This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2020-02-27 13:00:06 +01:00
parent 4d088e6702
commit 803e5b38d5

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@ -3608,18 +3608,31 @@ let ocg_coalesce pdf =
Printf.printf "\nChanges are:\n";
List.iter (fun (f, t) -> Printf.printf "%i -> %i\n" f t) changes;
let new_ocproperties =
(* FIXME: Instead, look for order / ocgs inside "/D" !! - one more layer of indirection *)
let remove_from_array key nums dict =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key dict with
| Some (Pdf.Array elts) ->
let elts' = option_map (function Pdf.Indirect i -> if mem i nums then None else Some (Pdf.Indirect i) | _ -> None) elts in
Pdf.add_dict_entry dict key (Pdf.Array elts')
Pdf.add_dict_entry dict key (Pdf.Array elts')
| _ -> dict
let remove_from_array_inside_d key nums dict =
match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf "/D" dict with
| Some (Pdf.Dictionary ddict) ->
begin match Pdf.lookup_direct pdf key (Pdf.Dictionary ddict) with
| Some (Pdf.Array elts) ->
let elts' = option_map (function Pdf.Indirect i -> if mem i nums then None else Some (Pdf.Indirect i) | _ -> None) elts in
Pdf.add_dict_entry dict "/D" (Pdf.add_dict_entry (Pdf.Dictionary ddict) key (Pdf.Array elts'))
| _ -> dict
| _ -> failwith "No /D dict in OCGProperties"
let nums = map fst changes in
Printf.printf "\nto remove:\n";
List.iter (Printf.printf "%i ") nums;
remove_from_array "/OCGs" nums (remove_from_array "/Order" nums ocpdict)
remove_from_array "/OCGs" nums
(remove_from_array_inside_d "/ON" nums
(remove_from_array_inside_d "/OFF" nums
(remove_from_array_inside_d "/Order" nums ocpdict)))
flprint (Pdfwrite.string_of_pdf new_ocproperties);
let ocp_objnum = Pdf.addobj pdf new_ocproperties in