Searching for other linearizers

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2014-11-21 11:23:09 +00:00
parent 1f52689047
commit fa318ceda0

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@ -25,11 +25,19 @@ let find_cpdflin provided =
| None ->
if Sys.file_exists "cpdflin" then Some "cpdflin" else
if Sys.file_exists "cpdflin.exe" then Some "cpdflin.exe" else
if Sys.file_exists "qpdf" then Some "qpdf" else
if Sys.file_exists "qpdf.exe" then Some "qpdf.exe" else
match option_map (is_at_path "cpdflin") (paths ()) with
h::_ -> Some h
| _ ->
match option_map (is_at_path "cpdflin.exe") (paths ()) with
h::_ -> Some h
| _ ->
match option_map (is_at_path "qpdf") (paths ()) with
h::_ -> Some h
| _ ->
match option_map (is_at_path "qpdf") (paths ()) with
h::_ -> Some h
| _ -> None
(* Call cpdflin, given the (temp) input name, the output name, and the location