This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2023-12-23 17:18:13 +00:00
parent 24fdbd4535
commit 91a7ffd371

View File

@ -72,10 +72,10 @@ let write_image ~raw ?path_to_p2p ?path_to_im pdf resources name image =
| Pdfimage.JBIG2 (stream, _, global) ->
begin match global with
| None ->
Printf.printf "JBIG2: No global, writing plain\n";
(*Printf.printf "JBIG2: No global, writing plain\n";*)
write_stream (name ^ ".jbig2") stream
| Some g ->
Printf.printf "JBIG2: there is a global\n";
(*Printf.printf "JBIG2: there is a global\n";*)
let go () =
let serial, _ = Hashtbl.find jbig2_globals g in
write_stream (name ^ ".jbig2__" ^ string_of_int serial) stream
@ -490,7 +490,6 @@ let image_of_input fobj i =
let pdf, pageroot = Pdfpage.add_pagetree [page] pdf in
Pdfpage.add_root pageroot [] pdf
let jpeg_to_jpeg pdf ~q ~path_to_convert s dict reference =
Pdf.getstream s;
let out = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" "convertin" ^ ".jpg" in
@ -629,16 +628,6 @@ let recompress_1bpp_jbig2_lossless ~path_to_jbig2enc pdf s dict reference =
(* Lossless to JPEG: 8bpp Grey, 8bpp RGB, 8bpp CMYK including separation and ICCBased colourspaces *)
(* 1 bit: anything to JBIG2 lossless (no globals) *)
(* FIXME Only do if quality < 100 *)
(* FIXME Error when path_to_convert not defined *)
(* FIXME Need the "is it smaller" check from Pdfcodec.encode here too? *)
(* FIXME (this appears to make the file larger than ./cpdf ~/repos/pdfs/PDFTests/main128fail.pdf -recrypt -o out.pdf. Why? Seems to not create new object streams. Make it do so, since this a compression mechanism? An empty Pdf.objiter should not blow up a file like this!) *)
(* FIXME What about predictors? Audit to see if files get smaller. *)
(* FIXME if lossy only 5% smaller, ignore? Set this parameter... *)
(* FIXME error handling for Sys.remove, others *)
(* FIXME Use raw format for all, and make it fast *)
(* FIXME what are the best jbig2enc parameters *)
(* FIXME JBIG2 If we fail, need to have saved old one, otherwise it will no longer be CCITT encoded! Others too! *)
let process ?q ?qlossless ?onebppmethod pdf ~path_to_jbig2enc ~path_to_convert =
let process_obj _ s =
match s with