XMP Metadata now printed with -info

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2014-10-15 13:14:33 +01:00
parent fc8f53641e
commit 953cf0acc5

View File

@ -2849,9 +2849,9 @@ let xmltree_of_bytes b =
and data d = D d in
Xmlm.input_doc_tree ~el ~data i
(*let rec string_of_xmltree = function
let rec string_of_xmltree = function
D d ->
Printf.sprintf "DATA **%s**" d
Printf.sprintf "DATA {%s}" d
| E (tag, trees) ->
Printf.sprintf "ELT (%s, %s)"
(string_of_tag tag)
@ -2863,7 +2863,7 @@ and string_of_tag ((n, n'), attributes) =
(string_of_attributes attributes)
and string_of_attribute ((n, n'), str) =
Printf.sprintf "ATTRNAME |%s| |%s|, STR **%s**" n n' str
Printf.sprintf "ATTRNAME |%s| |%s|, STR {%s}" n n' str
and string_of_attributes attrs =
@ -2871,15 +2871,46 @@ and string_of_attributes attrs =
and string_of_xmltrees trees =
(fun a b -> a ^ " " ^ b) "" (map string_of_xmltree trees)*)
(fun a b -> a ^ " " ^ b) "" (map string_of_xmltree trees)
let adobe = "http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/"
let xmp = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/"
let dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
let rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
let combine_with_spaces strs =
(fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ (if x <> "" then ", " else "") ^ y) "" strs)
(* Collect all <li> elements inside a seq, bag, or alt. Combine with commas. If
none found, return empty string instead. *)
let collect_list_items = function
E (((n, n'), _), elts) when
n = rdf && (n' = "Alt" || n' = "Seq" || n' = "Bag")
E (((n, n'), _), [D d]) when n = rdf && n' = "li" ->
Some d
| _ -> None)
| _ -> ""
let collect_list_items_all all =
match keep (function E _ -> true | _ -> false) all with
h::_ -> Some (collect_list_items h)
| [] -> None
let rec get_data_for namespace name = function
D _ -> None
| E (((n, n'), children), [D d]) when n = namespace && n' = name ->
| E (((n, n'), _), [D d]) when n = namespace && n' = name ->
Some d
(*| E (((n, n'), l), [D d]) ->
if n' <> "image" then Printf.printf "%s %s %s\n" n n' d;
| E (((n, n'), _), e) when n = namespace && n' = name ->
collect_list_items_all e
| E (_, l) ->
match option_map (get_data_for namespace name) l with
x :: _ -> Some x
@ -2897,13 +2928,6 @@ let output_xmp_info encoding pdf =
None -> ()
| Some metadata ->
let dtd, tree = xmltree_of_bytes metadata in
(*flprint "***************** ORIGINAL\n";
print_endline (string_of_bytes metadata);
flprint "***************** TREE\n";
print_endline (string_of_xmltree tree);*)
let adobe = "http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/"
and xmp = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/"
and dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" in
print_out tree "XMP pdf:Keywords" adobe "Keywords";
print_out tree "XMP pdf:PDFVersion" adobe "PDFVersion";
print_out tree "XMP pdf:Producer" adobe "Producer";
@ -2913,7 +2937,8 @@ let output_xmp_info encoding pdf =
print_out tree "XMP xmp:MetadataDate" xmp "MetadataDate";
print_out tree "XMP xmp:ModifyDate" xmp "ModifyDate";
print_out tree "XMP dc:title" dc "title";
print_out tree "XMP dc:creator" dc "creator"
print_out tree "XMP dc:creator" dc "creator";
print_out tree "XMP dc:subject" dc "subject"
(* \section{Blacken text} *)