CPDF .NET Library ================= Before using the library, you must make sure your project or build environment has access to the cpdf DLL, which is not part of the .NET assembly. You can add it to a Visual Studio project as a file, set to copy-to-output-folder. Or, you can install it in a standard location. The DLL must be named as follows, for .NET to be able to find it: Windows: cpdf.dll MacOS: libcpdf.dylib Linux: libcpdf.so The following documentation is automatically extracted from the XML comments present in the assembly. You can use Intellisense to view them within Visual Studio - the documentation here is for completeness. A 'range' is a list of integers specifying page numbers. Text arguments and results are in UTF8. Data is of type bytes[]. Any function may raise the exception CPDFError, carrying a string describing the error. There is no automatic garbage collection of PDFs. Use the Using keyword and/or the Dispose method on objects of type Cpdf.Pdf to explicitly deallocate PDFs.