open Pdfutil open Pdfio (* For debugging *) (*let report_pdf_size pdf = Pdf.remove_unreferenced pdf; Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file_options ~preserve_objstm:false ~generate_objstm:false ~compress_objstm:false None false pdf "temp.pdf"; let fh = open_in_bin "temp.pdf" in Printf.printf "Size %i bytes\n" (in_channel_length fh); flush stdout; close_in fh*) (* Recompress anything which isn't compressed, unless it's metadata. *) let recompress_stream pdf = function (* If there is no compression, or bad compression with /FlateDecode *) | Pdf.Stream {contents = (dict, _)} as stream -> begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Filter" dict, Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" dict with | _, Some (Pdf.Name "/Metadata") -> () | ( None | Some (Pdf.Name ("/ASCIIHexDecode" | "/ASCII85Decode" | "/LZWDecode" | "/RunLengthDecode")) | Some (Pdf.Array [] | Pdf.Array (Pdf.Name ("/ASCIIHexDecode" | "/ASCII85Decode" | "/LZWDecode" | "/RunLengthDecode")::_) )), _ -> Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf stream; Pdfcodec.encode_pdfstream ~only_if_smaller:true pdf Pdfcodec.Flate stream | _ -> () end | _ -> assert false let recompress_pdf pdf = if not (Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf) then Pdf.iter_stream (recompress_stream pdf) pdf; pdf let decompress_pdf pdf = if not (Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf) then (Pdf.iter_stream (Pdfcodec.decode_pdfstream_until_unknown pdf) pdf); pdf (* Equality on PDF objects *) let pdfobjeq pdf x y = let x = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf x and y = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf y in begin match x with Pdf.Stream _ -> Pdf.getstream x | _ -> () end; begin match y with Pdf.Stream _ -> Pdf.getstream y | _ -> () end; compare x y let memory () = Printf.printf "%i bytes in use\n%!" (Gc.(quick_stat ()).heap_words * 4) let really_squeeze pdf = (*Printf.printf "Beginning of really_squeeze: %!"; memory ();*) let objs = ref [] in Pdf.objiter (fun objnum _ -> objs := objnum :: !objs) pdf; let toprocess = keep (fun x -> length x > 1) (collate (pdfobjeq pdf) (sort (pdfobjeq pdf) !objs)) in (*Printf.printf "Stage 1 done%!\n"; memory ();*) (* Remove any pools of objects which are page objects, since Adobe Reader * gets confused when there are duplicate page objects. *) let toprocess = option_map (function [] -> assert false | h::_ as l -> match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf h) with Some (Pdf.Name "/Page") -> None | _ -> Some l) toprocess in (*Printf.printf "Stage 2 done%!\n"; memory ();*) let pdfr = ref pdf in let changetable = Hashtbl.create 100 in iter (function [] -> assert false | h::t -> iter (fun e -> Hashtbl.add changetable e h) t) toprocess; (* For a unknown reason, the output file is much smaller if Pdf.renumber is run twice. This is bizarre, since Pdf.renumber is an old, well-understood function in use for years -- what is going on? Furthermore, if we run it 3 times, it gets bigger again! *) (*Printf.printf "Stage 3 done\n%!"; memory ();*) pdfr := Pdf.renumber changetable !pdfr; (*Printf.printf "Stage 4 done\n%!"; memory ();*) pdfr := Pdf.renumber changetable !pdfr; (*Printf.printf "Stage 5 done\n%!"; memory ();*) Pdf.remove_unreferenced !pdfr; (*Printf.printf "Stage 6 done\n%!"; memory ();*) (*Gc.compact ();*) (*Printf.printf "Compacted:\n%!"; memory ();*) pdf.Pdf.root <- !pdfr.Pdf.root; pdf.Pdf.objects <- !pdfr.Pdf.objects; pdf.Pdf.trailerdict <- !pdfr.Pdf.trailerdict (* Squeeze the form xobject at objnum. FIXME: For old PDFs (< v1.2) any resources from the page (or its ancestors in the page tree!) are also needed - we must merge them with the ones from the xobject itself. However, it it safe for now -- in the unlikely event that the resources actually need to be available, the parse will fail, the squeeze of this object will fail, and we bail out. *) (* FIXME: XObjects inside xobjects? *) let xobjects_done = ref [] let squeeze_form_xobject pdf objnum = if mem objnum !xobjects_done then () else begin xobjects_done := objnum :: !xobjects_done; let obj = Pdf.lookup_obj pdf objnum in match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" obj with Some (Pdf.Name "/Form") -> let resources = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" obj with Some d -> d | None -> Pdf.Dictionary [] in begin match Pdfops.stream_of_ops (Pdfops.parse_operators pdf resources [Pdf.Indirect objnum]) with Pdf.Stream {contents = (_, Pdf.Got data)} -> (* Put replacement data in original stream, and overwrite /Length *) begin match obj with Pdf.Stream ({contents = (d, _)} as str) -> str := (Pdf.add_dict_entry d "/Length" (Pdf.Integer (bytes_size data)), Pdf.Got data) | _ -> failwith "squeeze_form_xobject" end | _ -> failwith "squeeze_form_xobject" end | _ -> () end (* For a list of indirects representing content streams, make sure that none of them are duplicated in the PDF. This indicates sharing, which parsing and rewriting the streams might destroy, thus making the file bigger. FIXME: The correct thing to do is to preserve the multiple content streams. *) let no_duplicates content_stream_numbers stream_numbers = not (mem false (map (fun n -> length (keep (eq n) content_stream_numbers) < 2) stream_numbers)) (* Give a list of content stream numbers, given a page reference number *) let content_streams_of_page pdf refnum = match pdf (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf refnum) with Pdf.Dictionary dict -> begin match lookup "/Contents" dict with Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> [i] | Some (Pdf.Array x) -> option_map (function Pdf.Indirect i -> Some i | _ -> None) x | _ -> [] end | _ -> [] (* For each object in the PDF marked with /Type /Page, for each /Contents indirect reference or array of such, decode and recode that content stream. *) let squeeze_all_content_streams pdf = let page_reference_numbers = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in let all_content_streams_in_doc = flatten (map (content_streams_of_page pdf) page_reference_numbers) in xobjects_done := []; Pdf.objiter (fun objnum _ -> match Pdf.lookup_obj pdf objnum with Pdf.Dictionary dict as d when Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Type" d = Some (Pdf.Name "/Page") -> let resources = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Resources" d with Some d -> d | None -> Pdf.Dictionary [] in begin try let content_streams = match lookup "/Contents" dict with Some (Pdf.Indirect i) -> begin match pdf (Pdf.Indirect i) with Pdf.Array x -> x | _ -> [Pdf.Indirect i] end | Some (Pdf.Array x) -> x | _ -> raise Not_found in if no_duplicates all_content_streams_in_doc (map (function Pdf.Indirect i -> i | _ -> assert false) content_streams) then let newstream = Pdfops.stream_of_ops (Pdfops.parse_operators pdf resources content_streams) in let newdict = Pdf.add_dict_entry d "/Contents" (Pdf.Indirect (Pdf.addobj pdf newstream)) in Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (objnum, newdict); (* Now process all xobjects related to this page *) begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XObject" resources with Some (Pdf.Dictionary xobjs) -> iter (function (_, Pdf.Indirect i) -> squeeze_form_xobject pdf i | _ -> failwith "squeeze_xobject") xobjs | _ -> () end with (* No /Contents, which is ok. Or a parsing failure due to uninherited resources. FIXME: Add support for inherited resources. NB 24th March 2023 we tried this, and sizes went up on many files and down on none! So reverted. *) Not_found -> () end | _ -> ()) pdf (* We run squeeze enough times for the number of objects to not change *) let squeeze ?logto ?(pagedata=true) pdf = let log x = match logto with None -> print_string x; flush stdout | Some "nolog" -> () | Some s -> let fh = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat] 0o666 s in seek_out fh (out_channel_length fh); output_string fh x; close_out fh in try let n = ref (Pdf.objcard pdf) in log (Printf.sprintf "Beginning squeeze: %i objects\n" (Pdf.objcard pdf)); while !n > (ignore (really_squeeze pdf); Pdf.objcard pdf) do n := Pdf.objcard pdf; log (Printf.sprintf "Squeezing... Down to %i objects\n" (Pdf.objcard pdf)); done; if pagedata then begin log (Printf.sprintf "Squeezing page data and xobjects\n"); squeeze_all_content_streams pdf; end; log (Printf.sprintf "Recompressing document\n"); ignore (recompress_pdf pdf); with e -> raise (Pdf.PDFError (Printf.sprintf "Squeeze failed. No output written.\n Proximate error was:\n %s" (Printexc.to_string e)))