This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2022-12-23 15:24:59 +00:00
parent 98a9c87358
commit f5cbb330fc

View File

@ -1,21 +1,59 @@
(* Read a non-interlaced, non-transparent 24 bit PNG for inclusion in a PDF file *) (* Read a non-interlaced, non-transparent 24 bit PNG for inclusion in a PDF file *)
open Pdfutil
open Pdfio
type t = type t =
{width : int; {width : int;
height : int; height : int;
idat : Pdfio.bytes} idat : bytes}
exception BadPNG of string exception BadPNG of string
let string_of_tag t =
Printf.sprintf "%c%c%c%c"
(char_of_int (i32toi (Int32.shift_right t 24)))
(char_of_int (i32toi (Int32.logand 0x000000FFl (Int32.shift_right t 16))))
(char_of_int (i32toi (Int32.logand 0x000000FFl (Int32.shift_right t 8))))
(char_of_int (i32toi (Int32.logand 0x000000FFl t)))
let read_unsigned_4byte i = 0l
let read_data l i = bytes_of_string ""
let read_chunk i =
let chunklen = read_unsigned_4byte i in
let chunktype = read_unsigned_4byte i in
let chunkdata = read_data chunklen i in
let _ (* crc *) = read_unsigned_4byte i in
(string_of_tag chunktype, chunkdata)
let read_png i = let read_png i =
(* File signature *) try
(* IHDR *) i.seek_in 8;
(* IDAT *) let ihdr, ihdrdata = read_chunk i in
(* IEND *) if ihdr <> "IHDR" then raise (Pdf.PDFError "read_png: first table not IHDR") else
{width = 0; let width = 0 in
height = 0; let height = 0 in
idat = Pdfio.bytes_of_string ""} let bitdepth = 0 in
let colortype = 0 in
let compressionmethod = 0 in
let filtermethod = 0 in
let interlacemethod = 0 in
let idat = ref None in
begin try
while true do
let chunkname, chunkdata = read_chunk i in
if chunkname = "IDAT" then
idat := Some chunkdata
_ -> ()
{width; height; idat = unopt !idat}
e -> raise (Pdf.PDFError (Printf.sprintf "read_png: failed on %s" (Printexc.to_string e)))
let _ = let _ =
read_png read_png
(Pdfio.input_of_string (input_of_string
(Pdfutil.contents_of_file "/Users/john/Desktop/cpdfdraw/Untitled.png")) (Pdfutil.contents_of_file "/Users/john/Desktop/cpdfdraw/Untitled.png"))