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@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ val decompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Metadata and settings} *)
(** [copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto] *)
(** [copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto] copies the ID, if any, from
[copyfrom] to [copyto]. If [keepversion] is true, the PDF version of [copyto]
won't be affected. *)
val copy_id : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the /Info directory, updating
@ -103,22 +105,26 @@ val set_page_layout : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(** Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *)
val set_page_mode : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(** Set the PDF version number *)
val set_version : int -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** Output to standard output general information about a PDF. *)
(** Given a PDF, returns a function which can lookup a given dictionary entry
from the /Info dictionary, returning it as a UTF8 string *)
val get_info_utf8 : Pdf.t -> string -> string
(** Output to standard output general information about a PDF. *)
val output_info : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** {2 Presentations} *)
(** [presentation range t d h i dir effect_dur pdf] *)
(** [presentation range t d horizontal inward direction effect_duration pdf]
adds a presentation on the pages in [range]. See cpdfmanual.pdf for details.
val presentation : int list -> string option ->
float option -> bool -> bool -> int -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 File Attachments} *)
(** [attach_file keep-version topage pdf filename] *)
(** [attach_file keepversion topage pdf filename] attaches the file in [filename] to the pdf, optionally to a page (rather than document-level). If keepversion is true, the PDF version number won't be altered. *)
val attach_file : bool -> int option -> Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(** Remove attached files. *)
@ -129,28 +135,34 @@ val list_attached_files : Pdf.t -> (string * int) list
(** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] *)
(** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] parses the bookmark file in [input].
Details of the bookmark file format can be found in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val parse_bookmark_file : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfmarks.t list
(** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] *)
(** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] adds bookmarks from the bookmark file
give. If [verify] is given, bookmarks will be verified to ensure, for example,
that they are not out of the page range. *)
val add_bookmarks : bool -> Pdfio.input -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [list_bookmarks deunicode range page_offset pdf output] *)
(** [list_bookmarks encoding range pdf output] lists the bookmarks to the given
output in the format specified in cpdfmanual.pdf *)
val list_bookmarks : encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
(** {2 XML Metadata} *)
(** [set_metadata keepversion filename pdf] *)
(** [set_metadata keepversion filename pdf] sets the XML metadata of a PDF to the contents of [filename]. If [keepversion] is true, the PDF version will not be altered. *)
val set_metadata : bool -> string -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The same, but the content comes from [bytes]. *)
val set_metadata_from_bytes : bool -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Remove the metadata from a file *)
val remove_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Print metadate to stdout *)
(** Extract metadata to a [Pdfio.bytes] *)
val get_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdfio.bytes
(** Print metadate to stdout *)
val print_metadata : Pdf.t -> unit
(** {2 Stamping} *)
@ -177,6 +189,7 @@ val split_pdf : Pdfwrite.encryption option -> bool -> string -> int -> bool -> (
(** Print font list to stdout *)
val print_fonts : Pdf.t -> unit
(** Return font list. Page number, name, subtype, basefont, encoding. *)
val list_fonts : Pdf.t -> (int * string * string * string * string) list
(** {2 Adding text} *)
@ -321,14 +334,16 @@ val padmultiple : int -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Annotations} *)
(** List the annotations to standard output *)
(** List the annotations to standard output in a given encoding. See cpdfmanual.pdf for the format details. *)
val list_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** The same, but giving more information. Deprecated *)
val list_annotations_more : Pdf.t -> unit
(** Return the annotations as a (pagenumber, content) list *)
val get_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> (int * string) list
(** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b yielding c. *)
(** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b. b is returned. *)
val copy_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Remove the annotations on given pages. *)
@ -336,16 +351,20 @@ val remove_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Imposition} *)
(** Two-up a PDF. *)
val twoup : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Stack Two-up a PDF. *)
(** The twoup_stack operation puts two logical pages on each physical page,
rotating them 90 degrees to do so. The new mediabox is thus larger. *)
val twoup_stack : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** The twoup operation does the same, but scales the new sides down so that
the media box is unchanged. *)
val twoup : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Making new documents} *)
(** Make a blank document given x and y page dimensions in points and a number of pages *)
val blank_document : float -> float -> int -> Pdf.t
(** The same, but give a Pdfpaper.t paper size. *)
val blank_document_paper : Pdfpaper.t -> int -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Miscellany} *)
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