Linearized splitting

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2014-10-02 13:48:45 +01:00
parent fbf1dc069c
commit 3c527c5b95
4 changed files with 67 additions and 29 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -12,3 +12,4 @@

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@ -2,6 +2,33 @@
open Pdfutil
open Pdfio
(* Find the location of the cpdflin binary, either in a provided place (with
-cpdflin), or using argv[0] or in the current directory. *)
let find_cpdflin provided =
match provided with
Some x -> Some x
| None ->
match Sys.argv.(0) with
"cpdf" ->
if Sys.file_exists "cpdflin" then Some "cpdflin" else None
| s ->
let fullname =
Filename.dirname s ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ "cpdflin"
if Sys.file_exists fullname then Some fullname else None
_ -> None
(* Call cpdflin, given the (temp) input name, the output name, and the location
of the cpdflin binary. Returns the exit code. *)
let call_cpdflin cpdflin temp output best_password =
let command =
cpdflin ^ " " ^ Filename.quote temp ^
" \"" ^ best_password ^ "\" " ^ Filename.quote output
Sys.command command
(* Recompress anything which isn't compressed, unless it's metadata. *)
let recompress_stream pdf = function
(* If there is no compression, compress with /FlateDecode *)
@ -1424,6 +1451,38 @@ let name_of_spec printf marks (pdf : Pdf.t) splitlevel spec n filename startpage
let stem s =
implode (rev (tail_no_fail (dropwhile (neq '.') (rev (explode (Filename.basename s))))))
let really_write_pdf ~preserve_objstm ~create_objstm ?(encryption = None) linearize mk_id pdf outname =
let outname' =
if linearize
then Filename.temp_file "cpdflin" ".pdf"
else outname
false encryption mk_id pdf outname';
if linearize then
let cpdflin =
match find_cpdflin None with
Some x -> x
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Could not find cpdflin")
let best_password =
match encryption with
None -> ""
| Some x ->
if x.Pdfwrite.owner_password <> ""
then x.Pdfwrite.owner_password
else x.Pdfwrite.user_password
let code = call_cpdflin cpdflin outname' outname best_password in
begin try Sys.remove outname' with _ -> () end;
if code > 0 then
begin try Sys.remove outname with _ -> () end;
raise (Pdf.PDFError "linearizer failed")
let fast_write_split_pdfs enc printf splitlevel original_filename linearize preserve_objstm create_objstm sq nobble spec main_pdf pagenums pdf_pages =
let marks = Pdfmarks.read_bookmarks main_pdf in
@ -1433,7 +1492,7 @@ let fast_write_split_pdfs enc printf splitlevel original_filename linearize pres
let name = name_of_spec printf marks main_pdf splitlevel spec number (stem original_filename) startpage endpage in
Pdf.remove_unreferenced pdf;
if sq then squeeze pdf;
Pdfwrite.pdf_to_file_options ~preserve_objstm ~generate_objstm:create_objstm false (*FIXLIN*) enc (not (enc = None)) pdf name)
really_write_pdf ~preserve_objstm ~create_objstm ~encryption:enc linearize (not (enc = None)) pdf name)
(indx pagenums)

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@ -440,3 +440,7 @@ val custom_csp2 : float -> Pdf.t -> Pdf.t
(** Nobble a page, given pdf, pagenumber and page *)
val nobble_page : Pdf.t -> 'a -> Pdfpage.t -> Pdfpage.t
val find_cpdflin : string option -> string option
val call_cpdflin : string -> string -> string -> string -> int

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@ -8,32 +8,7 @@ let version_date = "(unreleased, 16th September 2014)"
open Pdfutil
open Pdfio
(* Find the location of the cpdflin binary, either in a provided place (with
-cpdflin), or using argv[0] or in the current directory. *)
let find_cpdflin provided =
match provided with
Some x -> Some x
| None ->
match Sys.argv.(0) with
"cpdf" ->
if Sys.file_exists "cpdflin" then Some "cpdflin" else None
| s ->
let fullname =
Filename.dirname s ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ "cpdflin"
if Sys.file_exists fullname then Some fullname else None
_ -> None
(* Call cpdflin, given the (temp) input name, the output name, and the location
of the cpdflin binary. Returns the exit code. *)
let call_cpdflin cpdflin temp output best_password =
let command =
cpdflin ^ " " ^ Filename.quote temp ^
" \"" ^ best_password ^ "\" " ^ Filename.quote output
Sys.command command
(* Wrap up the file reading functions to exit with code 1 when an encryption
problem occurs. This happens when object streams are in an encrypted document
@ -1809,12 +1784,12 @@ let really_write_pdf ?(encryption = None) mk_id pdf outname =
false encryption mk_id pdf outname';
if args.linearize then
let cpdflin =
match find_cpdflin None with
match Cpdf.find_cpdflin None with
Some x -> x
| None -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "Could not find cpdflin")
let best_password = if args.owner <> "" then args.owner else args.user in
let code = call_cpdflin cpdflin outname' outname best_password in
let code = Cpdf.call_cpdflin cpdflin outname' outname best_password in
begin try Sys.remove outname' with _ -> () end;
if code > 0 then
@ -3131,7 +3106,6 @@ let go () =
Pdfwrite.user_password = args.user;
Pdfwrite.permissions = banlist_of_args ()}
Printf.printf "original filename: %s\n" args.original_filename;
enc args.printf_format args.original_filename args.chunksize args.linearize
args.preserve_objstm args.preserve_objstm (*yes--always create if preserving *)