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synced 2025-02-21 06:10:48 +01:00
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type t =
String of string
| Number of string (* We keep its string repr. *)
| Object of obj
| Array of t list
| Bool of bool
| Null
and obj = (string * t) list
exception JSON_NotObject of t
exception JSON_InvalidField of string
exception JSON_CastErr of string
exception JSON_UnknownErr of string
(** {6 Printer and formatter} *)
val show : t -> string
val format : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** {6 Object field access} *)
val getf : string -> t -> t
(** Get field from an object. Failure raises an exception. *)
val getf_opt : string -> t -> t option
(** Get field from an object. Failure is reported as [None] *)
(** {6 Coercions. They may fail and raise JSON_CastErr.} *)
val as_bool : t -> bool
val as_object : t -> obj
val as_float : t -> float
val as_string : t -> string
val as_list : t -> t list
val as_int : t -> int
(** {6 Parsers} *)
val parse_ch : in_channel -> t
val parse : string -> t
val parse_function : (bytes -> int -> int) -> t