mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 12:20:43 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
(* Superimpose text, page numbers etc. *)
open Pdfutil
open Cpdferror
@ -6,10 +7,7 @@ type color =
| RGB of float * float * float
| CYMK of float * float * float * float
(* Superimpose text, page numbers etc. *)
(* Process UTF8 text to /WinAnsiEncoding string (for standard 14) or whatever
is in the font (for existing fonts). *)
(* Process UTF8 text to charcodes, given a font. *)
let charcodes_of_utf8 font s =
let extractor = Pdftext.charcode_extractor_of_font_real ~debug:false font in
let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_utf8 s in
@ -23,15 +21,6 @@ let charcodes_of_utf8 font s =
implode (map char_of_int charcodes)
(* Process codepoints back to UTF8, assuming it came from UTF8 to start with *)
let utf8_of_winansi s =
let text_extractor =
(Pdftext.StandardFont (Pdftext.TimesRoman, Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding))
let codepoints = Pdftext.codepoints_of_text text_extractor s in
Pdftext.utf8_of_codepoints codepoints
(* Get the width of some text in the given font *)
let width_of_text font text =
match font with
@ -151,7 +140,13 @@ let cap_height fontname =
_ -> None
let make_font embed fontname =
let rec string_of_encoding = function
| Pdftext.StandardEncoding -> "StandardEncoding"
| Pdftext.MacRomanEncoding -> "MacRomanEncoding"
| Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding -> "WinAnsiEncoding"
| _ -> error "unknown encoding"
let make_font embed encoding fontname =
let font = unopt (Pdftext.standard_font_of_name ("/" ^ fontname)) in
let header, width_data, _, chars_and_widths = Pdfstandard14.afm_data font in
let widths = extract_widths (list_of_hashtbl chars_and_widths) in
@ -174,9 +169,6 @@ let make_font embed fontname =
("/CapHeight", capheight);
("/StemV", Pdf.Integer stemv)]
(* With -no-embed-font, we use the standard encoding, and just the
* minimal stuff. Without -no-embed-font, we switch to WinAnsiEncoding,
* and fill out everything except the font file instead *)
if embed then
[("/Type", Pdf.Name "/Font");
@ -290,7 +282,8 @@ let pagelabel pdf num =
(Pdfpagelabels.complete (Pdfpagelabels.read pdf))
let addtext
lines linewidth outline fast colour fontname embed bates batespad fontsize (font : Pdftext.font option)
lines linewidth outline fast colour fontname encoding embed bates batespad fontsize
(font : Pdftext.font option)
fontpdfobj underneath position hoffset voffset text pages orientation cropbox opacity
justification filename extract_text_font_size shift pdf
@ -345,11 +338,7 @@ let addtext
match font with
| Some (Pdftext.StandardFont (f, _)) ->
let rawwidth =
(if embed then Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding else Pdftext.StandardEncoding)
Pdfstandard14.textwidth false encoding f text
(float rawwidth *. fontsize) /. 1000.
| Some font ->
@ -403,7 +392,7 @@ let addtext
Pdf.parse_rectangle pdf page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let x, y, rotate = Cpdfposition.calculate_position false textwidth mediabox orientation position in
let x, y, rotate = Cpdfposition.calculate_position false textwidth mediabox position in
let hoffset, voffset =
if position = Diagonal || position = ReverseDiagonal
then -. (cos ((pi /. 2.) -. rotate) *. voffset), sin ((pi /. 2.) -. rotate) *. voffset
@ -423,7 +412,7 @@ let addtext
match font with
| Some (Pdftext.StandardFont _) ->
let newfontdict =
Pdf.add_dict_entry fontdict unique_fontname (make_font embed fontname)
Pdf.add_dict_entry fontdict unique_fontname (make_font embed encoding fontname)
Pdf.add_dict_entry resources' "/Font" newfontdict
| Some f ->
@ -510,8 +499,8 @@ let
let realfontname = ref fontname in
let fontpdfobj =
match font with
| Some (StandardFont (f, _)) ->
make_font embed (Pdftext.string_of_standard_font f)
| Some (StandardFont (f, encoding)) ->
make_font embed encoding (Pdftext.string_of_standard_font f)
| Some f ->
Pdf.Indirect (Pdftext.write_font pdf f)
| None ->
@ -577,15 +566,18 @@ let
voffset := !voffset +. capheight
| _ ->
Printf.eprintf "Unable to find midline adjustment in this font\n"
let encoding =
match font with
| Some (Pdftext.StandardFont (_, e)) -> e
| Some (Pdftext.SimpleFont {encoding}) -> encoding
| _ -> Pdftext.WinAnsiEncoding
(fun line ->
let voff, hoff =
if orientation = Cpdfposition.Vertical then 0., -.(!voffset) else !voffset, 0.
let voff, hoff = !voffset, 0. in
pdf :=
addtext lines linewidth outline fast colour !realfontname
addtext lines linewidth outline fast colour !realfontname encoding
embed bates batespad fontsize font fontpdfobj underneath position hoff voff line
pages orientation cropbox opacity justification filename
extract_text_font_size shift
@ -652,7 +644,7 @@ let addrectangle
Pdf.parse_rectangle pdf page.Pdfpage.mediabox
let x, y, _ =
Cpdfposition.calculate_position false w mediabox Cpdfposition.Horizontal position
Cpdfposition.calculate_position false w mediabox position
let x, y =
match position with
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ val addtexts :
bool -> (*underneath*)
string ->(*text*)
int list ->(*page range*)
Cpdfposition.orientation ->(*orientation*)
'a ->(*orientation*)
bool ->(*relative to cropbox?*)
float ->(*opacity*)
justification ->(*justification*)
@ -396,7 +396,6 @@ type args =
mutable bates : int;
mutable batespad : int option;
mutable prerotate : bool;
mutable orientation : Cpdfposition.orientation;
mutable relative_to_cropbox : bool;
mutable keepversion : bool;
mutable bycolumns : bool;
@ -519,7 +518,6 @@ let args =
bates = 0;
batespad = None;
prerotate = false;
orientation = Cpdfposition.Horizontal;
relative_to_cropbox = false;
keepversion = false;
bycolumns = false;
@ -642,7 +640,6 @@ let reset_arguments () =
args.bates <- 0;
args.batespad <- None;
args.prerotate <- false;
args.orientation <- Cpdfposition.Horizontal;
args.relative_to_cropbox <- false;
args.keepversion <- false;
args.bycolumns <- false;
@ -1472,12 +1469,6 @@ let setimpath p =
let setp2ppath p =
args.path_to_p2p <- p
let settextvertical () =
args.orientation <- Cpdfposition.Vertical
let settextverticaldown () =
args.orientation <- Cpdfposition.VerticalDown
let setfrombox s =
detect_duplicate_op CopyBox;
args.op <- Some CopyBox;
@ -2527,8 +2518,6 @@ and specs =
("-remove-unused-resources", Arg.Unit (setop RemoveUnusedResources), "");
("-stay-on-error", Arg.Unit setstayonerror, "");
("-extract-fontfile", Arg.Unit (setop ExtractFontFile), "");
("-text-vertical", Arg.Unit settextvertical, "");
("-text-vertical-down", Arg.Unit settextverticaldown, "");
("-flat-kids", Arg.Unit setflatkids, "");
("-debug", Arg.Unit setdebug, "");
("-debug-crypt", Arg.Unit setdebugcrypt, "");
@ -3736,7 +3725,7 @@ let go () =
args.linewidth args.outline args.fast args.fontname
font args.embedfonts args.bates args.batespad args.color args.position
args.linespacing args.fontsize args.underneath text range
args.orientation args.relative_to_cropbox args.opacity
() args.relative_to_cropbox args.opacity
args.justification args.midline args.topline filename
args.extract_text_font_size args.coord ~raw:(args.encoding = Raw) pdf)
| Some RemoveText ->
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ let scale_page_contents ?(fast=false) scale position pdf pnum page =
| Some r -> r
| None -> page.Pdfpage.mediabox)
let sx, sy, _ = Cpdfposition.calculate_position true 0. box Horizontal position in
let sx, sy, _ = Cpdfposition.calculate_position true 0. box position in
let tx, ty =
let open Cpdfposition in
match position with
@ -32,14 +32,9 @@ let string_of_position = function
| ReverseDiagonal -> "Reverse Diagonal"
| Centre -> "Centre"
type orientation =
| Horizontal
| Vertical
| VerticalDown
(* Given the mediabox, calculate an absolute position for the text. *)
let calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) orientation pos =
let rot = if orientation = VerticalDown then rad_of_deg 270. else 0. in
let calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) pos =
let rot = 0. in
match pos with
| Centre ->
(xmin +. xmax) /. 2. -. w /. 2.,
@ -20,9 +20,6 @@ type position =
(** Produce a debug string of a [position] *)
val string_of_position : position -> string
(** Orientation of the string on the page *)
type orientation = Horizontal | Vertical | VerticalDown
(** [calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) orientation pos] calculates
the absolute position of text given its width, bounding box, orientation and
position. If [ignore_d] is true, the distance from the position (e.g 10 in
@ -31,4 +28,4 @@ val calculate_position :
bool ->
float ->
float * float * float * float ->
orientation -> position -> float * float * float
position -> float * float * float
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