mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 08:30:14 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -242,7 +242,17 @@ let mcpage = ref ~-1
let standard_namespace = "http://iso.org/pdf/ssn"
let pdf2_namespace = "http://iso.org/pdf2/ssn"
let namespace = ref standard_namespace
(* namespace, object number pair. *)
let namespaces = null_hash ()
(* Add the object, add its number and this namespace to the hash. *)
let add_namespace pdf s =
if s = standard_namespace then () else
match Hashtbl.find_opt namespaces s with
| Some _ -> ()
| None ->
let objnum = Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdf.Dictionary [("/NS", Pdf.String s)]) in
Hashtbl.add namespaces s objnum
(* The structure data, as it is created, in flat form. Later on, this will be
reconstructed into a structure tree. *)
@ -251,6 +261,7 @@ type structdata =
| StDataEndTree
| StDataMCID of string * int * string option
| StDataPage of int
| StDataNamespace of string
let structdata = ref []
@ -435,7 +446,13 @@ let rec ops_of_drawop struct_tree dryrun pdf endpage filename bates batespad num
| EndSTag -> if not dryrun then structdata =| StDataEndTree; []
| BeginArtifact -> [Pdfops.Op_BMC "/BeginArtifact"]
| EndArtifact -> [Pdfops.Op_BMC "/EndArtifact"]
| Namespace s -> if not dryrun then namespace := s; []
| Namespace s ->
if not dryrun then
add_namespace pdf s;
structdata =| StDataNamespace s
and ops_of_drawops struct_tree dryrun pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page drawops =
flatten (map (ops_of_drawop struct_tree dryrun pdf endpage filename bates batespad num page) drawops)
@ -585,7 +602,7 @@ let dryrun ~struct_tree ~filename ~bates ~batespad range pdf chunks =
type st =
StMCID of int
| StItem of {kind : string; pageobjnum : int option; alt : string option; children : st list}
| StItem of {kind : string; namespace : string; pageobjnum : int option; alt : string option; children : st list}
(* Build a tree from the MCIDs and structure tree instructions gathered *)
let rec find_tree_contents a level = function
@ -596,16 +613,19 @@ let rec find_tree_contents a level = function
if level = 1 then (rev a, t) else find_tree_contents a (level - 1) t
| h::t -> find_tree_contents (h::a) level t
let rec make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum = function
let rec make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum namespace = function
| [] -> []
| StDataMCID (n, mcid, alt)::t ->
StItem {kind = n; alt; pageobjnum = lookup !pagenum pageobjnums; children = [StMCID mcid]}::make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum t
StItem {kind = n; namespace = !namespace; alt; pageobjnum = lookup !pagenum pageobjnums; children = [StMCID mcid]}::make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum namespace t
| StDataPage n::t ->
pagenum := n;
make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum t
make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum namespace t
| StDataNamespace s::t ->
namespace := s;
make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum namespace t
| StDataBeginTree s::t ->
let tree_contents, rest = find_tree_contents [] 1 t in
[StItem {kind = s; alt = None; pageobjnum = None; children = make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum rest}]
[StItem {kind = s; namespace = !namespace; alt = None; pageobjnum = None; children = make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf pagenum namespace rest}]
| StDataEndTree::t ->
error "Too many -end-tags"
@ -614,7 +634,7 @@ let make_structure_tree pdf items =
let objnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
combine (indx objnums) objnums
make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf (ref 0) items
make_structure_tree pageobjnums pdf (ref 0) (ref standard_namespace) items
(* Write such a structure tree to a PDF. *)
let write_structure_tree pdf st =
@ -626,7 +646,7 @@ let write_structure_tree pdf st =
let struct_tree_root = Pdf.addobj pdf Pdf.Null in
let rec mktree struct_tree_parent = function
| StItem {kind; pageobjnum; alt; children} ->
| StItem {kind; namespace; pageobjnum; alt; children} ->
let this_objnum = Pdf.addobj pdf Pdf.Null in
begin match pageobjnum with
| Some p -> add_parentmap p this_objnum
@ -642,10 +662,15 @@ let write_structure_tree pdf st =
| Some i -> [("/Pg", Pdf.Indirect i)]
| None -> []
let namespace =
if namespace = standard_namespace then [] else
[("/NS", Pdf.Indirect (Hashtbl.find namespaces namespace))]
let this_obj =
@ page
@ namespace
@ [("/S", Pdf.Name kind);
("/P", Pdf.Indirect struct_tree_parent);
("/K", Pdf.Array (map (mktree this_objnum) children))])
@ -664,9 +689,16 @@ let write_structure_tree pdf st =
map (fun (pon, items) -> (string_of_int pon, Pdf.Array (map (fun x -> Pdf.Indirect x) (rev items)))) !parentmap
let st =
Pdf.Dictionary [("/Type", Pdf.Name "/StructTreeRoot");
("/ParentTree", Pdf.Indirect (Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdftree.build_name_tree true pdf parentmap)));
("/K", Pdf.Array items)]
let namespaces =
match list_of_hashtbl namespaces with
| [] -> []
| ns -> [("/Namespaces", Pdf.Array (map (function (_, objnum) -> Pdf.Indirect objnum) ns))]
(namespaces @
[("/Type", Pdf.Name "/StructTreeRoot");
("/ParentTree", Pdf.Indirect (Pdf.addobj pdf (Pdftree.build_name_tree true pdf parentmap)));
("/K", Pdf.Array items)])
Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (struct_tree_root, st);
Pdf.replace_chain pdf ["/Root"] ("/StructTreeRoot", (Pdf.Indirect struct_tree_root))
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