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VVCEasy (Windows/Mac/Linux)

VVCEasy is that you don't have to compile or/and coding to encode VVC (known as Versatile Video Codec). Simple. Easy. Encode. Decode

VVCEasy comes to one-easy of ffmpeg, vvenc, vvdec and YUView.

Installation: Go to releases and download latest version.

VVCEasy is not yet finished. I'm trying to work with codes. I'm not good coding programming, just simple coding. Sorry to say that. I will give update, once I release news.

Source run: RUNVVCEASY.bat

Encode/Decode (easy)

Before you run of RUNVVCEASY.bat or VVCEASY.exe, you need to change input from file name to input.mp4 (as example) Follow the instructions, the commands will give your options. Since 21 October 2021, VVCEasy is pre-release, but it's construction mode, but you can have a look with .BAT code.

  • Martin Eesmaa

Without VVCEasy, experimental option for professional coders, other developers and everyone (hard)

You need 7Zip (requires ffmpeg and ffplay), ffmpeg, ffplay, vvenc/vvdec(app) and YUView.

Here are the links: FFMPEG/FFPLAY: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-git-full.7z (go to bin folder and extract two files) VVENC/VVDEC: https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/VVCEasy/blob/main/VVC/vvencapp.exe https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/VVCEasy/blob/main/VVC/vvdecapp.exe

YUView: https://github.com/IENT/YUView/releases

First of all: Transcode any video formats to YUV/Y4M

For YUV transcode (replace f for frame rate): ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r f inputtranscode.yuv

For Y4M transcode (replace f for frame rate): ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r f inputtranscode.y4m

Verify ffplay before encode with VVENC (replace video size, important otherwise it will not show correctly video, it's like scramble eggs): ffplay -f rawvideo -pixel_format yuv420p -video_size 854x480 -i inputtranscode.yuv or replace -i inputtranscode.yuv with -i inputtranscode.y4m for y4m users.

After verifying correctly Encode with VVENC (Simple settings) vvencapp -i out.yuv/y4m -s 854x480 -r 30 -o vvc.266 -s means video size, -r means frame per second and -o means output

Encode with VVENC (Best settings, replace video size, framerate and maximize threads of your cores) vvencapp -i out.yuv/y4m -s 854x480 -r 30 --preset slow --threads 16 --tier high -o EXTREME.266

NOTE: It is acceptable only for encoding to .h266, .266 and .vvc file container.

After VVEnc, decode back from .266 to .YUV. vvdecapp -b vvc.266 -o vvcback.yuv

NOTE: After decoding back from .266 to .YUV, it is reason that it makes double size.

To view back decoded .YUV (from .266 to .YUV), you can drag .YUV into YUView and insert video size and put YUV 4:2:0 10-bit.

If you have any questions or any issues, please go to Issues tab and create your issue.

  • Martin Eesmaa
VVCEasy is that you don't have to compile or/and coding to encode VVC (known as Versatile Video Codec). Simple. Easy. Encode. Decode
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