For macOS x64 binaries are now fixed, because these binaries are built of arm64 architecture before it was fixed. Now it forces x86_64 arch to build macOS x64 binaries properly. - Martin Eesmaa
Android vvdec/uvg266 applications (Termux app)
Requirements: Termux app with apk or F-Droid app. For uvg266/vvdecapp pipe, it requires FFmpeg installed on Termux app.
See the screenshot of vvdecapp in Termux app:
All system types of arm64, armeabi, x86 and x86_64 is built on vvdecapp & uvg266, it is use of Termux app.
arm64 - API 21 (64-bit phones only)
armeabi - API 19 (32-bit phones)
x86 - API 19 (32-bit tablets only)
x86_64 - API 21 (64-bit tablets only)
TIP: You can install my built applications:
chmod +x vvdecapp uvg266 vvencapp
cp vvencapp vvdecapp uvg266 $PREFIX/bin
vvencapp encoder (Fraunhofer HHI)
Screenshot (tested my phone):
Please note, that supports 64-bit programs only.
uvg266 encoder (Scalable video encoder)
Before you download, there were two separated programs:
AndroidUVG266.7z - 10-bit input/encoder only.
AndroidUVG266-8bit.7z - 8-bit input/encoder only.
If you want pipe from FFmpeg to uvg266, you can do command:
ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -f yuv4mpegpipe -pix_fmt yuv420p10 -strict -1 - | uvg266 -i - --input-file-format y4m --input-bitdepth 10 -o converted.266
For 8-bit uvg266 application, remove -strict -1
, change from yuv420p10
to yuv420p
and remove --input-bitdepth-10
When you want make device sleep during uvg266 encoding, tap Acquire wake lock on Termux notification.
If uvg266 froze itself for couple minutes without printing the info, it means finished, tap CTRL + C.
VVDEC might not decode with some uvg266 options (example uvg266 presets unplayable with vvdec: preset placebo & lossless.
- Martin Eesmaa