mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 04:10:48 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Build the cpdf command line tools and top level
MODS = cpdfyojson cpdfxmlm \
cpdfunicodedata cpdferror cpdfdebug cpdfjson cpdfstrftime cpdfcoord cpdfattach \
cpdfpagespec cpdfposition cpdfpresent cpdfmetadata cpdf cpdffont cpdftype \
cpdftexttopdf cpdftoc cpdfpad cpdfocg cpdfsqueeze cpdfspot cpdfpagelabels cpdfcreate cpdfcommand
cpdfpagespec cpdfposition cpdfpresent cpdfmetadata cpdfbookmarks cpdfpage cpdf cpdffont cpdftype \
cpdftexttopdf cpdftoc cpdfpad cpdfocg cpdfsqueeze cpdfspot cpdfpagelabels cpdfcreate cpdfannot cpdfcommand
SOURCES = $(foreach x,$(MODS),$(x).ml $(x).mli) cpdfcommandrun.ml
@ -23,30 +23,6 @@ let rec process_text time text m =
function transforms into one which returns the identity matrix *)
let ppstub f n p = (f n p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix)
let process_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pages', pagenumbers, matrices = (* new page objects, page number, matrix *)
(fun n p -> if mem n range then f n p else (p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix))
(ilist 1 (length pages))
Pdfpage.change_pages ~matrices:(combine pagenumbers matrices) true pdf pages'
let iter_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun n p -> if mem n range then f n p)
(ilist 1 (length pages))
let map_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun n p -> if mem n range then Some (f n p) else None)
(ilist 1 (length pages))
(* Add stack operators to a content stream to ensure it is composeable. On
-fast, we don't check for Q deficit, assuming PDF is ISO. *)
@ -67,7 +43,7 @@ let protect fast pdf resources content =
(* If a cropbox exists, make it the mediabox. If not, change nothing. *)
let copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range =
(ppstub (fun _ page ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/CropBox" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some pdfobject -> {page with Pdfpage.mediabox = Pdf.direct pdf pdfobject}
@ -113,333 +89,6 @@ let combine_pdf_resources pdf a b =
(Pdf.Dictionary [])
(unknown_keys_a @ unknown_keys_b @ combined_known_entries)
(* \section{Remove bookmarks} *)
(* \section{Add bookmarks} *)
let read_lines input =
let lines = ref [] in
while true do
let c = read_line input in
lines =| c
done; []
_ -> rev !lines
(* Verify a list of bookmarks. Positive jumps of > 1 not allowed, no numbers
smaller than 0. *)
let rec verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage = function
| [] -> true
| {Pdfmarks.level = level; Pdfmarks.target = target}::more ->
let page = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target pdf ~fastrefnums target in
level < lastlevel + 2 &&
level >= 0 &&
page <= endpage &&
page >= 0 &&
verify_bookmarks pdf level fastrefnums endpage more
let verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel endpage marks =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
match marks with
| [] -> true
| m::more -> m.Pdfmarks.level = 0 && verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage more
(* Parse a line of the bookmarks file. *)
(* Un-escape things which are escaped. Quotes, newlines and backslashes *)
let rec fixup_characters prev = function
| [] -> rev prev
| '\\'::'\\'::t -> fixup_characters ('\\'::prev) t
| '\\'::'"'::t -> fixup_characters ('"'::prev) t
| '\\'::'n'::t -> fixup_characters ('\n'::prev) t
| h::t -> fixup_characters (h::prev) t
let debug_bookmark_string s =
Printf.printf "STR: %s\n" s
(* If optionaldest = [Pdfgenlex.LexString s], we parse the string, convert the
* integer to an indirect of the real page target, and then put it in. *)
let target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj =
(*Printf.printf "Parsed %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf pdfobj);*)
match pdfobj with
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer x::more) ->
let pageobjnum = Pdfpage.page_object_number pdf i' in
begin match pageobjnum with
None ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "bookmark_of_data: page obj num not found")
| Some p ->
Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.Array (Pdf.Indirect p::more))
(* Need to deal with "null", "(string)", and "<<other thing like action" *)
| Pdf.Null -> Pdfdest.NullDestination
| Pdf.String s -> Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.String s)
| x -> Pdfdest.Action x
let target_of_markfile_target pdf i' = function
| [Pdfgenlex.LexString s] ->
let pdfobj = Pdfread.parse_single_object s in
target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj
| _ -> Pdfpage.target_of_pagenumber pdf i'
let bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' isopen optionaldest =
(*debug_bookmark_string s;
debug_bookmark_string (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s)));
debug_bookmark_string (Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s))));*)
{Pdfmarks.level = i;
Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s)));
Pdfmarks.target = target_of_markfile_target pdf i' optionaldest;
Pdfmarks.isopen = isopen}
let target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target =
target_of_markfile_obj pdf pagenumber (Cpdfjson.object_of_json target)
let mark_of_json pdf = function
| `Assoc [("level", `Int level);
("text", `String text);
("page", `Int pagenumber);
("open", `Bool openstatus);
("target", target)] ->
{Pdfmarks.level = level;
Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 text;
Pdfmarks.target = target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target;
Pdfmarks.isopen = openstatus}
| _ -> error "malformed mark in mark_of_json"
let marks_of_json pdf = function
| `List ms -> map (mark_of_json pdf) ms
| _ -> error "top level of JSON boomark file not a list"
let parse_bookmark_file_json verify pdf i =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let json =
match i.Pdfio.caml_channel with
| Some ch -> J.from_channel ch
| None ->
let content = Pdfio.string_of_bytes (Pdfio.bytes_of_input i 0 i.Pdfio.in_channel_length) in
J.from_string content
let marks = marks_of_json pdf json in
if verify then
if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) marks then marks else
error "Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)"
e ->
error (Printf.sprintf "Malformed JSON bookmark file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string e))
let parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input =
let currline = ref 0 in
let lines = Pdfio.read_lines input in
let currline = ref 0 in
let bookmarks = ref [] in
(function line ->
incr currline;
Pdfgenlex.lex_string line
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::Pdfgenlex.LexName "open"::optionaldest ->
bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' true optionaldest
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::optionaldest ->
bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' false optionaldest
| [] -> () (* ignore blank lines *)
| _ ->
error ("Bad bookmark file, line " ^ (string_of_int !currline)))
let bookmarks = rev !bookmarks in
if verify then
if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) bookmarks
then bookmarks
"Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)"
e ->
"Bad bookmark file (syntax) at line %i (error was %s)"
(Printexc.to_string e))
let add_bookmarks ~json verify input pdf =
let parsed =
(if json then parse_bookmark_file_json else parse_bookmark_file) verify pdf input in
(*iter (fun b -> flprint (Pdfmarks.string_of_bookmark b); flprint "\n") parsed;*)
Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks parsed pdf
(* List bookmarks *)
let output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums x =
match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with
| Pdf.Array (_::more) ->
let a =
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more)
"\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf a ^ "\""
| x -> "\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x ^ "\""
let json_of_target pdf fastrefnums x =
match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with
| Pdf.Array (_::more) ->
let a =
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more)
Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false a
| x -> Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false x
let output_json_marks ch calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums marks =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let json_of_mark m =
[("level", `Int m.Pdfmarks.level);
("text", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring m.Pdfmarks.text));
("page", `Int (calculate_page_number m));
("open", `Bool m.Pdfmarks.isopen);
("target", json_of_target pdf fastrefnums m.Pdfmarks.target)]
let json = `List (map json_of_mark marks) in
J.pretty_to_channel ch json
(* List the bookmarks in the given range to the given output *)
let list_bookmarks ~json encoding range pdf output =
let process_stripped escaped =
let b = Buffer.create 200 in
(fun x ->
if x <= 127 then Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int x))
Buffer.contents b
let process_string s =
let rec replace c x y = function
| [] -> []
| h::t when h = c -> x::y::replace c x y t
| h::t -> h::replace c x y t
(* Convert to UTF8, raw, or stripped, and escape backslashed and quotation marks *)
let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_pdfdocstring s in
let escaped =
let bs = int_of_char '\\'
and nl = int_of_char '\n'
and n = int_of_char 'n'
and q = int_of_char '\"' in
replace q bs q (replace nl bs n (replace bs bs bs codepoints))
match encoding with
| Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 -> Pdftext.utf8_of_codepoints escaped
| Cpdfmetadata.Stripped -> process_stripped escaped
| Cpdfmetadata.Raw -> s
let bookmarks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let rangetable = hashset_of_list range in
let range_is_all = range = ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
(* Find the pagenumber of each bookmark target. If it is in the range,
* keep that bookmark. Also keep the bookmark if its target is the null
* destination. *)
let inrange =
(function x ->
range_is_all ||
x.Pdfmarks.target = Pdfdest.NullDestination ||
(match x.Pdfmarks.target with Pdfdest.NamedDestinationElsewhere _ -> true | _ -> false) ||
Hashtbl.mem rangetable (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x.Pdfmarks.target)) bookmarks
let calculate_page_number mark =
(* Some buggy PDFs use integers for page numbers instead of page
* object references. Adobe Reader and Preview seem to support
* this, for presumably historical reasons. So if we see a
* OtherDocPageNumber (which is what Pdfdest parses these as,
* because that's what they are legitimately, we use this as the
* page number. It is zero based, though, and we are one-based, so
* we add one. Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target has been modified to support this.*)
Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf mark.Pdfmarks.target
if json then
output_json_marks stdout calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums inrange
(function mark ->
(Printf.sprintf "%i \"%s\" %i%s %s\n"
(process_string mark.Pdfmarks.text)
(calculate_page_number mark)
(if mark.Pdfmarks.isopen then " open" else "")
(output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums mark.Pdfmarks.target)))
(* o is the stamp, u is the main pdf page *)
(* \section{Split at bookmarks} *)
let get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel n _ =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
match keep (function m -> n = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf m.Pdfmarks.target && m.Pdfmarks.level <= splitlevel) marks with
| {Pdfmarks.text = title}::_ -> Cpdfattach.remove_unsafe_characters Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 title
| _ -> ""
(* Find the stem of a filename *)
(*let stem s =
implode (rev (tail_no_fail (dropwhile (neq '.') (rev (explode (Filename.basename s))))))*)
(* Return list, in order, a *set* of page numbers of bookmarks at a given level *)
let bookmark_pages level pdf =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
(function l when l.Pdfmarks.level = level -> Some (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf l.Pdfmarks.target) | _ -> None)
(Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf))
(* Called from cpdflib.ml - different from above *)
let split_on_bookmarks pdf level =
let points = lose (eq 0) (map pred (bookmark_pages level pdf))
in let pdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let ranges = splitat points (indx pdf_pages) in
map (fun rs -> Pdfpage.pdf_of_pages pdf rs) ranges
(* Output information for each page *)
let output_page_info pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf
and labels = Pdfpagelabels.read pdf in
let getbox page box =
if box = "/MediaBox" then
match page.Pdfpage.mediabox with
| Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d] ->
Printf.sprintf "%f %f %f %f"
(Pdf.getnum a) (Pdf.getnum b) (Pdf.getnum c) (Pdf.getnum d)
| _ -> ""
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf box page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d]) ->
Printf.sprintf "%f %f %f %f"
(Pdf.getnum a) (Pdf.getnum b) (Pdf.getnum c) (Pdf.getnum d)
| _ -> ""
and rotation page =
Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate
(fun pnum ->
let page = select pnum pages in
Printf.printf "Page %i:\n" pnum;
Printf.printf "Label: %s\n"
(try Pdfpagelabels.pagelabeltext_of_pagenumber pnum labels with Not_found -> "");
Printf.printf "MediaBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/MediaBox");
Printf.printf "CropBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/CropBox");
Printf.printf "BleedBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/BleedBox");
Printf.printf "TrimBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/TrimBox");
Printf.printf "ArtBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/ArtBox");
Printf.printf "Rotation: %i\n" (rotation page))
(* Does the page have a defined box e.g "/CropBox" *)
let hasbox pdf page boxname =
@ -450,47 +99,6 @@ let hasbox pdf page boxname =
| Some _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* List fonts *)
let list_font pdf page (name, dict) =
let subtype =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
in let basefont =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BaseFont" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
in let encoding =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Encoding" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
(page, name, subtype, basefont, encoding)
let list_fonts pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun (num, page) ->
if mem num range then
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Font" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary fontdict) ->
map (list_font pdf num) fontdict
| _ -> []
(combine (ilist 1 (length pages)) pages))
let string_of_font (p, n, s, b, e) =
Printf.sprintf "%i %s %s %s %s\n" p n s b e
let print_fonts pdf range =
(fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_font (list_fonts pdf range)))
(* \section{Superimpose text, page numbers etc.} *)
(* Process UTF8 text to /WinAnsiEncoding string (for standard 14) or whatever
@ -744,9 +352,7 @@ let extract_page_text only_fontsize pdf _ page =
(* For each page, extract all the ops with text in them, and concatenate it all together *)
let extract_text extract_text_font_size pdf range =
fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ (if x <> "" && y <> "" then "\n" else "") ^ y) ""
(map_pages (extract_page_text extract_text_font_size pdf) pdf range)
(Cpdfpage.map_pages (extract_page_text extract_text_font_size pdf) pdf range)
let addtext
metrics lines linewidth outline fast colour fontname embed bates batespad fontsize font
@ -883,9 +489,9 @@ let addtext
else Pdfpage.postpend_operators pdf ops ~fast:fast page
if metrics then
(ignore (iter_pages (fun a b -> ignore (addtext_page a b)) pdf pages); pdf)
(ignore (Cpdfpage.iter_pages (fun a b -> ignore (addtext_page a b)) pdf pages); pdf)
process_pages (ppstub addtext_page) pdf pages
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub addtext_page) pdf pages
(* Prev is a list of lists of characters *)
let split_at_newline t =
@ -1050,8 +656,7 @@ let removetext range pdf =
let ops = Pdfops.parse_operators pdf page.Pdfpage.resources page.Pdfpage.content in
[Pdfops.stream_of_ops (remove_stamps [] ops)]}
process_pages (ppstub removetext_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub removetext_page) pdf range
(* \section{Shift page data} *)
let make_mediabox (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) =
@ -1255,7 +860,7 @@ let shift_page ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf pnum page =
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, Pdftransform.mktranslate dx dy)
let shift_pdf ?(fast=false) dxdylist pdf range =
process_pages (shift_page ~fast dxdylist pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (shift_page ~fast dxdylist pdf) pdf range
(* Change a page's media box so its minimum x and y are 0, making other
operations simpler to think about. Any shift that is done is reflected in
@ -1288,14 +893,14 @@ let vflip_pdf ?(fast=false) pdf range =
(Pdftransform.Scale ((0., ((miny +. maxy) /. 2.)), 1., -.1.))
process_pages (flip_page ~fast transform_op pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (flip_page ~fast transform_op pdf) pdf range
let hflip_pdf ?(fast=false) pdf range =
let transform_op minx _ maxx _ =
(Pdftransform.Scale (((minx +. maxx) /. 2., 0.), -.1., 1.))
process_pages (flip_page ~fast transform_op pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (flip_page ~fast transform_op pdf) pdf range
let stamp_shift_of_position topline midline sw sh w h p =
let half x = x /. 2.
@ -1625,7 +1230,7 @@ let set_mediabox xywhlist pdf range =
[Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y;
Pdf.Real (x +. w); Pdf.Real (y +. h)])}
process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
(* Just used by cpdflib for historical reasons *)
let setBox box minx maxx miny maxy pdf range =
@ -1636,7 +1241,7 @@ let setBox box minx maxx miny maxy pdf range =
page.Pdfpage.rest box
(Pdf.Array [Pdf.Real minx; Pdf.Real miny; Pdf.Real maxx; Pdf.Real maxy])}
process_pages (ppstub set_box_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub set_box_page) pdf range
(* \section{Cropping} *)
let crop_pdf ?(box="/CropBox") xywhlist pdf range =
@ -1651,14 +1256,14 @@ let crop_pdf ?(box="/CropBox") xywhlist pdf range =
[Pdf.Real x; Pdf.Real y;
Pdf.Real (x +. w); Pdf.Real (y +. h)])))}
process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub crop_page) pdf range
(* Clip a page to one of its boxes, or the media box if that box is not
* present. This is a hard clip, done by using a clipping rectangle, so that
* the page may then be used as a stamp without extraneous material reapearing.
* *)
let hard_box pdf range boxname mediabox_if_missing fast =
(ppstub (fun pagenum page ->
let minx, miny, maxx, maxy =
if boxname = "/MediaBox" then
@ -1682,7 +1287,7 @@ let remove_cropping_pdf pdf range =
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/CropBox")}
process_pages (ppstub remove_cropping_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_cropping_page) pdf range
let remove_trim_pdf pdf range =
let remove_trim_page _ page =
@ -1690,7 +1295,7 @@ let remove_trim_pdf pdf range =
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/TrimBox")}
process_pages (ppstub remove_trim_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_trim_page) pdf range
let remove_art_pdf pdf range =
let remove_art_page _ page =
@ -1698,7 +1303,7 @@ let remove_art_pdf pdf range =
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/ArtBox")}
process_pages (ppstub remove_art_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_art_page) pdf range
let remove_bleed_pdf pdf range =
let remove_bleed_page _ page =
@ -1706,7 +1311,7 @@ let remove_bleed_pdf pdf range =
Pdfpage.rest =
(Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/BleedBox")}
process_pages (ppstub remove_bleed_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_bleed_page) pdf range
(* \section{Rotating pages} *)
let rotate_pdf r pdf range =
@ -1714,14 +1319,14 @@ let rotate_pdf r pdf range =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int r}
process_pages (ppstub rotate_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub rotate_page) pdf range
let rotate_pdf_by r pdf range =
let rotate_page_by _ page =
{page with Pdfpage.rotate =
Pdfpage.rotation_of_int ((Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate + r) mod 360)}
process_pages (ppstub rotate_page_by) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub rotate_page_by) pdf range
let rotate_page_contents ~fast rotpoint r pdf pnum page =
let rotation_point =
@ -1744,7 +1349,7 @@ let rotate_page_contents ~fast rotpoint r pdf pnum page =
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, tr)
let rotate_contents ?(fast=false) r pdf range =
process_pages (rotate_page_contents ~fast None r pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (rotate_page_contents ~fast None r pdf) pdf range
(* Return the pages from the pdf in the range, unordered. *)
let select_pages range pdf =
@ -1795,7 +1400,7 @@ let upright ?(fast=false) range pdf =
let page = transform_contents ~fast tr pdf page in
(rectify_boxes ~fast pdf {page with Pdfpage.rotate = Pdfpage.Rotate0}, pnum, tr)
process_pages (upright_page pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (upright_page pdf) pdf range
(* \section{Scale page data} *)
let scale_pdf ?(fast=false) sxsylist pdf range =
@ -1814,7 +1419,7 @@ let scale_pdf ?(fast=false) sxsylist pdf range =
transform_annotations pdf matrix page.Pdfpage.rest;
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ~fast [transform_op] page, pnum, matrix)
process_pages scale_page pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages scale_page pdf range
(* Scale to fit page of size x * y *)
let scale_to_fit_pdf ?(fast=false) position input_scale xylist op pdf range =
@ -1855,7 +1460,7 @@ let scale_to_fit_pdf ?(fast=false) position input_scale xylist op pdf range =
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [Pdfops.Op_cm matrix] ~fast
(change_pattern_matrices_page pdf (Pdftransform.matrix_invert matrix) page), pnum, matrix)
process_pages scale_page_to_fit pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages scale_page_to_fit pdf range
(* Scale contents *)
let scale_page_contents ?(fast=false) scale position pdf pnum page =
@ -1891,177 +1496,8 @@ let scale_page_contents ?(fast=false) scale position pdf pnum page =
(Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf [transform_op] ~fast page, pnum, transform)
let scale_contents ?(fast=false) position scale pdf range =
process_pages (scale_page_contents ~fast scale position pdf) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (scale_page_contents ~fast scale position pdf) pdf range
(* \section{List annotations} *)
let get_annotation_string encoding pdf annot =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Contents" annot with
| Some (Pdf.String s) -> Cpdfmetadata.encode_output encoding s
| _ -> ""
let print_annotation encoding pdf num s =
let s = get_annotation_string encoding pdf s in
match s with
| "" -> ()
| s ->
flprint (Printf.sprintf "Page %d: " num);
flprint s;
flprint "\n"
let list_page_annotations encoding pdf num page =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
iter (print_annotation encoding pdf num) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
| _ -> ()
let annotations_json_page pdf page pagenum =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
(fun annot ->
`List [`Int pagenum; Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false annot])
(map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
| _ -> []
let list_annotations_json pdf =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagenums = indx pages in
let json = `List (flatten (map2 (annotations_json_page pdf) pages pagenums)) in
J.pretty_to_channel stdout json
let list_annotations ~json encoding pdf =
let range = Cpdfpagespec.parse_pagespec pdf "all" in
if json
then list_annotations_json pdf
else iter_pages (list_page_annotations encoding pdf) pdf range
let get_annotations encoding pdf =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun page pagenumber ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
let strings =
map (get_annotation_string encoding pdf) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
combine (many pagenumber (length strings)) strings
| _ -> [])
(ilist 1 (length pages)))
(* Equalise the page lengths of two PDFs by chopping or extending the first one.
let equalise_lengths a b =
let a' =
if Pdfpage.endpage a < Pdfpage.endpage b then
Pdfpage.change_pages false a
(Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree a @
many (Pdfpage.blankpage Pdfpaper.a4) (Pdfpage.endpage b - Pdfpage.endpage a))
else if Pdfpage.endpage a > Pdfpage.endpage b then
Pdfpage.change_pages false a
(take (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree a) (Pdfpage.endpage b))
else a
a', b
(* Copy annotations *)
(* FIXME: Why does this chop the files to the same length? Should be able to
apply annotations from a longer file to a shorter? *)
(* Rewrite any annotation destinations to point to pages in the
destination file. This prevents pages being copied, and ensures the links are
correct Any Indirect link inside a /Dest is rewritten if in the table. If not
inside a /Dest, nothing is rewritten. *)
let rec renumber_in_dest table indest = function
Pdf.Indirect i ->
try Pdf.Indirect (Hashtbl.find table i) with _ -> Pdf.Indirect i
| Pdf.Array a ->
Pdf.recurse_array (renumber_in_dest table indest) a
| Pdf.Dictionary d ->
("/Dest", v) -> ("/Dest", renumber_in_dest table true v)
| (k, v) -> (k, renumber_in_dest table indest v))
| x -> x
let renumber_in_object pdf objnum table =
pdf (objnum, (renumber_in_dest table false (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf objnum)))
let copy_annotations_page topdf frompdf frompage topage =
match Pdf.lookup_direct frompdf "/Annots" frompage.Pdfpage.rest with
Some (Pdf.Array frompage_annots as annots) ->
let table =
(Pdf.page_reference_numbers frompdf)
(Pdf.page_reference_numbers topdf))
(* FIXME: We assume they are indirects. Must also do direct, though rare.*)
Pdf.Indirect x ->
(*Printf.printf "Copying annotation %s which is\n%s\n"
(Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Indirect x))
(Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.direct frompdf (Pdf.Indirect
renumber_in_object frompdf x table
| _ -> ())
let objects_to_copy = Pdf.objects_referenced [] [] frompdf annots in
(fun n ->
ignore (Pdf.addobj_given_num topdf (n, Pdf.lookup_obj frompdf n)))
let topage_annots =
match Pdf.lookup_direct frompdf "/Annots" topage.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) -> annots
| _ -> []
let merged_dict = Pdf.Array (frompage_annots @ topage_annots) in
let topage' =
{topage with Pdfpage.rest =
Pdf.add_dict_entry topage.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots" merged_dict}
topdf, topage'
| Some x -> topdf, topage
| None -> topdf, topage
let copy_annotations range frompdf topdf =
let frompdf, topdf = equalise_lengths frompdf topdf in
match Pdf.renumber_pdfs [frompdf; topdf] with
| [frompdf; topdf] ->
let frompdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree frompdf in
let topdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree topdf in
let pdf = ref topdf
and pages = ref []
and pnum = ref 1
and frompdf_pages = ref frompdf_pages
and topdf_pages = ref topdf_pages in
(* Go through, updating pdf and collecting new pages. *)
while not (isnull !frompdf_pages) do
let frompdf_page = hd !frompdf_pages
and topdf_page = hd !topdf_pages in
let pdf', page =
if mem !pnum range
then copy_annotations_page !pdf frompdf frompdf_page topdf_page
else !pdf, topdf_page
pdf := pdf';
pages =| page;
incr pnum;
frompdf_pages := tl !frompdf_pages;
topdf_pages := tl !topdf_pages
Pdfpage.change_pages true !pdf (rev !pages)
| _ -> assert false
let addrectangle
fast (w, h) colour outline linewidth opacity position relative_to_cropbox
@ -2125,7 +1561,7 @@ let addrectangle
then Pdfpage.prepend_operators pdf ops ~fast:fast page
else Pdfpage.postpend_operators pdf ops ~fast:fast page
process_pages (ppstub addrectangle_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub addrectangle_page) pdf range
(* Imposition *)
@ -2497,7 +1933,7 @@ let blacktext c range pdf =
process_xobjects pdf page (blacktext_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
process_pages (ppstub blacktext_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blacktext_page) pdf range
(* \section{Blacken lines} *)
let blacklines_ops c pdf resources content =
@ -2523,7 +1959,7 @@ let blacklines c range pdf =
process_xobjects pdf page (blacklines_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
process_pages (ppstub blacklines_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blacklines_page) pdf range
(* \section{Blacken Fills} *)
let blackfills_ops c pdf resources content =
@ -2549,7 +1985,7 @@ let blackfills c range pdf =
process_xobjects pdf page (blackfills_ops c);
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
process_pages (ppstub blackfills_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub blackfills_page) pdf range
(* \section{Set a minimum line width to avoid dropout} *)
let thinlines range width pdf =
@ -2624,20 +2060,8 @@ let thinlines range width pdf =
let content' = [Pdfops.stream_of_ops operators] in
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
process_pages (ppstub thinpage) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub thinpage) pdf range
(* \section{Remove annotations} *)
let remove_annotations range pdf =
let remove_annotations_page pagenum page =
if mem pagenum range then
let rest' =
Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots"
{page with Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
process_pages (ppstub remove_annotations_page) pdf range
(* \section{Making draft documents} *)
@ -2809,7 +2233,7 @@ let append_page_content_page fast s before pdf n page =
pdf ops ~fast page
let append_page_content s before fast range pdf =
process_pages (ppstub (append_page_content_page fast s before pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (append_page_content_page fast s before pdf)) pdf range
(* Add rectangles on top of pages to show Media, Crop, Art, Trim, Bleed boxes.
@ -2855,7 +2279,9 @@ let show_boxes_page fast pdf _ page =
Pdfpage.postpend_operators pdf ops ~fast page
let show_boxes ?(fast=false) pdf range =
process_pages (ppstub (show_boxes_page fast pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (show_boxes_page fast pdf)) pdf range
let allowance = 9.
@ -2887,7 +2313,7 @@ let trim_marks_page fast pdf n page =
let trim_marks ?(fast=false) pdf range =
process_pages (ppstub (trim_marks_page fast pdf)) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (trim_marks_page fast pdf)) pdf range
let rec remove_all_text_ops pdf resources content =
let is_textop = function
@ -2989,7 +2415,7 @@ let remove_clipping pdf range =
process_xobjects pdf page remove_clipping_ops;
{page with Pdfpage.content = content'}
process_pages (ppstub remove_clipping_page) pdf range
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_clipping_page) pdf range
(* Image resolution *)
type xobj =
@ -3079,7 +2505,7 @@ let rec image_resolution_page pdf page pagenum dpi (images : (int * string * xob
and image_resolution pdf range dpi =
let images = ref [] in
(fun pagenum page ->
(* 1. Get all image names and their native resolutions from resources as string * int * int *)
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/XObject" page.Pdfpage.resources with
@ -3142,7 +2568,7 @@ let image_resolution pdf range dpi =
the contents of the mediabox will be used if the from fox is not available. If
mediabox_is_missing is false, the page is unaltered. *)
let copy_box f t mediabox_if_missing pdf range =
(ppstub (fun _ page ->
if f = "/MediaBox" then
{page with Pdfpage.rest =
@ -3178,7 +2604,7 @@ let remove_unused_resources_page pdf n page =
{page with Pdfpage.resources = Pdf.add_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.resources "/XObject" xobjdict}
let remove_unused_resources pdf =
process_pages (ppstub (remove_unused_resources_page pdf)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub (remove_unused_resources_page pdf)) pdf (ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf))
(* Indent bookmarks in each file by one and add a title bookmark pointing to the first page. *)
let add_bookmark_title filename use_title pdf =
@ -3413,5 +2839,3 @@ let extract_images path_to_p2p path_to_im encoding dedup dedup_per_page pdf rang
iter (extract_images_form_xobject path_to_p2p path_to_im encoding dedup dedup_per_page pdf serial stem pnum) forms)
(indx pages)
@ -8,34 +8,9 @@ type color =
(** {2 Working with pages} *)
(** Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list
of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages. *)
val process_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t * int * Pdftransform.transform_matrix) ->
Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Same as [process_pages], but iterate rather than map. *)
val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Same as [process_pages] but return the list of outputs of the map function. *)
val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list
val copy_cropbox_to_mediabox : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] parses the bookmark file in [input].
Details of the bookmark file format can be found in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val parse_bookmark_file : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfmarks.t list
(** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] adds bookmarks from the bookmark file
give. If [verify] is given, bookmarks will be verified to ensure, for example,
that they are not out of the page range. *)
val add_bookmarks : json:bool -> bool -> Pdfio.input -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [list_bookmarks encoding range pdf output] lists the bookmarks to the given
output in the format specified in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val list_bookmarks : json:bool -> Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
(** {2 Stamping} *)
(** [combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize] combines the page
@ -51,19 +26,6 @@ val combine_pages : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t
[combine_pages]. *)
val stamp : bool -> Cpdfposition.position -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Splitting PDFs} *)
(** Split a PDF on bookmarks of a given level or below. Level 0 is top level. *)
val split_on_bookmarks : Pdf.t -> int -> Pdf.t list
(** {2 Listing fonts} *)
(** Print font list to stdout *)
val print_fonts : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Return font list. Page number, name, subtype, basefont, encoding. *)
val list_fonts : Pdf.t -> int list -> (int * string * string * string * string) list
(** {2 Adding text} *)
(** Justification of multiline text *)
@ -128,9 +90,6 @@ val removetext : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Page geometry} *)
(** Print page info (Mediabox etc) to standard output. *)
val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** True if a given page in a PDF has a given box *)
val hasbox : Pdf.t -> int -> string -> bool
@ -195,20 +154,6 @@ val trim_marks : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val show_boxes : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Annotations} *)
(** List the annotations to standard output in a given encoding. See cpdfmanual.pdf for the format details. *)
val list_annotations : json:bool -> Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** Return the annotations as a (pagenumber, content) list *)
val get_annotations : Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> Pdf.t -> (int * string) list
(** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b. b is returned. *)
val copy_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Remove the annotations on given pages. *)
val remove_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Imposition} *)
val impose : x:float -> y:float -> fit:bool -> columns:bool -> rtl:bool -> btt:bool -> center:bool -> margin:float -> spacing:float -> linewidth:float -> fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
open Pdfutil
(* For uses of process_pages which don't need to deal with matrices, this
function transforms into one which returns the identity matrix *)
let ppstub f n p = (f n p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix)
(* \section{List annotations} *)
let get_annotation_string encoding pdf annot =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Contents" annot with
| Some (Pdf.String s) -> Cpdfmetadata.encode_output encoding s
| _ -> ""
let print_annotation encoding pdf num s =
let s = get_annotation_string encoding pdf s in
match s with
| "" -> ()
| s ->
flprint (Printf.sprintf "Page %d: " num);
flprint s;
flprint "\n"
let list_page_annotations encoding pdf num page =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
iter (print_annotation encoding pdf num) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
| _ -> ()
let annotations_json_page pdf page pagenum =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
(fun annot ->
`List [`Int pagenum; Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false annot])
(map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
| _ -> []
let list_annotations_json pdf =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pagenums = indx pages in
let json = `List (flatten (map2 (annotations_json_page pdf) pages pagenums)) in
J.pretty_to_channel stdout json
let list_annotations ~json encoding pdf =
let range = Cpdfpagespec.parse_pagespec pdf "all" in
if json
then list_annotations_json pdf
else Cpdfpage.iter_pages (list_page_annotations encoding pdf) pdf range
let get_annotations encoding pdf =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun page pagenumber ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Annots" page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) ->
let strings =
map (get_annotation_string encoding pdf) (map (Pdf.direct pdf) annots)
combine (many pagenumber (length strings)) strings
| _ -> [])
(ilist 1 (length pages)))
(* Equalise the page lengths of two PDFs by chopping or extending the first one.
let equalise_lengths a b =
let a' =
if Pdfpage.endpage a < Pdfpage.endpage b then
Pdfpage.change_pages false a
(Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree a @
many (Pdfpage.blankpage Pdfpaper.a4) (Pdfpage.endpage b - Pdfpage.endpage a))
else if Pdfpage.endpage a > Pdfpage.endpage b then
Pdfpage.change_pages false a
(take (Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree a) (Pdfpage.endpage b))
else a
a', b
(* Copy annotations *)
(* FIXME: Why does this chop the files to the same length? Should be able to
apply annotations from a longer file to a shorter? *)
(* Rewrite any annotation destinations to point to pages in the
destination file. This prevents pages being copied, and ensures the links are
correct Any Indirect link inside a /Dest is rewritten if in the table. If not
inside a /Dest, nothing is rewritten. *)
let rec renumber_in_dest table indest = function
Pdf.Indirect i ->
try Pdf.Indirect (Hashtbl.find table i) with _ -> Pdf.Indirect i
| Pdf.Array a ->
Pdf.recurse_array (renumber_in_dest table indest) a
| Pdf.Dictionary d ->
("/Dest", v) -> ("/Dest", renumber_in_dest table true v)
| (k, v) -> (k, renumber_in_dest table indest v))
| x -> x
let renumber_in_object pdf objnum table =
pdf (objnum, (renumber_in_dest table false (Pdf.lookup_obj pdf objnum)))
let copy_annotations_page topdf frompdf frompage topage =
match Pdf.lookup_direct frompdf "/Annots" frompage.Pdfpage.rest with
Some (Pdf.Array frompage_annots as annots) ->
let table =
(Pdf.page_reference_numbers frompdf)
(Pdf.page_reference_numbers topdf))
(* FIXME: We assume they are indirects. Must also do direct, though rare.*)
Pdf.Indirect x ->
(*Printf.printf "Copying annotation %s which is\n%s\n"
(Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Indirect x))
(Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.direct frompdf (Pdf.Indirect
renumber_in_object frompdf x table
| _ -> ())
let objects_to_copy = Pdf.objects_referenced [] [] frompdf annots in
(fun n ->
ignore (Pdf.addobj_given_num topdf (n, Pdf.lookup_obj frompdf n)))
let topage_annots =
match Pdf.lookup_direct frompdf "/Annots" topage.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array annots) -> annots
| _ -> []
let merged_dict = Pdf.Array (frompage_annots @ topage_annots) in
let topage' =
{topage with Pdfpage.rest =
Pdf.add_dict_entry topage.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots" merged_dict}
topdf, topage'
| Some x -> topdf, topage
| None -> topdf, topage
let copy_annotations range frompdf topdf =
let frompdf, topdf = equalise_lengths frompdf topdf in
match Pdf.renumber_pdfs [frompdf; topdf] with
| [frompdf; topdf] ->
let frompdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree frompdf in
let topdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree topdf in
let pdf = ref topdf
and pages = ref []
and pnum = ref 1
and frompdf_pages = ref frompdf_pages
and topdf_pages = ref topdf_pages in
(* Go through, updating pdf and collecting new pages. *)
while not (isnull !frompdf_pages) do
let frompdf_page = hd !frompdf_pages
and topdf_page = hd !topdf_pages in
let pdf', page =
if mem !pnum range
then copy_annotations_page !pdf frompdf frompdf_page topdf_page
else !pdf, topdf_page
pdf := pdf';
pages =| page;
incr pnum;
frompdf_pages := tl !frompdf_pages;
topdf_pages := tl !topdf_pages
Pdfpage.change_pages true !pdf (rev !pages)
| _ -> assert false
(* \section{Remove annotations} *)
let remove_annotations range pdf =
let remove_annotations_page pagenum page =
if mem pagenum range then
let rest' =
Pdf.remove_dict_entry page.Pdfpage.rest "/Annots"
{page with Pdfpage.rest = rest'}
Cpdfpage.process_pages (ppstub remove_annotations_page) pdf range
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
(** {2 Annotations} *)
(** List the annotations to standard output in a given encoding. See cpdfmanual.pdf for the format details. *)
val list_annotations : json:bool -> Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** Return the annotations as a (pagenumber, content) list *)
val get_annotations : Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> Pdf.t -> (int * string) list
(** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b. b is returned. *)
val copy_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Remove the annotations on given pages. *)
val remove_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
(* \section{Add bookmarks} *)
let read_lines input =
let lines = ref [] in
while true do
let c = read_line input in
lines =| c
done; []
_ -> rev !lines
(* Verify a list of bookmarks. Positive jumps of > 1 not allowed, no numbers
smaller than 0. *)
let rec verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage = function
| [] -> true
| {Pdfmarks.level = level; Pdfmarks.target = target}::more ->
let page = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target pdf ~fastrefnums target in
level < lastlevel + 2 &&
level >= 0 &&
page <= endpage &&
page >= 0 &&
verify_bookmarks pdf level fastrefnums endpage more
let verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel endpage marks =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
match marks with
| [] -> true
| m::more -> m.Pdfmarks.level = 0 && verify_bookmarks pdf lastlevel fastrefnums endpage more
(* Parse a line of the bookmarks file. *)
(* Un-escape things which are escaped. Quotes, newlines and backslashes *)
let rec fixup_characters prev = function
| [] -> rev prev
| '\\'::'\\'::t -> fixup_characters ('\\'::prev) t
| '\\'::'"'::t -> fixup_characters ('"'::prev) t
| '\\'::'n'::t -> fixup_characters ('\n'::prev) t
| h::t -> fixup_characters (h::prev) t
let debug_bookmark_string s =
Printf.printf "STR: %s\n" s
(* If optionaldest = [Pdfgenlex.LexString s], we parse the string, convert the
* integer to an indirect of the real page target, and then put it in. *)
let target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj =
(*Printf.printf "Parsed %s\n" (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf pdfobj);*)
match pdfobj with
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer x::more) ->
let pageobjnum = Pdfpage.page_object_number pdf i' in
begin match pageobjnum with
None ->
raise (Pdf.PDFError "bookmark_of_data: page obj num not found")
| Some p ->
Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.Array (Pdf.Indirect p::more))
(* Need to deal with "null", "(string)", and "<<other thing like action" *)
| Pdf.Null -> Pdfdest.NullDestination
| Pdf.String s -> Pdfdest.read_destination pdf (Pdf.String s)
| x -> Pdfdest.Action x
let target_of_markfile_target pdf i' = function
| [Pdfgenlex.LexString s] ->
let pdfobj = Pdfread.parse_single_object s in
target_of_markfile_obj pdf i' pdfobj
| _ -> Pdfpage.target_of_pagenumber pdf i'
let bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' isopen optionaldest =
(*debug_bookmark_string s;
debug_bookmark_string (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s)));
debug_bookmark_string (Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s))));*)
{Pdfmarks.level = i;
Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 (implode (fixup_characters [] (explode s)));
Pdfmarks.target = target_of_markfile_target pdf i' optionaldest;
Pdfmarks.isopen = isopen}
let target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target =
target_of_markfile_obj pdf pagenumber (Cpdfjson.object_of_json target)
let mark_of_json pdf = function
| `Assoc [("level", `Int level);
("text", `String text);
("page", `Int pagenumber);
("open", `Bool openstatus);
("target", target)] ->
{Pdfmarks.level = level;
Pdfmarks.text = Pdftext.pdfdocstring_of_utf8 text;
Pdfmarks.target = target_of_json_target pdf pagenumber target;
Pdfmarks.isopen = openstatus}
| _ -> error "malformed mark in mark_of_json"
let marks_of_json pdf = function
| `List ms -> map (mark_of_json pdf) ms
| _ -> error "top level of JSON boomark file not a list"
let parse_bookmark_file_json verify pdf i =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let json =
match i.Pdfio.caml_channel with
| Some ch -> J.from_channel ch
| None ->
let content = Pdfio.string_of_bytes (Pdfio.bytes_of_input i 0 i.Pdfio.in_channel_length) in
J.from_string content
let marks = marks_of_json pdf json in
if verify then
if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) marks then marks else
error "Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)"
e ->
error (Printf.sprintf "Malformed JSON bookmark file (%s)" (Printexc.to_string e))
let parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input =
let currline = ref 0 in
let lines = Pdfio.read_lines input in
let currline = ref 0 in
let bookmarks = ref [] in
(function line ->
incr currline;
Pdfgenlex.lex_string line
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::Pdfgenlex.LexName "open"::optionaldest ->
bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' true optionaldest
| Pdfgenlex.LexInt i::Pdfgenlex.LexString s::Pdfgenlex.LexInt i'::optionaldest ->
bookmarks =| bookmark_of_data pdf i s i' false optionaldest
| [] -> () (* ignore blank lines *)
| _ ->
error ("Bad bookmark file, line " ^ (string_of_int !currline)))
let bookmarks = rev !bookmarks in
if verify then
if verify_bookmarks pdf 0 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) bookmarks
then bookmarks
"Bad bookmark file (References non-existant pages or is malformed)"
e ->
"Bad bookmark file (syntax) at line %i (error was %s)"
(Printexc.to_string e))
let add_bookmarks ~json verify input pdf =
let parsed =
(if json then parse_bookmark_file_json else parse_bookmark_file) verify pdf input in
(*iter (fun b -> flprint (Pdfmarks.string_of_bookmark b); flprint "\n") parsed;*)
Pdfmarks.add_bookmarks parsed pdf
(* List bookmarks *)
let output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums x =
match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with
| Pdf.Array (_::more) ->
let a =
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more)
"\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf a ^ "\""
| x -> "\"" ^ Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf x ^ "\""
let json_of_target pdf fastrefnums x =
match Pdfdest.pdfobject_of_destination x with
| Pdf.Array (_::more) ->
let a =
Pdf.Array (Pdf.Integer (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x)::more)
Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false a
| x -> Cpdfjson.json_of_object pdf (fun _ -> ()) false false x
let output_json_marks ch calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums marks =
let module J = Cpdfyojson.Safe in
let json_of_mark m =
[("level", `Int m.Pdfmarks.level);
("text", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring m.Pdfmarks.text));
("page", `Int (calculate_page_number m));
("open", `Bool m.Pdfmarks.isopen);
("target", json_of_target pdf fastrefnums m.Pdfmarks.target)]
let json = `List (map json_of_mark marks) in
J.pretty_to_channel ch json
(* List the bookmarks in the given range to the given output *)
let list_bookmarks ~json encoding range pdf output =
let process_stripped escaped =
let b = Buffer.create 200 in
(fun x ->
if x <= 127 then Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int x))
Buffer.contents b
let process_string s =
let rec replace c x y = function
| [] -> []
| h::t when h = c -> x::y::replace c x y t
| h::t -> h::replace c x y t
(* Convert to UTF8, raw, or stripped, and escape backslashed and quotation marks *)
let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_pdfdocstring s in
let escaped =
let bs = int_of_char '\\'
and nl = int_of_char '\n'
and n = int_of_char 'n'
and q = int_of_char '\"' in
replace q bs q (replace nl bs n (replace bs bs bs codepoints))
match encoding with
| Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 -> Pdftext.utf8_of_codepoints escaped
| Cpdfmetadata.Stripped -> process_stripped escaped
| Cpdfmetadata.Raw -> s
let bookmarks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf in
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let rangetable = hashset_of_list range in
let range_is_all = range = ilist 1 (Pdfpage.endpage pdf) in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
(* Find the pagenumber of each bookmark target. If it is in the range,
* keep that bookmark. Also keep the bookmark if its target is the null
* destination. *)
let inrange =
(function x ->
range_is_all ||
x.Pdfmarks.target = Pdfdest.NullDestination ||
(match x.Pdfmarks.target with Pdfdest.NamedDestinationElsewhere _ -> true | _ -> false) ||
Hashtbl.mem rangetable (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf x.Pdfmarks.target)) bookmarks
let calculate_page_number mark =
(* Some buggy PDFs use integers for page numbers instead of page
* object references. Adobe Reader and Preview seem to support
* this, for presumably historical reasons. So if we see a
* OtherDocPageNumber (which is what Pdfdest parses these as,
* because that's what they are legitimately, we use this as the
* page number. It is zero based, though, and we are one-based, so
* we add one. Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target has been modified to support this.*)
Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf mark.Pdfmarks.target
if json then
output_json_marks stdout calculate_page_number pdf fastrefnums inrange
(function mark ->
(Printf.sprintf "%i \"%s\" %i%s %s\n"
(process_string mark.Pdfmarks.text)
(calculate_page_number mark)
(if mark.Pdfmarks.isopen then " open" else "")
(output_string_of_target pdf fastrefnums mark.Pdfmarks.target)))
(* o is the stamp, u is the main pdf page *)
(* \section{Split at bookmarks} *)
let get_bookmark_name pdf marks splitlevel n _ =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
match keep (function m -> n = Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf m.Pdfmarks.target && m.Pdfmarks.level <= splitlevel) marks with
| {Pdfmarks.text = title}::_ -> Cpdfattach.remove_unsafe_characters Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 title
| _ -> ""
(* Find the stem of a filename *)
(*let stem s =
implode (rev (tail_no_fail (dropwhile (neq '.') (rev (explode (Filename.basename s))))))*)
(* Return list, in order, a *set* of page numbers of bookmarks at a given level *)
let bookmark_pages level pdf =
let refnums = Pdf.page_reference_numbers pdf in
let fastrefnums = hashtable_of_dictionary (combine refnums (indx refnums)) in
(function l when l.Pdfmarks.level = level -> Some (Pdfpage.pagenumber_of_target ~fastrefnums pdf l.Pdfmarks.target) | _ -> None)
(Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks pdf))
(* Called from cpdflib.ml - different from above *)
let split_on_bookmarks pdf level =
let points = lose (eq 0) (map pred (bookmark_pages level pdf))
in let pdf_pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let ranges = splitat points (indx pdf_pages) in
map (fun rs -> Pdfpage.pdf_of_pages pdf rs) ranges
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] parses the bookmark file in [input].
Details of the bookmark file format can be found in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val parse_bookmark_file : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfmarks.t list
(** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] adds bookmarks from the bookmark file
give. If [verify] is given, bookmarks will be verified to ensure, for example,
that they are not out of the page range. *)
val add_bookmarks : json:bool -> bool -> Pdfio.input -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [list_bookmarks encoding range pdf output] lists the bookmarks to the given
output in the format specified in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val list_bookmarks : json:bool -> Cpdfmetadata.encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
@ -3152,7 +3152,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
Cpdf.output_page_info pdf range
Cpdfpage.output_page_info pdf range
| _ -> error "list-bookmarks: bad command line"
| Some Metadata ->
@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some Fonts) true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
Cpdf.print_fonts pdf range
Cpdffont.print_fonts pdf range
| _ -> error "-list-fonts: bad command line"
| Some ListBookmarks ->
@ -3170,7 +3170,7 @@ let go () =
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf pagespec in
Cpdf.list_bookmarks ~json:args.format_json args.encoding range pdf (Pdfio.output_of_channel stdout);
Cpdfbookmarks.list_bookmarks ~json:args.format_json args.encoding range pdf (Pdfio.output_of_channel stdout);
flush stdout
| _ -> error "list-bookmarks: bad command line"
@ -3540,14 +3540,14 @@ let go () =
| Some RemoveAnnotations ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
write_pdf false (Cpdf.remove_annotations range pdf)
write_pdf false (Cpdfannot.remove_annotations range pdf)
| Some (CopyAnnotations getfrom) ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [(k, _, u, o, _, _) as input] ->
let input_pdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input args.op k in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty input_pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let pdf =
(pdfread_pdf_of_file (optstring u) (optstring o) getfrom)
@ -3556,7 +3556,7 @@ let go () =
| _ -> error "copy-annotations: No input file specified"
| Some ListAnnotations ->
Cpdf.list_annotations ~json:args.format_json args.encoding (get_single_pdf args.op true)
Cpdfannot.list_annotations ~json:args.format_json args.encoding (get_single_pdf args.op true)
| Some Shift ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec_allow_empty pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
@ -3687,7 +3687,7 @@ let go () =
args.relative_to_cropbox args.underneath range pdf)
| Some (AddBookmarks file) ->
write_pdf false
(Cpdf.add_bookmarks ~json:args.format_json true (Pdfio.input_of_channel (open_in_bin file))
(Cpdfbookmarks.add_bookmarks ~json:args.format_json true (Pdfio.input_of_channel (open_in_bin file))
(get_single_pdf args.op false))
| Some RemoveBookmarks ->
write_pdf false (Pdfmarks.remove_bookmarks (get_single_pdf args.op false))
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ let missing_font pdf page (name, dict) =
Printf.printf "%i, %s, %s, %s, %s\n" page name subtype basefont encoding
let missing_fonts pdf range =
(fun num page ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Font" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary fontdict) ->
@ -257,3 +257,43 @@ let remove_fontdescriptor pdf = function
let remove_fonts pdf =
Pdf.objiter (fun k v -> ignore (Pdf.addobj_given_num pdf (k, remove_fontdescriptor pdf v))) pdf;
(* List fonts *)
let list_font pdf page (name, dict) =
let subtype =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Subtype" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
in let basefont =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/BaseFont" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
in let encoding =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Encoding" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Name n) -> Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf (Pdf.Name n)
| _ -> ""
(page, name, subtype, basefont, encoding)
let list_fonts pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun (num, page) ->
if mem num range then
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Font" page.Pdfpage.resources with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary fontdict) ->
map (list_font pdf num) fontdict
| _ -> []
(combine (ilist 1 (length pages)) pages))
let string_of_font (p, n, s, b, e) =
Printf.sprintf "%i %s %s %s %s\n" p n s b e
let print_fonts pdf range =
(fold_left ( ^ ) "" (map string_of_font (list_fonts pdf range)))
@ -9,3 +9,12 @@ val print_font_table : Pdf.t -> string -> int -> unit
val extract_fontfile : int -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
val remove_fonts : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Listing fonts} *)
(** Print font list to stdout *)
val print_fonts : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Return font list. Page number, name, subtype, basefont, encoding. *)
val list_fonts : Pdf.t -> int list -> (int * string * string * string * string) list
@ -656,6 +656,5 @@ let set_open_action pdf fit pagenumber =
{pdf with Pdf.root = catalognum; Pdf.trailerdict = trailerdict'}
| None -> error "bad root"
let set_version v pdf =
pdf.Pdf.minor <- v
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
open Pdfutil
(* Output information for each page *)
let output_page_info pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf
and labels = Pdfpagelabels.read pdf in
let getbox page box =
if box = "/MediaBox" then
match page.Pdfpage.mediabox with
| Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d] ->
Printf.sprintf "%f %f %f %f"
(Pdf.getnum a) (Pdf.getnum b) (Pdf.getnum c) (Pdf.getnum d)
| _ -> ""
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf box page.Pdfpage.rest with
| Some (Pdf.Array [a; b; c; d]) ->
Printf.sprintf "%f %f %f %f"
(Pdf.getnum a) (Pdf.getnum b) (Pdf.getnum c) (Pdf.getnum d)
| _ -> ""
and rotation page =
Pdfpage.int_of_rotation page.Pdfpage.rotate
(fun pnum ->
let page = select pnum pages in
Printf.printf "Page %i:\n" pnum;
Printf.printf "Label: %s\n"
(try Pdfpagelabels.pagelabeltext_of_pagenumber pnum labels with Not_found -> "");
Printf.printf "MediaBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/MediaBox");
Printf.printf "CropBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/CropBox");
Printf.printf "BleedBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/BleedBox");
Printf.printf "TrimBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/TrimBox");
Printf.printf "ArtBox: %s\n" (getbox page "/ArtBox");
Printf.printf "Rotation: %i\n" (rotation page))
let process_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
let pages', pagenumbers, matrices = (* new page objects, page number, matrix *)
(fun n p -> if mem n range then f n p else (p, n, Pdftransform.i_matrix))
(ilist 1 (length pages))
Pdfpage.change_pages ~matrices:(combine pagenumbers matrices) true pdf pages'
let iter_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun n p -> if mem n range then f n p)
(ilist 1 (length pages))
let map_pages f pdf range =
let pages = Pdfpage.pages_of_pagetree pdf in
(fun n p -> if mem n range then Some (f n p) else None)
(ilist 1 (length pages))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
(** Print page info (Mediabox etc) to standard output. *)
val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list
of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages. *)
val process_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t * int * Pdftransform.transform_matrix) ->
Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Same as [process_pages], but iterate rather than map. *)
val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Same as [process_pages] but return the list of outputs of the map function. *)
val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list
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