Base support for -revision to be implemented

This commit is contained in:
John Whitington 2014-12-11 18:17:02 +00:00
parent c08d9d68fa
commit 2d3f2e672d

View File

@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ let string_of_input_kind = function
| StdIn -> "Stdin"
type input =
input_kind * string * string * string * bool ref
(* input kind, range, user_pw, owner_pw, was_decrypted_with_owner *)
input_kind * string * string * string * bool ref * int option
(* input kind, range, user_pw, owner_pw, was_decrypted_with_owner, revision *)
type output_method =
| NoOutputSpecified
@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ let operation_allowed pdf banlist op =
if args.debugcrypt then Printf.printf "Permissions: %s\n" (getpermissions pdf);
not (banned banlist op)
let rec decrypt_if_necessary (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, was_dec_with_owner) op pdf =
let rec decrypt_if_necessary (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, was_dec_with_owner, _) op pdf =
if args.debugcrypt then
begin match op with
None -> flprint "decrypt_if_necessary: op = None\n"
@ -677,14 +677,14 @@ let anon_fun s =
| "user" ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [] -> ()
| (a, b, _, e, f)::more ->
args.inputs <- (a, b, implode (tl after), e, f)::more
| (a, b, _, e, f, g)::more ->
args.inputs <- (a, b, implode (tl after), e, f, g)::more
| "owner" ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [] -> ()
| (a, b, d, _, f)::more ->
args.inputs <- (a, b, d, implode (tl after), f)::more
| (a, b, d, _, f, g)::more ->
args.inputs <- (a, b, d, implode (tl after), f, g)::more
| _ -> raise Not_found
@ -693,15 +693,15 @@ let anon_fun s =
Not_found ->
ignore (String.index s '.');
args.inputs <- (InFile s, "all", "", "", ref false)::args.inputs;
args.inputs <- (InFile s, "all", "", "", ref false, None)::args.inputs;
args.original_filename <- s;
all_inputs := s::!all_inputs
Not_found ->
match args.inputs with
| [] -> ()
| (a, _, d, e, f)::t ->
args.inputs <- (a, fixdashes s, d, e, f)::t
| (a, _, d, e, f, g)::t ->
args.inputs <- (a, fixdashes s, d, e, f, g)::t
(* Unit conversions to points. *)
let mm x = ((x /. 10.) /. 2.54) *. 72.
@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ let displaydoctitle b =
let setsplitbookmarks i = setop (SplitOnBookmarks i) ()
let setstdout () = args.out <- Stdout
let setstdin () = args.inputs <- [StdIn, "all", "", "", ref false]
let setstdin () = args.inputs <- [StdIn, "all", "", "", ref false, None]
let settrans s = args.transition <- Some s
let setduration f = args.duration <- Some f
let setvertical () = args.horizontal <- false
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ let set_no_hq_print () =
let set_input s =
args.original_filename <- s;
args.inputs <- (InFile s, "all", "", "", ref false)::args.inputs;
args.inputs <- (InFile s, "all", "", "", ref false, None)::args.inputs;
all_inputs := s::!all_inputs
let set_input_dir s =
@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ let set_input_dir s =
args.inputs <-
(fun n -> (InFile (s ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ n), "all", "", "", ref false)) names))
(fun n -> (InFile (s ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ n), "all", "", "", ref false, None)) names))
@ args.inputs
let setdebug () =
@ -1204,8 +1204,8 @@ let setextractimages () =
let setrange spec =
args.dashrange <- spec;
match args.inputs with
(StdIn, a, c, d, e)::more ->
args.inputs <- (StdIn, spec, c, d, e) :: more
(StdIn, a, c, d, e, f)::more ->
args.inputs <- (StdIn, spec, c, d, e, f) :: more
| x -> ()
let setoutline () =
@ -1256,7 +1256,7 @@ let setscalestamptofit () =
let setkeepthisid () =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile s, _, _, _, _)::_ -> args.keep_this_id <- Some s
| (InFile s, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> args.keep_this_id <- Some s
| _ -> ()
let setmakenewid () =
@ -1282,12 +1282,12 @@ let setcreateobjstm () =
let setstdinuser u =
match args.inputs with
| (StdIn, x, _, o, f)::t -> args.inputs <- (StdIn, x, u, o, f)::t
| (StdIn, x, _, o, f, g)::t -> args.inputs <- (StdIn, x, u, o, f, g)::t
| _ -> error "-stdin-user: must follow -stdin"
let setstdinowner o =
match args.inputs with
| (StdIn, x, u, _, f)::t -> args.inputs <- (StdIn, x, u, o, f)::t
| (StdIn, x, u, _, f, g)::t -> args.inputs <- (StdIn, x, u, o, f, g)::t
| _ -> error "-stdin-owner: must follow -stdin"
let setopenatpage n =
@ -1871,7 +1871,7 @@ let filenames = null_hash ()
(* This now memoizes on the name of the file to make sure we only load each
file once *)
let get_pdf_from_input_kind ((_, _, u, o, _) as input) op = function
let get_pdf_from_input_kind ((_, _, u, o, _, _) as input) op = function
| AlreadyInMemory pdf -> pdf
| InFile s ->
if args.squeeze then
@ -1892,7 +1892,7 @@ let get_pdf_from_input_kind ((_, _, u, o, _) as input) op = function
let get_single_pdf op read_lazy =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _) as input::_ ->
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ ->
if args.squeeze then
Printf.printf "Initial file size is %i bytes\n" (filesize inname);
let pdf =
@ -1903,23 +1903,23 @@ let get_single_pdf op read_lazy =
args.was_encrypted <- Pdfcrypt.is_encrypted pdf;
decrypt_if_necessary input op pdf
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _) as input::_ ->
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ ->
decrypt_if_necessary input op (pdf_of_stdin u o)
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _)::_ -> pdf
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> pdf
| _ ->
raise (Arg.Bad "cpdf: No input specified.\n")
let get_single_pdf_nodecrypt read_lazy =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _)::_ ->
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _, _)::_ ->
if args.squeeze then
Printf.printf "Initial file size is %i bytes\n" (filesize inname);
if read_lazy then
pdfread_pdf_of_channel_lazy (optstring u) (optstring o) (open_in_bin inname)
pdfread_pdf_of_file (optstring u) (optstring o) inname
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _)::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _)::_ -> pdf
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _, _)::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> pdf
| _ ->
raise (Arg.Bad "cpdf: No input specified.\n")
@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ let really_write_pdf ?(encryption = None) ?(is_decompress=false) mk_id pdf outna
Printf.printf "Recrypting in really_write_pdf\n";
match args.inputs with
[] -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "no input in recryption")
| (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, _)::_ ->
| (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, _, _)::_ ->
let best_password =
if owner_pw <> "" then owner_pw else user_pw
@ -1974,7 +1974,7 @@ let really_write_pdf ?(encryption = None) ?(is_decompress=false) mk_id pdf outna
let cpdflin = Cpdf.find_cpdflin args.cpdflin in
match args.inputs with
[] -> raise (Pdf.PDFError "no input in recryption")
| (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, _)::_ ->
| (_, _, user_pw, owner_pw, _, _)::_ ->
let best_password =
if owner_pw <> "" then owner_pw else user_pw
@ -2158,7 +2158,7 @@ let split_pdf
let get_pagespec () =
match args.inputs with
| (_, ps, _, _, _)::_ -> ps
| (_, ps, _, _, _, _)::_ -> ps
| _ -> error "get_pagespec"
(* Copy a font from [frompdf] with name [fontname] on page [fontpage] to [pdf] on all pages in [range] *)
@ -2864,15 +2864,15 @@ let go () =
| Some s ->
(* get the ID from the file with name 's', and copy to pdf *)
let namewiths =
keep (function (InFile s', _, _, _, _) when s' = s -> true | _ -> false) inputs
keep (function (InFile s', _, _, _, _, _) when s' = s -> true | _ -> false) inputs
match namewiths with
| (namewiths, _, _, _, _) as input::t ->
| (namewiths, _, _, _, _, _) as input::t ->
let spdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input op namewiths in
write_pdf x (Cpdf.copy_id true spdf pdf)
| _ -> write_pdf x pdf
let names, ranges, rotations, _, _ = split5 inputs in
let names, ranges, rotations, _, _, _ = split6 inputs in
let pdfs = map2 (fun i -> get_pdf_from_input_kind i op) inputs names in
(* If at least one file had object streams and args.preserve_objstm is true, set -objstm-create *)
if args.preserve_objstm then
@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ let go () =
(fold_left ( && ) true
(fun (_, _, _, _, was_dec_with_owner) pdf ->
(fun (_, _, _, _, was_dec_with_owner, _) pdf ->
!was_dec_with_owner || pdf.Pdf.saved_encryption = None)
@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ let go () =
| Some (CopyFont fromfile) ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, u, o, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, u, o, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some (CopyFont fromfile)) false
and frompdf = pdfread_pdf_of_file (optstring u) (optstring o) fromfile in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
@ -2949,7 +2949,7 @@ let go () =
| Some RemoveFonts ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveFonts) false in
write_pdf true (remove_fonts pdf)
| _ -> error "remove fonts: bad command line"
@ -2957,7 +2957,7 @@ let go () =
| Some ExtractFontFile ->
(*Graphics.open_graph " 1600x1050";*)
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, u, o, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, u, o, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some ExtractFontFile) false in
let page = args.copyfontpage
and name =
@ -2971,9 +2971,9 @@ let go () =
| Some CountPages ->
let pdf, inname, input =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _) as input::_ -> pdfread_pdf_of_channel_lazy (optstring u) (optstring o) (open_in_bin inname), inname, input
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _) as input::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o, "", input
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf, "", input
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ -> pdfread_pdf_of_channel_lazy (optstring u) (optstring o) (open_in_bin inname), inname, input
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o, "", input
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf, "", input
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "cpdf: No input specified.\n")
let pdf = decrypt_if_necessary input (Some CountPages) pdf in
@ -2981,8 +2981,8 @@ let go () =
| Some Revisions ->
let input =
match args.inputs with
(InFile inname, _, _, _, _)::_ -> Pdfio.input_of_channel (open_in_bin inname)
| (StdIn, _, _, _, _)::_ -> Pdfio.input_of_channel stdin
(InFile inname, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> Pdfio.input_of_channel (open_in_bin inname)
| (StdIn, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> Pdfio.input_of_channel stdin
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "Revisions: must be a filename or stdin")
Printf.printf "%i\n%!" (Pdfread.revisions input)
@ -2996,10 +2996,10 @@ let go () =
| Some Info ->
let pdf, inname, input =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _) as input::_ ->
| (InFile inname, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ ->
pdfread_pdf_of_channel_lazy (optstring u) (optstring o) (open_in_bin inname), inname, input
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _) as input::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o, "", input
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf, "", input
| (StdIn, _, u, o, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf_of_stdin u o, "", input
| (AlreadyInMemory pdf, _, _, _, _, _) as input::_ -> pdf, "", input
| _ -> raise (Arg.Bad "cpdf: No input specified.\n")
Printf.printf "Encryption: %s\n" (getencryption pdf);
@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ let go () =
Cpdf.output_xmp_info args.encoding pdf
| Some PageInfo ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
Cpdf.output_page_info (get_single_pdf (Some PageInfo) true) range
@ -3023,7 +3023,7 @@ let go () =
Cpdf.print_fonts (get_single_pdf (Some Fonts) true)
| Some ListBookmarks ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
Cpdf.list_bookmarks args.encoding range pdf (Pdfio.output_of_channel stdout);
@ -3032,7 +3032,7 @@ let go () =
| Some Crop ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let x, y, w, h = args.rectangle in
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some Crop) false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
@ -3043,7 +3043,7 @@ let go () =
| Some MediaBox ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let x, y, w, h = args.rectangle in
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some MediaBox) false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ let go () =
| Some CopyBox ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some CopyBox) false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let f, t =
@ -3081,7 +3081,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false (Cpdf.recompress_pdf pdf)
| Some RemoveCrop ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some RemoveCrop) false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.remove_cropping_pdf pdf range in
@ -3090,7 +3090,7 @@ let go () =
| Some CopyCropBoxToMediaBox ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf (Some CopyCropBoxToMediaBox) false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let pdf = copy_cropbox_to_mediabox pdf range in
@ -3099,7 +3099,7 @@ let go () =
| Some (Rotate _) | Some (Rotateby _) ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let rotate =
@ -3114,7 +3114,7 @@ let go () =
| Some (RotateContents a) ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.rotate_contents a pdf range in
@ -3123,7 +3123,7 @@ let go () =
| Some Upright ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let pdf = Cpdf.upright range pdf in
@ -3132,7 +3132,7 @@ let go () =
| Some ((VFlip | HFlip) as flip) ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
| (_, pagespec, _, _, _, _)::_, _ ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf pagespec in
let pdf =
@ -3197,7 +3197,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false (Cpdf.set_page_mode (get_single_pdf args.op false) s)
| Some Split ->
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| [(f, ranges, _, _, _)], File output_spec ->
| [(f, ranges, _, _, _, _)], File output_spec ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let enc =
match args.crypt_method with
@ -3267,10 +3267,10 @@ let go () =
if args.recrypt then
soft_error "Cannot recrypt with change id: an id is part of encryption information";
begin match args.inputs, args.out with
| [(k, _, _, _, _) as input], File s ->
| [(k, _, _, _, _, _) as input], File s ->
let pdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input args.op k in
write_pdf true pdf
| [(k, _, _, _, _) as input], Stdout ->
| [(k, _, _, _, _, _) as input], Stdout ->
let pdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input args.op k in
write_pdf true pdf
| _ -> error "ChangeId: exactly one input file and output file required."
@ -3285,7 +3285,7 @@ let go () =
if args.recrypt then
soft_error "Cannot recrypt with copy id: an id is part of encryption information";
begin match args.inputs with
| [(k, _, u, o, _) as input] ->
| [(k, _, u, o, _, _) as input] ->
let pdf =
@ -3317,7 +3317,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false (Cpdf.remove_annotations range pdf)
| Some (CopyAnnotations getfrom) ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [(k, _, u, o, _) as input] ->
| [(k, _, u, o, _, _) as input] ->
let input_pdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input args.op k in
let range = parse_pagespec input_pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
let pdf =
@ -3371,7 +3371,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false (Cpdf.remove_attached_files (get_single_pdf args.op false))
| Some (AttachFile files) ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [(k, _, _, _, _) as input] ->
| [(k, _, _, _, _, _) as input] ->
let pdf = get_pdf_from_input_kind input args.op k in
let topage =
@ -3385,7 +3385,6 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false pdf
| _ -> error "attach file: No input file specified"
| Some PadBefore ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op false in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
@ -3421,7 +3420,7 @@ let go () =
if args.prerotate then Cpdf.upright range pdf else pdf
and filename =
match args.inputs with
| (InFile inname, _, _, _, _)::_ -> inname
| (InFile inname, _, _, _, _, _)::_ -> inname
| _ -> ""
write_pdf false
@ -3533,7 +3532,7 @@ let go () =
write_pdf false (Cpdf.custom_csp2 f (get_single_pdf (Some (CSP2 f)) false))
| Some CSP3 ->
begin match args.inputs with
| [(InFile s, _, _, _, _)] ->
| [(InFile s, _, _, _, _, _)] ->
let pdf = get_single_pdf args.op true in
let range = parse_pagespec pdf (get_pagespec ()) in
calculate_margins s pdf range
@ -3617,7 +3616,7 @@ let go_withargv argv =
reset_arguments ();
parse_argv () s (align_specs specs) anon_fun usage_msg;
parse_argv () (Array.of_list ("cpdf"::!control_args)) (align_specs specs) anon_fun usage_msg;
let addrange pdf = AlreadyInMemory pdf, args.dashrange, "", "", ref false in
let addrange pdf = AlreadyInMemory pdf, args.dashrange, "", "", ref false, None in
args.inputs <- rev (map addrange !output_pdfs) @ rev args.inputs;
output_pdfs := [];
go ())