(** Coherent PDF Tools Core Routines *) open Pdfutil (** {2 Types and Exceptions} *) (** Possible output encodings for some function. [Raw] does no processing at all - the PDF string is output as-is. [UTF8] converts loslessly to UTF8. [Stripped] extracts the unicode codepoints and returns only those which correspond to 7 bit ASCII. *) type encoding = Raw | UTF8 | Stripped exception SoftError of string exception HardError of string (** Two exceptions recommended for use with the library, though currently not raised by any function in this module. Cpdfcommand uses them extensively. *) (** Possible positions for adding text and other uses. See cpdfmanual.pdf *) type position = | PosCentre of float * float | PosLeft of float * float | PosRight of float * float | Top of float | TopLeft of float | TopRight of float | Left of float | BottomLeft of float | Bottom of float | BottomRight of float | Right of float | Diagonal | ReverseDiagonal | Centre (** {2 Debug} *) (** Debug: Print out a PDF in readable form to the terminal *) val print_pdf_objs : Pdf.t -> unit (** {2 Working with pages} *) (** Like [Pdfpage.endpage], but from an input and possible password - does the minimal work to find the number of pages. *) val endpage_io : ?revision:int -> Pdfio.input -> string option -> string option -> int (** Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages. *) val process_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t * int * Pdftransform.transform_matrix) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Same as [process_pages], but iterate rather than map. *) val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit (** Same as [process_pages] but return the list of outputs of the map function. *) val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list (** {2 Page specifications and ranges } *) (** Here are the rules for building input ranges: {ul {- A comma (,) allows one to specify several ranges, e.g. 1-2,4-5.} {- The word end represents the last page number. } {- The words odd and even can be used in place of or at the end of a page range to restrict to just the odd or even pages. } {- The word reverse is the same as end-1.} {- The word all is the same as 1-end.} {- A range must contain no spaces.} {- A tilde (~) defines a page number counting from the end of the document rather than the beginning. Page ~1 is the last page, ~2 the penultimate page etc.} } *) (** Parse a (valid) page specification to a page range *) val parse_pagespec : Pdf.t -> string -> int list (** Return a string for the given range. Knows how to identify all, odd, even, x-y ranges etc. *) val string_of_pagespec : Pdf.t -> int list -> string (** Is a page specification, in theory, valid? This is the most we can find out without supplying a PDF, and thus knowing how many pages there are in it. *) val validate_pagespec : string -> bool val parse_pagespec_without_pdf : string -> int list (** Compresses all streams in the PDF document which are uncompressed, using /FlateDecode, leaving out metadata. If the PDF is encrypted, does nothing. *) val recompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Decompresses all streams in a PDF document, assuming it isn't encrypted. *) val decompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Metadata and settings} *) (** [copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto] copies the ID, if any, from [copyfrom] to [copyto]. If [keepversion] is true, the PDF version of [copyto] won't be affected. *) val copy_id : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the /Info directory, updating the PDF minor version to [version].*) val set_pdf_info : ?xmp_also:bool -> ?xmp_just_set:bool -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject * int) -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t val get_xmp_info : Pdf.t -> string -> string (** [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the /ViewerPreferences directory, updating the PDF minor version to [version].*) val set_viewer_preference : (string * Pdf.pdfobject * int) -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *) val set_page_layout : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t (** Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *) val set_page_mode : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t (** Set the open action. If the boolean is true, /Fit will be used, otherwise /XYZ *) val set_open_action : Pdf.t -> bool -> int -> Pdf.t (** Set the PDF version number *) val set_version : int -> Pdf.t -> unit (** Given a PDF, returns a function which can lookup a given dictionary entry from the /Info dictionary, returning it as a UTF8 string *) val get_info_utf8 : Pdf.t -> string -> string (** Output to standard output general information about a PDF. *) val output_info : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit (** Output to standard output information from any XMP metadata stream in a PDF. *) val output_xmp_info : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit (** {2 Presentations} *) (** [presentation range t d horizontal inward direction effect_duration pdf] adds a presentation on the pages in [range]. See cpdfmanual.pdf for details. *) val presentation : int list -> string option -> float option -> bool -> bool -> int -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 File Attachments} *) (** [attach_file keepversion topage pdf filename] attaches the file in [filename] to the pdf, optionally to a page (rather than document-level). If keepversion is true, the PDF version number won't be altered. *) val attach_file : ?memory:Pdfio.bytes -> bool -> int option -> Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t (** Remove attached files. *) val remove_attached_files : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t type attachment = {name : string; pagenumber : int; data : unit -> Pdfio.bytes} (** List attached files. Attachment name and page number. Page 0 is document level. *) val list_attached_files : Pdf.t -> attachment list (** {2 Bookmarks} *) (** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] parses the bookmark file in [input]. Details of the bookmark file format can be found in cpdfmanual.pdf *) val parse_bookmark_file : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfmarks.t list (** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] adds bookmarks from the bookmark file give. If [verify] is given, bookmarks will be verified to ensure, for example, that they are not out of the page range. *) val add_bookmarks : bool -> Pdfio.input -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** [list_bookmarks encoding range pdf output] lists the bookmarks to the given output in the format specified in cpdfmanual.pdf *) val list_bookmarks : encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit (** {2 XML Metadata} *) (** [set_metadata keepversion filename pdf] sets the XML metadata of a PDF to the contents of [filename]. If [keepversion] is true, the PDF version will not be altered. *) val set_metadata : bool -> string -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** The same, but the content comes from [bytes]. *) val set_metadata_from_bytes : bool -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Remove the metadata from a file *) val remove_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Extract metadata to a [Pdfio.bytes] *) val get_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdfio.bytes option (** Print metadate to stdout *) val print_metadata : Pdf.t -> unit (** Set the metadata date *) val set_metadata_date : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t (** Create XMP metadata from scratch *) val create_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Stamping} *) (** [combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize] combines the page content of two PDFs, page-by-page. If [equalize] is true the output will have the same number of pages as the shorter file. If [scaletofit] is true, the [over] file will be scaled to fit. If [swap] is true, [over] and [under] are swapped. If [fast] is true, the PDFs are assumed to be well-formed and no fixes are done. *) val combine_pages : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t (** [stamp relative_to_cropbox position topline midline fast scale_to_fit isover range over pdf] stamps the first page of [over] over each page of the PDF. The arguments have the same meaning as in [combine_pages]. *) val stamp : bool -> position -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Splitting PDFs} *) (** Split a PDF on bookmarks of a given level or below. Level 0 is top level. *) val split_on_bookmarks : Pdf.t -> int -> Pdf.t list (** {2 Listing fonts} *) (** Print font list to stdout *) val print_fonts : Pdf.t -> unit (** Return font list. Page number, name, subtype, basefont, encoding. *) val list_fonts : Pdf.t -> (int * string * string * string * string) list (** {2 Adding text} *) (** Expand the string "now" to a PDF date string, ignoring any other string *) val expand_date : string -> string (** Produce a debug string of a [position] *) val string_of_position : position -> string (** Orientation of the string on the page *) type orientation = | Horizontal | Vertical | VerticalDown (** Justification of multiline text *) type justification = | LeftJustify | CentreJustify | RightJustify (** [calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) orientation pos] calculates the absolute position of text given its width, bounding box, orientation and position. If [ignore_d] is true, the distance from the position (e.g 10 in TopLeft 10) is ignored (considered zero). *) val calculate_position : bool -> float -> float * float * float * float -> orientation -> position -> float * float * float (** Call [add_texts metrics linewidth outline fast fontname font bates batespad colour position linespacing fontsize underneath text pages orientation relative_to_cropbox midline_adjust topline filename pdf]. For details see cpdfmanual.pdf *) val addtexts : bool -> (*metrics*) float -> (*linewidth*) bool -> (*outline*) bool -> (*fast*) string -> (*fontname*) Pdftext.standard_font option -> (*font*) bool -> (* embed font *) int -> (* bates number *) int option -> (* bates padding width *) float * float * float -> (*colour*) position -> (*position*) float -> (*linespacing*) float -> (*fontsize*) bool -> (*underneath*) string ->(*text*) int list ->(*page range*) orientation ->(*orientation*) bool ->(*relative to cropbox?*) float ->(*opacity*) justification ->(*justification*) bool ->(*midline adjust?*) bool ->(*topline adjust?*) string ->(*filename*) float option -> (*extract_text_font_size*) string -> (* shift *) Pdf.t ->(*pdf*) Pdf.t val metrics_howmany : unit -> int val metrics_text : int -> string val metrics_x : int -> float val metrics_y : int -> float val metrics_rot : int -> float val metrics_baseline_adjustment : unit -> float (** These functions returns some details about the text if [addtexts] is called with [metrics] true. The integer arguments are 1 for the first one, 2 for the second etc. Call [metrics_howmany] first to find out how many. *) (** Remove text from the given pages. *) val removetext : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Page geometry} *) (** Print page info (Mediabox etc) to standard output. *) val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit (** True if a given page in a PDF has a given box *) val hasbox : Pdf.t -> int -> string -> bool (** [crop_pdf xywhlist pdf range] sets the cropbox on the given pages. *) val crop_pdf : ?box:string -> (float * float * float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t val hard_box : Pdf.t -> int list -> string -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t (** [set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range] sets the media box on the given pages. *) val set_mediabox : (float * float * float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** [setBox boxname x y w h pdf range] sets the given box on the given pages. *) val setBox : string -> float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Remove any cropping from the given pages. *) val remove_cropping_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Remove any trim box from the given pages. *) val remove_trim_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Remove any bleed box from the given pages. *) val remove_bleed_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Remove any art box from the given pages. *) val remove_art_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *) val rotate_pdf : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *) val rotate_pdf_by : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages. If [fast] is true, assume PDF is well-formed. *) val rotate_contents : ?fast:bool -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered. *) val upright : ?fast:bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Flip the given pages vertically *) val vflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Flip the given pages horizontally *) val hflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages. List of (x, y) pairs is for all pages in pdf. *) val shift_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages. List of (sx, sy) pairs is for all pages in pdf. *) val scale_pdf : ?fast:bool -> (float * float) list -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** [scale_to_fit_pdf fast position input_scale x y op pdf range] scales a page to fit the page size given by (x, y) and by the [input_scale] (e.g 1.0 = scale to fit, 0.9 = scale to fit leaving a border etc.). [op] is unused. *) val scale_to_fit_pdf : ?fast:bool -> position -> float -> (float * float) list -> 'a -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range. *) val scale_contents : ?fast:bool -> position -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t val trim_marks : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t val show_boxes : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t (** {2 Padding} *) (** Put blank pages before the given page numbers *) val padbefore : ?padwith:Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Put blank pages after the given page numbers *) val padafter : ?padwith:Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Pad to a multiple of n pages *) val padmultiple : int -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Annotations} *) (** List the annotations to standard output in a given encoding. See cpdfmanual.pdf for the format details. *) val list_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit (** The same, but giving more information. Deprecated *) val list_annotations_more : Pdf.t -> unit (** Return the annotations as a (pagenumber, content) list *) val get_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> (int * string) list (** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b. b is returned. *) val copy_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Remove the annotations on given pages. *) val remove_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Imposition} *) (** The twoup_stack operation puts two logical pages on each physical page, rotating them 90 degrees to do so. The new mediabox is thus larger. Bool true (fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *) val twoup_stack : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** The twoup operation does the same, but scales the new sides down so that the media box is unchanged. Bool true (fast) if assume well-formed ISO content streams. *) val twoup : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** {2 Making new documents} *) (** Make a blank document given x and y page dimensions in points and a number of pages *) val blank_document : float -> float -> int -> Pdf.t (** The same, but give a Pdfpaper.t paper size. *) val blank_document_paper : Pdfpaper.t -> int -> Pdf.t (** {2 Page labels} *) (** Add page labels. *) val add_page_labels : Pdf.t -> bool -> Pdfpagelabels.labelstyle -> string option -> int -> int list -> unit (** {2 Miscellany} *) (** Make all lines in the PDF at least a certain thickness. *) val thinlines : int list -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Make all text on certain pages black. *) val blacktext : float * float * float -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Make all lines on certain pages black. *) val blacklines : float * float * float -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Make all fills on certain pages black. *) val blackfills : float * float * float -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Remove images from a PDF, optionally adding crossed boxes. *) val draft : string option -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Squeeze a PDF *) val squeeze : ?logto:string -> ?pagedata:bool -> ?recompress:bool -> Pdf.t -> unit val remove_all_text : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (**/**) val process_xobjects : Pdf.t -> Pdfpage.t -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject list -> Pdf.pdfobject list) -> unit (** Custom CSP1 *) val custom_csp1 : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Custom CSP2 *) val custom_csp2 : float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t (** Nobble a page, given pdf, pagenumber and page *) val nobble_page : Pdf.t -> 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t val find_cpdflin : string option -> string val call_cpdflin : string -> string -> string -> string -> int val debug : bool ref val extract_text : float option -> Pdf.t -> int list -> string val append_page_content : string -> bool -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t val ocg_coalesce : Pdf.t -> unit val ocg_list : Pdf.t -> unit val ocg_rename : string -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit val ocg_order_all : Pdf.t -> unit val stamp_as_xobject : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t * string val remove_dict_entry : Pdf.t -> string -> unit val remove_clipping : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t val image_resolution : Pdf.t -> int list -> float -> (int * string * int * int * float * float) list