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@ -1,8 +1,36 @@
(** Coherent PDF Tools Core Routines *)
open Pdfutil
(** {2 Types and Exceptions} *)
type encoding = Raw | UTF8 | Stripped
exception SoftError of string
exception HardError of string
(** {2 Debug} *)
(** Debug: Print out a PDF in readable form to the terminal *)
val print_pdf_objs : Pdf.t -> unit
(** {2 Working with pages} *)
(** Like [Pdfpage.endpage], but from an input and possible password - does the
minimal work to find the number of pages. *)
val endpage_io : Pdfio.input -> string option -> string option -> int
(** Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list
of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages. *)
val process_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Same, but just iterate *)
val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
(** Same, but map *)
val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list
(** {2 Page specifications and ranges } *)
val parse_pagespec : Pdf.t -> string -> int list
val string_of_pagespec : Pdf.t -> int list -> string
@ -11,11 +39,7 @@ val validate_pagespec : string -> bool
val name_of_spec : bool -> Pdfmarks.t list -> Pdf.t -> int -> string -> int -> string -> int -> int -> string
(** Debug: Print out a PDF in readable form to the terminal *)
val print_pdf_objs : Pdf.t -> unit
(** Same, but from an input and possible password - does the minimal work to find the number of pages. *)
val endpage_io : Pdfio.input -> string option -> string option -> int
(** {2 Compress and Decompress} *)
(** Compresses all streams in the PDF document which are uncompressed, using
/FlateDecode, leaving out metadata. If the PDF is encrypted, does nothing. *)
@ -23,111 +47,107 @@ val recompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
val decompress_pdf : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the /Info directory, updating
(** {2 Metadata and settings} *)
(** [copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto] *)
val copy_id : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the /Info directory, updating
the PDF minor version to [version].*)
val set_pdf_info : (string * Pdf.pdfobject * int) -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the
(** [set_pdf_info (key, value, version)] sets the entry [key] in the
/ViewerPreferences directory, updating the PDF minor version to [version].*)
val set_viewer_preference : (string * Pdf.pdfobject * int) -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *)
(** Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *)
val set_page_layout : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(* Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *)
(** Set the page layout to the given name (sans slash) e.g SinglePage *)
val set_page_mode : Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(* Expand the string "now" to a PDF date string, ignoring any other string *)
val expand_date : string -> string
val set_version : int -> Pdf.t -> unit
(* Given a function from page number and page to page, a document, and a list
of page numbers to apply it to, apply the function to all those pages. *)
val process_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(** Output to standard output general information about a PDF. *)
(* Same, but just iterate *)
val iter_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> unit) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> unit
val get_info_utf8 : Pdf.t -> string -> string
(* Same, but map *)
val map_pages : (int -> Pdfpage.t -> 'a) -> Pdf.t -> int list -> 'a list
val output_info : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(* Two possible error classes. *)
exception SoftError of string
exception HardError of string
(** {2 Presentations} *)
(* [presentation range t d h i dir effect_dur pdf] *)
(** [presentation range t d h i dir effect_dur pdf] *)
val presentation : int list -> string option ->
float option -> bool -> bool -> int -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [attach_file keep-version topage pdf filename] *)
(** {2 File Attachments} *)
(** [attach_file keep-version topage pdf filename] *)
val attach_file : bool -> int option -> Pdf.t -> string -> Pdf.t
(* Remove attached files. *)
(** Remove attached files. *)
val remove_attached_files : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* List attached files. Attachment name and page number. Page 0 is document level. *)
(** List attached files. Attachment name and page number. Page 0 is document level. *)
val list_attached_files : Pdf.t -> (string * int) list
(* [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] *)
(** [parse_bookmark_file verify pdf input] *)
val parse_bookmark_file : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfmarks.t list
(* [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] *)
(** [add_bookmarks verify input pdf] *)
val add_bookmarks : bool -> Pdfio.input -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [copy_id keepversion copyfrom copyto] *)
val copy_id : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** [list_bookmarks deunicode range page_offset pdf output] *)
val list_bookmarks : encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
(* [set_metadata keepversion filename pdf] *)
(** {2 XML Metadata} *)
(** [set_metadata keepversion filename pdf] *)
val set_metadata : bool -> string -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
val set_metadata_from_bytes : bool -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Remove the metadata from a file *)
(** Remove the metadata from a file *)
val remove_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize] *)
val combine_pages : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t
(* [stamp scale_to_fit fast isover range over pdf] stamps the first page of [over] over each page of the PDF. *)
val stamp : bool -> bool -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* [list_bookmarks deunicode range page_offset pdf output] *)
val list_bookmarks : encoding -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdfio.output -> unit
(* Custom CSP1 *)
val custom_csp1 : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Custom CSP2 *)
val custom_csp2 : float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* FIXME: Horrid - should return PDFs, write to file separtely. *)
(* [split_at_bookmarks linearize nobble level spec pdf] *)
val split_at_bookmarks : string -> bool -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) -> int -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
(* The new one *)
val split_on_bookmarks : Pdf.t -> int -> Pdf.t list
(* [split_pdf printf chunksize linearize nobble spec pdf] *)
val split_pdf : Pdfwrite.encryption option -> bool -> string -> int -> bool -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
(* Nobble a page, given pdf, pagenumber and page *)
val nobble_page : Pdf.t -> 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
(* Print page info (Mediabox etc) *)
val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> unit
val hasbox : Pdf.t -> int -> string -> bool
(* Print metadate to stdout *)
(** Print metadate to stdout *)
val get_metadata : Pdf.t -> Pdfio.bytes
val print_metadata : Pdf.t -> unit
(* Print font list to stdout *)
(** {2 Stamping} *)
(** [combine_pages fast under over scaletofit swap equalize] *)
val combine_pages : bool -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Pdf.t
(** [stamp scale_to_fit fast isover range over pdf] stamps the first page of [over] over each page of the PDF. *)
val stamp : bool -> bool -> bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Splitting PDFs} *)
(** [split_at_bookmarks linearize nobble level spec pdf] *)
val split_at_bookmarks : string -> bool -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) -> int -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** The new one *)
val split_on_bookmarks : Pdf.t -> int -> Pdf.t list
(** [split_pdf printf chunksize linearize nobble spec pdf] *)
val split_pdf : Pdfwrite.encryption option -> bool -> string -> int -> bool -> (Pdf.t -> Pdf.t) -> string -> Pdf.t -> unit
(** {2 Listing fonts} *)
(** Print font list to stdout *)
val print_fonts : Pdf.t -> unit
val list_fonts : Pdf.t -> (int * string * string * string * string) list
(* Possible positions for adding text and other uses. *)
(** {2 Adding text} *)
(** Expand the string "now" to a PDF date string, ignoring any other string *)
val expand_date : string -> string
(** Possible positions for adding text and other uses. *)
type position =
| PosCentre of float * float
| PosLeft of float * float
@ -155,14 +175,14 @@ type justification =
| CentreJustify
| RightJustify
(* [calculate ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) shorterside pos] *)
(** [calculate ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) shorterside pos] *)
val calculate_position :
bool ->
float ->
float * float * float * float ->
orientation -> position -> float * float * float
(* Returns what the added text string would be *)
(** Returns what the added text string would be *)
(*val addtext_returntext : Pdf.t -> string -> int -> string -> int -> string*)
val metrics_howmany : unit -> int
@ -172,7 +192,7 @@ val metrics_y : int -> float
val metrics_rot : int -> float
val metrics_baseline_adjustment : unit -> float
(* [add_texts fontname font bates colour positino linespacing fontsize shorterside text pages pdf] *)
(** [add_texts fontname font bates colour positino linespacing fontsize shorterside text pages pdf] *)
val addtexts :
bool -> (*metrics*)
float -> (*linewidth*)
@ -197,109 +217,125 @@ val addtexts :
Pdf.t ->(*pdf*)
(* Remove text from the given pages. *)
(** Remove text from the given pages. *)
val removetext : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered. *)
val upright : ?fast:bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Page geometry} *)
(* [crop_pdf x y w h pdf range] *)
(** Print page info (Mediabox etc) *)
val output_page_info : Pdf.t -> unit
val hasbox : Pdf.t -> int -> string -> bool
(** [crop_pdf x y w h pdf range] *)
val crop_pdf : float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* [set_mediabox x y w h pdf range] *)
(** [set_mediabox x y w h pdf range] *)
val set_mediabox : float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val setBox : string -> float -> float -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Remove any cropping from the given pages. *)
(** Remove any cropping from the given pages. *)
val remove_cropping_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val remove_trim_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val remove_bleed_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
val remove_art_pdf : Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
(** Change rotation to a given value 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
(** Rotate clockwise by 0, 90, 180, 270 on given pages. *)
val rotate_pdf_by : int -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages. *)
(** Rotate the contents by the given angle on the given pages. *)
val rotate_contents : ?fast:bool -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Flip the given pages vertically *)
(** Modify the rotation of the page and its contents to leave the rotation at 0 with the page effectively unaltered. *)
val upright : ?fast:bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Flip the given pages vertically *)
val vflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Flip the given pages horizontally *)
(** Flip the given pages horizontally *)
val hflip_pdf : ?fast:bool -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages. *)
(** Shift a PDF in x and y (in pts) in the given pages. *)
val shift_pdf : ?fast:bool -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages. *)
(** Scale a PDF in sx, sy in the given pages. *)
val scale_pdf : ?fast:bool -> float -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* FIXME: See .ml *)
(* [scale_to_fit_pdf input_scale x y op pdf range] *)
(** [scale_to_fit_pdf input_scale x y op pdf range] *)
val scale_to_fit_pdf : ?fast:bool -> float -> float -> float -> 'a -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range. *)
(** Scale the contents of a page by a given factor centred around a given point in a given range. *)
val scale_contents : ?fast:bool -> position -> float -> Pdf.t -> int list -> Pdf.t
(* Put blank pages before the given page numbers *)
(** {2 Padding} *)
(** Put blank pages before the given page numbers *)
val padbefore : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Put blank pages after the given page numbers *)
(** Put blank pages after the given page numbers *)
val padafter : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Pad to a multiple of n pages *)
(** Pad to a multiple of n pages *)
val padmultiple : int -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* List the annotations to standard output *)
(** {2 Annotations} *)
(** List the annotations to standard output *)
val list_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
val list_annotations_more : Pdf.t -> unit
val get_annotations : encoding -> Pdf.t -> (int * string) list
(* Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b yielding c. *)
(** Copy the annotations on a given set of pages from a to b yielding c. *)
val copy_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Remove the annotations on given pages. *)
(** Remove the annotations on given pages. *)
val remove_annotations : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Two-up a PDF. *)
(** {2 Imposition} *)
(** Two-up a PDF. *)
val twoup : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Stack Two-up a PDF. *)
(** Stack Two-up a PDF. *)
val twoup_stack : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Output to standard output general information about a PDF. *)
(*val get_info : bool -> Pdf.t -> string -> string*)
val get_info_utf8 : Pdf.t -> string -> string
val output_info : encoding -> Pdf.t -> unit
(* Make all lines in the PDF at least a certain thickness. *)
val thinlines : int list -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Make all text on certain pages black. *)
val blacktext : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Make all lines on certain pages black. *)
val blacklines : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Make all fills on certain pages black. *)
val blackfills : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(* Remove images from a PDF, optionally adding crossed boxes. *)
val draft : bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
val set_version : int -> Pdf.t -> unit
(*i val pdf_of_pages : Pdfmarks.bookmark list option -> int list -> Pdfdoc.page list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t i*)
(** {2 Making new documents} *)
val blank_document : float -> float -> int -> Pdf.t
val blank_document_paper : Pdfpaper.t -> int -> Pdf.t
(** {2 Miscellany} *)
(** Make all lines in the PDF at least a certain thickness. *)
val thinlines : int list -> float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Make all text on certain pages black. *)
val blacktext : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Make all lines on certain pages black. *)
val blacklines : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Make all fills on certain pages black. *)
val blackfills : int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Remove images from a PDF, optionally adding crossed boxes. *)
val draft : bool -> int list -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Custom CSP1 *)
val custom_csp1 : Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Custom CSP2 *)
val custom_csp2 : float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Nobble a page, given pdf, pagenumber and page *)
val nobble_page : Pdf.t -> 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
(* cpdfcommand.mli *)
(** PDF Command Line Tools in library form. *)
(** Call the command line tools with the contents of [Sys.argv] *)
val go : unit -> unit
(** Call the command line tools with a specialised [argv] of our own *)
val go_withargv : string array -> unit
val demo : bool
@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
(* C-style strftime *)
(** C-style strftime *)
(** This supports the following format specifiers: %a %A %b %B %s %e %H %I %j %m %M %p %S %T %u %w %Y %% *)
val strftime : string -> string
Reference in New Issue
Block a user