Work on 28_005

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2025-01-17 11:30:01 +08:00
parent d2e819427f
commit 84014abf5c
2 changed files with 37 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -845,7 +845,7 @@ let recompress_1bpp_ccitt_lossless ~pixel_threshold ~length_threshold pdf s dict
let old = !reference in
let restore () = reference := old in
let w = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Width" dict with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> error "bad width" in
let h = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Height" dict with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> error "bad height" in
(*let h = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Height" dict with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> error "bad height" in*)
(*if w * h < pixel_threshold then (if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "pixel threshold not met\n%!") else*)
let size = match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Length" dict with Some (Pdf.Integer i) -> i | _ -> 0 in
(*if size < length_threshold then (if !debug_image_processing then Printf.printf "length threshold not met\n%!") else*)

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@ -702,8 +702,43 @@ let matterhorn_28_004 _ _ pdf =
(* A form field does not have a TU entry and does not have an alternative
description (in the form of an Alt entry in the enclosing structure
element). *)
let get_field_object_numbers pdf =
let rec get_field_object_numbers_inner obj =
match obj with
| Pdf.Indirect i ->
(* Is this referenced item a field (rather than an annotation alone?).
If so, count it, and recurse on an /Kids. *)
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/T" (Pdf.Indirect i) with
| Some _ ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/Kids" (Pdf.Indirect i) with
| None -> [i]
| Some kids -> i::get_field_object_numbers_inner kids
| None -> []
| _ ->
Pdfe.log "get_field_object_numbers_inner: non-indirect Kid";
match Pdf.lookup_chain pdf pdf.Pdf.trailerdict ["/Root"; "/AcroForm"; "/Fields"] with
| Some (Pdf.Array toplevelfields) ->
flatten (map get_field_object_numbers_inner toplevelfields)
| _ ->
let matterhorn_28_005 _ _ pdf =
unimpl ()
let missing_tu =
(function objnum ->
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/T" (Pdf.Indirect objnum) with
| Some _ -> None
| None -> Some objnum)
(get_field_object_numbers pdf)
if missing_tu = [] then () else
(* Check for alts in enclosing. We look for /StructParent (from merged annoation, not field) *)
let parent_tree = read_parent_tree pdf in
(* An annotation with subtype undefined in ISO 32000 does not meet 7.18.1. *)
let matterhorn_28_006 _ _ pdf =