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synced 2025-03-02 18:47:54 +01:00
Command line options for rasterization
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let combine_with_spaces strs =
let tempfiles = ref []
let exit n =
(*begin try iter Sys.remove !tempfiles with _ -> exit n end;*) (* FIXME *)
begin try iter Sys.remove !tempfiles with _ -> exit n end;
exit n
let null () = ()
@ -559,7 +559,11 @@ type args =
mutable draw_struct_tree : bool;
mutable subformat : Cpdfua.subformat option;
mutable indent : float option;
mutable title : string option}
mutable title : string option;
mutable rast_device : string;
mutable rast_res : float;
mutable rast_annots : bool;
mutable rast_antialias : bool}
let args =
{op = None;
@ -700,7 +704,11 @@ let args =
draw_struct_tree = false;
subformat = None;
indent = None;
title = None}
title = None;
rast_device = "png16m";
rast_res = 144.;
rast_annots = false;
rast_antialias = true}
(* Do not reset original_filename or cpdflin or was_encrypted or
was_decrypted_with_owner or recrypt or producer or creator or path_to_* or
@ -827,7 +835,11 @@ let reset_arguments () =
args.draw_struct_tree <- false;
args.subformat <- None;
args.indent <- None;
args.title <- None
args.title <- None;
args.rast_device <- "png16m";
args.rast_res <- 144.;
args.rast_annots <- false;
args.rast_antialias <- true
(* Prefer a) the one given with -cpdflin b) a local cpdflin, c) otherwise assume
installed at a system place *)
@ -2992,7 +3004,12 @@ let specs =
("-extract-struct-tree", Arg.Unit (fun () -> setop ExtractStructTree ()), " Extract structure tree in JSON format");
("-replace-struct-tree", Arg.String (fun s -> setop (ReplaceStructTree s) ()), " Replace structure tree from JSON");
("-redact", Arg.Unit (fun () -> setop Redact ()), " Redact entire pages");
("-rasterize", Arg.Unit (fun () -> setop Rasterize ()), "Rasterize pages");
("-rasterize", Arg.Unit (fun () -> setop Rasterize ()), " Rasterize pages");
("-rasterize-gray", Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.rast_device <- "pnggray"), " Rasterize in greyscale");
("-rasterize-1bpp", Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.rast_device <- "pngmono"), " Rasterize in monochrome");
("-rasterize-res", Arg.Float (fun f -> args.rast_res <- f), " Rastierization resolution");
("-rasterize-annots", Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.rast_annots <- true), " Rasterize annotations");
("-rasterize-no-antialias", Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.rast_antialias <- false), " Don't antialias when rasterizing");
(* These items are undocumented *)
("-debug", Arg.Unit setdebug, "");
("-debug-crypt", Arg.Unit (fun () -> args.debugcrypt <- true), "");
@ -3642,31 +3659,30 @@ let replace_obj pdf objspec obj =
Pdf.replace_chain pdf chain obj
(* Call out to GhostScript to rasterize. Read back in and replace the page contents with the resultant PNG. *)
let rasterize pdf range =
let rasterize antialias device res annots pdf range =
Printf.printf "rasterize antialias=%b device=%s res=%f annots=%b\n" antialias device res annots;
if args.path_to_ghostscript = "" then begin
Pdfe.log "Please supply path to gs with -gs\n";
exit 2
let res = 72. in
let tmppdf = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" ".pdf" in
tempfiles := tmppdf::!tempfiles;
Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file pdf tmppdf;
let pdf = Pdfread.pdf_of_file None None tmppdf in
Printf.printf "in = %s\n" tmppdf;
let pdf = Pdfpage.change_pages false pdf
Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file (Pdf.deep_copy pdf) tmppdf;
let pdf = Pdfpage.change_pages true pdf
(fun page pnum ->
if not (mem pnum range) then page else
let tmpout = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" ".png" in
Printf.printf "out = %s\n" tmpout;
tempfiles := tmpout::!tempfiles;
let antialias = if antialias then "4" else "1" in
let gscall =
Filename.quote_command args.path_to_ghostscript
((if args.gs_quiet then ["-dQUIET"] else []) @
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-dTextAlphaBits=4"; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4";
"-sDEVICE=png16m"; "-dUseCropBox"; "-dShowAnnots=false"; "-sOUTPUTFILE=" ^ tmpout; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum; "-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-dSAFER"; "-dTextAlphaBits=" ^ antialias; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=" ^ antialias;
"-sDEVICE=" ^ device; "-dUseCropBox"; "-dShowAnnots=" ^ string_of_bool annots;
"-sOUTPUTFILE=" ^ tmpout; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum; "-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
Printf.printf "call = %s\n" gscall;
Printf.printf "CALL: %S\n" gscall;
begin match Sys.command gscall with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> Pdfe.log "Rasterization failed\n"; exit 2
@ -3688,9 +3704,7 @@ let rasterize pdf range =
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
let rotation =
rad_of_deg (float_of_int (Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate))
let rotation = rad_of_deg (float_of_int (Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate)) in
let tx, ty =
match page.Pdfpage.rotate with
| Pdfpage.Rotate0 -> (minx, miny)
@ -4820,7 +4834,7 @@ let go () =
| Some Rasterize ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
write_pdf false (rasterize pdf range)
write_pdf false (rasterize args.rast_antialias args.rast_device args.rast_res args.rast_annots pdf range)
(* Advise the user if a combination of command line flags makes little sense,
or error out if it make no sense at all. *)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user