This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2023-02-16 17:00:03 +00:00
parent ac62069413
commit 9c554eb857

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@ -292,15 +292,24 @@ let mkfloat f = `Assoc [("F", `Float f)]
let mkint i = `Assoc [("I", `Int i)]
let mkname n = `Assoc [("N", `String n)]
let json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 =
(* A reversible encoding which marks strings which have been converted to UTF8
("V" = was a bom, "U" = no bom). If a string can't be converted, it is
preserved unmarked. *)
let json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 s =
if Pdftext.is_unicode s then
begin try `Assoc [("V", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring s))] with _ -> `String s end
begin try `Assoc [("U", `String (Pdftext.utf8_of_pdfdocstring s))] with _ -> `String s end
let rec json_of_object ~utf8 ?(clean_strings=false) pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content = function
| P.Null -> `Null
| P.Boolean b -> `Bool b
| P.Integer i -> mkint i
| P.Real r -> mkfloat r
| P.String s -> `String (if clean_strings then Pdftext.simplify_utf16be s else if utf8 then json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 s else s)
| P.String s ->
if clean_strings then `String (Pdftext.simplify_utf16be s)
else if utf8 then json_string_of_pdfstring_utf8 s
else `String s
| P.Name n -> mkname n
| P.Array objs -> `List (map (json_of_object ~utf8 pdf fcs ~no_stream_data ~parse_content) objs)
| P.Dictionary elts ->