diff --git a/cpdfimage.ml b/cpdfimage.ml index 75d43ff..74b5c78 100644 --- a/cpdfimage.ml +++ b/cpdfimage.ml @@ -540,9 +540,10 @@ let jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshold ~q let suitable_num pdf dict = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/ColorSpace" dict with - | Some (Pdf.Name "/DeviceRGB") -> 3 - | Some (Pdf.Name "/DeviceGray") -> 1 + | Some (Pdf.Name ("/DeviceRGB" | "/CalRGB")) -> 3 + | Some (Pdf.Name ("/DeviceGray" | "/CalGray")) -> 1 | Some (Pdf.Name "/DeviceCMYK") -> 4 + | Some (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Name "/Lab"; _]) -> 3 | Some (Pdf.Array [Pdf.Name "/ICCBased"; stream]) -> begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/N" stream with | Some (Pdf.Integer 3) -> 3 @@ -628,6 +629,7 @@ let lossless_to_jpeg pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~percentage_threshol remove out2 let lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolate ~path_to_convert s dict reference = + Printf.printf "***lossless_resample IN dictionary: %S\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf dict); match lossless_out pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ".png" s dict reference with | None -> () | Some (_, _, _, 4, _, _) -> Printf.printf "lossless resampling for CMYK not supported yet\n%!" @@ -653,7 +655,11 @@ let lossless_resample pdf ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold ~factor ~interpolat reference := (match fst (obj_of_png_data (Pdfio.bytes_of_input_channel result)) with | Pdf.Stream {contents = Pdf.Dictionary d, data} -> - let d' = fold_right (fun (k, v) d -> add k v d) d (match dict with Pdf.Dictionary x -> x | _ -> []) in + (* Find components of resultant colourspace, and bits per component. If differing from input, abandon *) + (* We will then test all the files we have available, and make sure all results correct *) + (* Then we will see about how to poke convert to do the correct thing - e.g not use PNG, force different output etc. *) + let d' = fold_right (fun (k, v) d -> if k <> "/ColorSpace" then add k v d else d) d (match dict with Pdf.Dictionary x -> x | _ -> []) in + Printf.printf "***lossless_resample OUT dictionary: %S\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Dictionary d')); (Pdf.Dictionary d', data) | _ -> assert false) end