Beginning to fix permissions to work with recryption

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2014-10-16 15:28:46 +01:00
parent 8b02d20041
commit 6217f66cec

View File

@ -155,6 +155,106 @@ type op =
| RemovePageLabels
| PrintPageLabels
let string_of_op = function
| CopyFont _ -> "CopyFont"
| CSP1 -> "CSP1"
| CSP2 _ -> "CSP2"
| CSP3 -> "CSP3"
| CountPages -> "CountPages"
| Version -> "Version"
| Encrypt -> "Encrypt"
| Decrypt -> "Decrypt"
| StampOn _ -> "StampOn"
| StampUnder _ -> "StampUnder"
| CombinePages _ -> "CombinePages"
| TwoUp -> "TwoUp"
| TwoUpStack -> "TwoUpStack"
| RemoveBookmarks -> "RemoveBookmarks"
| AddBookmarks _ -> "AddBookmarks"
| AddText _ -> "AddText"
| AddRectangle -> "AddRectangle"
| RemoveText -> "RemoveText"
| Draft -> "Draft"
| PadBefore -> "PadBefore"
| PadAfter -> "PadAfter"
| PadEvery _ -> "PadEvery"
| PadMultiple _ -> "PadMultiple"
| Shift -> "Shift"
| Scale -> "Scale"
| ScaleToFit -> "ScaleToFit"
| ScaleContents _ -> "ScaleContents"
| AttachFile _ -> "AttachFile"
| RemoveAttachedFiles -> "RemoveAttachedFiles"
| ListAttachedFiles -> "ListAttachedFiles"
| DumpAttachedFiles -> "DumpAttachedFiles"
| RemoveAnnotations -> "RemoveAnnotations"
| ListAnnotations -> "ListAnnotations"
| ListAnnotationsMore -> "ListAnnotationsMore"
| CopyAnnotations _ -> "CopyAnnotations"
| Merge -> "Merge"
| Split -> "Split"
| SplitOnBookmarks _ -> "SplitOnBookmarks"
| Clean -> "Clean"
| Info -> "Info"
| PageInfo -> "PageInfo"
| Metadata -> "Metadata"
| SetMetadata _ -> "SetMetadata"
| RemoveMetadata -> "RemoveMetadata"
| Fonts -> "Fonts"
| RemoveFonts -> "RemoveFonts"
| Compress -> "Compress"
| Decompress -> "Decompress"
| Crop -> "Crop"
| RemoveCrop -> "RemoveCrop"
| CopyCropBoxToMediaBox -> "CopyCropBoxToMediaBox"
| CopyBox -> "CopyBox"
| MediaBox -> "MediaBox"
| Rotate _ -> "Rotate"
| Rotateby _ -> "Rotateby"
| RotateContents _ -> "RotateContents"
| Upright -> "Upright"
| VFlip -> "VFlip"
| HFlip -> "HFlip"
| ThinLines _ -> "ThinLines"
| SetAuthor _ -> "SetAuthor"
| SetTitle _ -> "SetTitle"
| SetSubject _ -> "SetSubject"
| SetKeywords _ -> "SetKeywords"
| SetCreate _ -> "SetCreate"
| SetModify _ -> "SetModify"
| SetCreator _ -> "SetCreator"
| SetProducer _ -> "SetProducer"
| SetTrapped -> "SetTrapped"
| SetUntrapped -> "SetUntrapped"
| SetVersion _ -> "SetVersion"
| ListBookmarks -> "ListBookmarks"
| SetPageLayout _ -> "SetPageLayout"
| SetPageMode _ -> "SetPageMode"
| HideToolbar _ -> "HideToolbar"
| HideMenubar _ -> "HideMenubar"
| HideWindowUI _ -> "HideWindowUI"
| FitWindow _ -> "FitWindow"
| CenterWindow _ -> "CenterWindow"
| DisplayDocTitle _ -> "DisplayDocTitle"
| Presentation -> "Presentation"
| ChangeId -> "ChangeId"
| RemoveId -> "RemoveId"
| CopyId _ -> "CopyId"
| BlackText -> "BlackText"
| BlackLines -> "BlackLines"
| BlackFills -> "BlackFills"
| ExtractImages -> "ExtractImages"
| ImageResolution _ -> "ImageResolution"
| MissingFonts -> "MissingFonts"
| RemoveUnusedResources -> "RemoveUnusedResources"
| ExtractFontFile -> "ExtractFontFile"
| ExtractText -> "ExtractText"
| OpenAtPage _ -> "OpenAtPage"
| OpenAtPageFit _ -> "OpenAtPageFit"
| AddPageLabels -> "AddPageLabels"
| RemovePageLabels -> "RemovePageLabels"
| PrintPageLabels -> "PrintPageLabels"
(* Inputs: filename, pagespec. *)
type input_kind =
| AlreadyInMemory of Pdf.t
@ -252,6 +352,7 @@ type args =
mutable labelstartval : int;
mutable squeeze : bool;
mutable original_filename : string;
mutable was_encrypted : bool;
mutable cpdflin : string option;
mutable recrypt : bool}
@ -331,6 +432,7 @@ let args =
labelstartval = 1;
squeeze = false;
original_filename = "";
was_encrypted = false;
cpdflin = None;
recrypt = false}
@ -405,7 +507,7 @@ let reset_arguments () =
args.labelstartval <- 1;
args.squeeze <- false;
args.recrypt <- false
(* Do not reset original_filename or cpdflin, since we want it to work across ANDs. *)
(* Do not reset original_filename or cpdflin or was_encrypted, since we want it to work across ANDs. *)
let banlist_of_args () =
let l = ref [] in
@ -432,12 +534,15 @@ let banned banlist = function
| _ -> mem Pdfcrypt.NoEdit banlist
let operation_allowed banlist op =
args.recrypt || (* FIXME *)
match op with
| None -> true (* Merge *) (* changed to allow it *)
| Some op -> not (banned banlist op)
let rec decrypt_if_necessary (a, b, c, user_pw, owner_pw) op pdf =
let rec decrypt_if_necessary (_, _, _, user_pw, owner_pw) op pdf =
begin match op with
None -> flprint "decrypt_if_necessary: op = None\n"
| Some x -> Printf.printf "decrypt_if_necessary: op = %s\n" (string_of_op x)
if not (Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf) then pdf else
match Pdfcrypt.decrypt_pdf_owner owner_pw pdf with
| Some pdf -> pdf
@ -1752,6 +1857,7 @@ let get_single_pdf op read_lazy =
pdfread_pdf_of_file (optstring u) (optstring o) inname
args.was_encrypted <- Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf;
decrypt_if_necessary input op pdf
| (StdIn, _, _, u, o) as input::_ ->
decrypt_if_necessary input op (pdf_of_stdin u o)
@ -1779,7 +1885,7 @@ let really_write_pdf ?(encryption = None) mk_id pdf outname =
then Filename.temp_file "cpdflin" ".pdf"
else outname
begin if args.recrypt then
begin if args.recrypt && args.was_encrypted then
(get_single_pdf_nodecrypt false) pdf args.user outname'
@ -2583,7 +2689,12 @@ let go () =
match namewiths with
| (namewiths, _, _, _, _) as input::t ->
let spdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input (Some Decrypt) namewiths in
let spdf =
(Some Decrypt)
write_pdf x (Cpdf.copy_id true spdf pdf)
| _ -> write_pdf x pdf
@ -3176,6 +3287,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf ~encryption:(Some encryption) args.makenewid pdf
| Some Decrypt ->
args.recrypt <- false;
write_pdf false (get_single_pdf args.op false)
| Some RemoveMetadata ->
write_pdf false (Cpdf.remove_metadata (get_single_pdf args.op false))