) let strf_percent _ = "%" let strftime_pairs = ["%a", strf_a; "%A", strf_A; "%b", strf_b; "%B", strf_B; "%d", strf_d; "%e", strf_e; "%H", strf_H; "%I", strf_I; "%j", strf_j; "%m", strf_m; "%M", strf_M; "%p", strf_p; "%S", strf_S; "%T", strf_T; "%u", strf_u; "%w", strf_w; "%Y", strf_Y; "%%", strf_percent] let contents_of_file filename = let ch = open_in_bin filename in let s = really_input_string ch (in_channel_length ch) in close_in ch; s (* Platform-independent current time and date with no Unix module *) let debug_str s = for x = 0 to String.length s - 1 do Printf.printf "%i\t%C\n" x s.[x] done let utf8_of_utf16le s = implode (drop_evens (tl (tl (explode s)))) let return_date () = match Sys.os_type with "Unix" -> (* Call the POSIX 'date' program, redirected to a temp file, and parse. *) let tempfile = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" "strftime" in let command = Filename.quote_command "date" ~stdout:tempfile ["+%S-%M-%H-%d-%m-%Y-%w-%j"] in let outcode = Sys.command command in if outcode > 0 then raise (Failure "Date command returned non-zero exit code") else let r = contents_of_file tempfile in let get_int o l = int_of_string (String.sub r o l) in Sys.remove tempfile; {_tm_sec = get_int 0 2; _tm_min = get_int 3 2; _tm_hour = get_int 6 2; _tm_mday = get_int 9 2; _tm_mon = get_int 12 2 - 1; _tm_year = get_int 15 4 - 1900; _tm_wday = get_int 20 1; _tm_yday = get_int 22 3 - 1; _tm_isdst = false} | "Windows" | "Cygwin" -> (* Run 'wmic os get LocalDateTime' (exists on XP Pro or later, Vista or later). *) let get_int r o l = int_of_string (String.sub r o l) in let tempfile = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" "strftime" in let command = Filename.quote_command "wmic.exe" ~stdout:tempfile ["os"; "get"; "LocalDateTime"] in let outcode = Sys.command command in if outcode > 0 then raise (Failure "wmic.exe os get LocalDateTime command returned non-zero exit code") else let r = contents_of_file tempfile in Sys.remove tempfile; let r = utf8_of_utf16le r in (* Run 'wmic path win32_localtime get dayofweek' (exists on XP Pro or later, Vista or later). *) let tempfile = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" "strftime" in let command = Filename.quote_command "wmic.exe" ~stdout:tempfile ["path"; "win32_localtime"; "get"; "dayofweek"] in let outcode = Sys.command command in if outcode > 0 then raise (Failure "wmic.exe path win32_localtime get dayofweek returned non-zero exit code") else let r2 = contents_of_file tempfile in Sys.remove tempfile; let r2 = utf8_of_utf16le r2 in {_tm_sec = get_int r 41 2; _tm_min = get_int r 39 2; _tm_hour = get_int r 37 2; _tm_mday = get_int r 35 2; _tm_mon = get_int r 33 2; _tm_year = get_int r 29 4; _tm_wday = get_int r2 13 1; _tm_yday = 0; (* FIXME Must calculate from DD MM YYYY using standard formulae *) _tm_isdst = false} | _ -> failwith "Unknown Sys.os_type in Cpdfstrftime.return_date" let current_time () = try return_date () with e -> Printf.eprintf "Failed to retrieve time due to %s\n" (Printexc.to_string e); {_tm_sec = 0; _tm_min = 0; _tm_hour = 0; _tm_mday = 1; _tm_mon = 0; _tm_year = 0; _tm_wday = 0; _tm_yday = 0; _tm_isdst = false} let strftime ?time text = let time = match time with None -> current_time () | Some t -> t in let text = ref text in iter (fun (search, replace_fun) -> text := string_replace_all search (replace_fun time) !text) strftime_pairs; !text