diff --git a/cpdfmetadata.ml b/cpdfmetadata.ml
index f8e5a65..b685ca8 100644
--- a/cpdfmetadata.ml
+++ b/cpdfmetadata.ml
@@ -277,12 +277,14 @@ and string_of_xmltrees trees =
(fun a b -> a ^ " " ^ b) "" (map string_of_xmltree trees)
let adobe = "http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/"
let xmp = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/"
let dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
let rdf = "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+let pdfaid = "http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/"
+let pdfxid = "http://www.npes.org/pdfx/ns/id/"
+let pdfe = "http://www.aiim.org/pdfe/ns/id/"
+let pdfuaid = "http://www.aiim.org/pdfua/ns/id/"
+let pdfvtid = "http://www.npes.org/pdfvt/ns/id/"
let combine_with_spaces strs =
@@ -319,6 +321,44 @@ let rec get_data_for namespace name = function
x :: _ -> Some x
| _ -> None
+(* -PDF/A: 2 B
+ PDF/E: PDF/E-1 PDF/X-4
+ -PDF/UA: 1
+ PDF/X: PDF/X-4 (Fallback DID /GTS_PDFXVersion(PDF/X-1:2001)) *)
+let determine_subformat pdf =
+ match get_metadata pdf with
+ | None -> "PDF"
+ | Some metadata ->
+ try
+ let _, tree = xmltree_of_bytes metadata in
+ flprint (string_of_xmltree tree);
+ (* PDF/E *)
+ match get_data_for pdfaid "ISO_PDFEVersion" tree with
+ | Some s ->
+ (* If also a pdfxid, print that in parentheses *)
+ s
+ | None ->
+ (* PDF/UA *)
+ match get_data_for pdfuaid "part" tree with
+ | Some s -> "PDF/UA-" ^ s
+ | None ->
+ (* PDF/A *)
+ match get_data_for pdfaid "part" tree with
+ | Some part ->
+ let conformance =
+ match get_data_for pdfaid "conformance" tree with
+ | Some s -> String.lowercase_ascii s
+ | None -> ""
+ in
+ "PDF/A-" ^ part ^ conformance
+ | None ->
+ "PDFn"
+ with
+ _ ->
+ (* Fallback DID /GTS... *)
+ "qPDF"
let output_xmp_info ?(json=ref [("none", `Null)]) encoding pdf =
let notjson = !json = [("none", `Null)] in
let print_out tree title namespace name =
@@ -333,6 +373,7 @@ let output_xmp_info ?(json=ref [("none", `Null)]) encoding pdf =
json =| (title, `String data)
+ Printf.printf "Subformat: %s\n" (determine_subformat pdf);
match get_metadata pdf with
None -> ()
| Some metadata ->