Rasterize and image output finished

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2024-11-28 13:28:03 +00:00
parent 9e2681a200
commit 8b264f95d2
1 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -3674,7 +3674,6 @@ let replace_obj pdf objspec obj =
(* Call out to GhostScript to rasterize. Read back in and replace the page contents with the resultant PNG. *)
let rasterize antialias downsample device res annots quality pdf range =
Printf.printf "rasterize antialias=%b device=%s res=%f annots=%b\n" antialias device res annots;
if args.path_to_ghostscript = "" then begin
Pdfe.log "Please supply path to gs with -gs\n";
exit 2
@ -3688,15 +3687,20 @@ let rasterize antialias downsample device res annots quality pdf range =
if not (mem pnum range) then page else
let tmpout = Filename.temp_file "cpdf" ".png" in
tempfiles := tmpout::!tempfiles;
let antialias = if antialias then "4" else "1" in
let antialias, res =
if downsample then ["-dDownScaleFactor=4"], res *. 4. else
let bits = if antialias then "4" else "1" in
["-dTextAlphaBits=" ^ bits; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=" ^ bits], res
let gscall =
Filename.quote_command args.path_to_ghostscript
((if args.gs_quiet then ["-dQUIET"] else []) @
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-dSAFER"; "-dTextAlphaBits=" ^ antialias; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=" ^ antialias;
"-sDEVICE=" ^ device; "-dUseCropBox"; "-dShowAnnots=" ^ string_of_bool annots; "-dJPEGQ=" ^ string_of_int quality;
"-sOutputFile=" ^ tmpout; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum; "-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
antialias @
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-sDEVICE=" ^ device; "-dUseCropBox"; "-dShowAnnots=" ^ string_of_bool annots;
"-dJPEGQ=" ^ string_of_int quality; "-sOutputFile=" ^ tmpout; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum;
"-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
Printf.printf "CALL: %S\n" gscall;
(*Printf.printf "CALL: %S\n" gscall;*)
begin match Sys.command gscall with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> Pdfe.log "Rasterization failed\n"; exit 2
@ -3715,6 +3719,7 @@ let rasterize antialias downsample device res annots quality pdf range =
| Pdfpage.Rotate90 | Pdfpage.Rotate270 -> h, w
| _ -> w, h
let w, h = if downsample then w * 4, h * 4 else w, h in
let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) =
@ -3759,16 +3764,21 @@ let write_images device res quality boxname annots antialias downsample spec pdf
(fun page pnum ->
if not (mem pnum range) then () else
let out = Cpdfbookmarks.name_of_spec Cpdfmetadata.UTF8 [] pdf 0 spec pnum "" 0 0 in
let antialias = if antialias then "4" else "1" in
let antialias, res =
if downsample then ["-dDownScaleFactor=4"], res *. 4. else
let bits = if antialias then "4" else "1" in
["-dTextAlphaBits=" ^ bits; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=" ^ bits], res
let gscall =
Filename.quote_command args.path_to_ghostscript
((if args.gs_quiet then ["-dQUIET"] else []) @
(if boxname = None then [] else ["-dUse" ^ (implode (tl (explode (unopt boxname))))]) @
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-dSAFER"; "-dTextAlphaBits=" ^ antialias; "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=" ^ antialias;
"-sDEVICE=" ^ device; "-dShowAnnots=" ^ string_of_bool annots; "-dJPEGQ=" ^ string_of_int quality;
"-sOutputFile=" ^ out; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum; "-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
antialias @
["-dBATCH"; "-dNOPAUSE"; "-sDEVICE=" ^ device; "-dShowAnnots=" ^ string_of_bool annots;
"-dJPEGQ=" ^ string_of_int quality; "-sOutputFile=" ^ out; "-sPageList=" ^ string_of_int pnum;
"-r" ^ string_of_float res; tmppdf])
Printf.printf "CALL: %S\n" gscall;
(*Printf.printf "CALL: %S\n" gscall;*)
begin match Sys.command gscall with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> Pdfe.log "Rasterization failed\n"; exit 2