This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2021-12-01 16:20:39 -08:00
parent fb190868d1
commit 680e66505e

View File

@ -58,16 +58,17 @@ let font_widths f fontsize =
let w = fontsize *. (600. /. 1000.) in
Array.make 256 w
let width_of_string ws s =
let w = ref 0. in
iter (fun s -> w := !w +. ws.(int_of_char s)) s;
(* For now, split each text element into words, and lay them out ragged right
on one long page. Words longer than a whole line just fall off the margin.
Turn text newlines into real newlines. *)
let width_of_string ws s =
fold_left ( +. ) 0. (map (fun s -> ws.(int_of_char s)) s) (* FIXME efficiency *)
(* Split into words on spaces. Find how many words (at least one, to make
progress) fit into the available space. We set needs_newline if the next
word would overflow. Return (text, needs_newline, remaining_text) *)
(* FIXME efficiency *)
let split_text space_left widths t =
let chars = ref t in
let words = ref [] in