echo off pushd "%~dp0" cls echo. echo :: Checking For Administrator Elevation... echo. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL openfiles > NUL 2>&1 if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo Elevation found! Proceeding... ) else ( echo :: You are NOT running as Administrator echo. echo Right-click and select ^'Run as Administrator^' and try again. echo Press any key to exit... pause > NUL exit ) goto main123 :main123 title VVENC AND VVDEC (Build for Windows) (Script by Martin Eesmaa) cls echo Do you want build of vvenc and vvdec yourself on your computer? echo Before you agree to build for Windows, you need Cmake and Visual Studio on your computer. echo Requires build to Windows VVC by Cmake 3.13.0+ (need pathed environment) and Visual Studio 2017 and later (requires Desktop C++ and only one individual component ML.NET Model Builder). echo Requires download VVEnc and VVDec for (Git for Windows). echo Yes means build. No means it will exit. echo Y/N? set /p main1234= Answer: if %main1234% == Y goto installmain123 if %main1234% == y goto installmain123 if %main1234% == N goto exit if %main1234% == n goto exit :installmain123 title Building time... echo Building time... mkdir Windows && cd Windows echo Download VVENC and VVDEC from Fraunhoferhhi GitHub... git clone git clone cd vvenc mkdir build && cd build cmake .. cmake --build . --config Release cd .. cd bin/release-static explorer . cd ../../../ cd vvdec mkdir build && cd build cmake .. cmake --build . --config Release cd .. cd bin/release-static explorer . cd ../../../../ goto successnow :successnow echo. echo. echo. echo Successfully build of vvenc and vvdec on your Windows. echo Do you want delete source of VVENC and VVDEC files? Y/N? echo. echo WARNING!!!: YOU HAVE TO COPY EXECUTABLE FILES BEFORE YOU DELETE SOURCE FILES echo BUG: The syntax of the command is incorrect for unknown error. echo To see .EXE files, go to Windows/vvenc/bin/release-static set /p installmain1234= Answer: if %installmain1234% == Y goto deletesourcefiles if %installmain1234% == y goto deletesourcefiles if %installmain1234% == N goto otherwisenow if %installmain1234% == n goto otherwisenow :deletesourcefiles title Cleaning up source files on VVENC and VVDEC on your computer... echo Cleaning up source files on VVENC and VVDEC on your computer... cd ../ rmdir /s Windows goto otherwisenow :otherwisenow title Thank you for enjoying my script... (Martin Eesmaa) echo Thank you for enjoying my script... (Martin Eesmaa) echo Exiting... timeout 3 exit :exit exit