CHAPTER 9. Multipage facilities Cpdf.impose(Cpdf.Pdf, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Double, Double, Double) Imposes a PDF. There are two modes: imposing x * y, or imposing to fit a page of size x * y. This is controlled by fit. Columns imposes by columns rather than rows. rtl is right-to-left, btt bottom-to-top. Center is unused for now. Margin is the margin around the output, spacing the spacing between imposed inputs. Cpdf.twoUp(Cpdf.Pdf) Imposes a document two up. twoUpStack does so by doubling the page size, to fit two pages on one. Cpdf.twoUpStack(Cpdf.Pdf) Impose a document two up. twoUpStack does so by doubling the page size, to fit two pages on one. Cpdf.padBefore(Cpdf.Pdf, List{Int32}) Adds a blank page before each page in the given range. Cpdf.padAfter(Cpdf.Pdf, List{Int32}) Adds a blank page after each page in the given range. Cpdf.padEvery(Cpdf.Pdf, Int32) Adds a blank page after every n pages. Cpdf.padMultiple(Cpdf.Pdf, Int32) Adds pages at the end to pad the file to a multiple of n pages in length. Cpdf.padMultipleBefore(Cpdf.Pdf, Int32) Adds pages at the beginning to pad the file to a multiple of n pages in length. Cpdf.dummych10