echo off set welcometitle=Martin Eesmaa / VVCEasy set version=v2.7.0 set versionname=Martin Eesmaa at age 19, wow nice! set vvceasydate=11 April 2024 IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (set bit=x64) ELSE (set bit=Win32) pushd "%~dp0" cls ver | find "DOS" > nul if %errorlevel% equ 0 ( goto doserror ) else ( ver | find "95" > nul | goto error ver | find "98" > nul | goto error ver | find "Millennium" > nul | goto error ver | findstr /i "5\.0\." > nul && goto error ) REM === check and get the UAC for administrator privilege === REM === code from :: BatchGotAdmin :------------------------------------- REM --> Check for permissions >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system" REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( if '%1' EQU '1' ( echo Cannot elevate administrator privilege echo Please try again with "Run as Administrator" echo Installation failed. pause exit /B ) else ( echo Requesting administrative privileges... goto UACPrompt ) ) else ( goto gotAdmin ) :UACPrompt echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "1", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B :gotAdmin if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ( del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) pushd "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0" :-------------------------------------- goto welcomenow :welcomenow cls title %welcometitle% echo %welcometitle% echo Welcome to VVCEasy. (Batch file Release Version, %version%, %vvceasydate%) echo Version codename: %versionname% echo. echo Copyright (C) Martin Eesmaa 2021-2024 (MIT License) pause goto start :start title %welcometitle% color 07 cls echo VVCEasy (Batchfile Release Version, %version%, %vvceasydate%) echo Version codename: %versionname% echo Copyright (C) Martin Eesmaa 2021-2024 (MIT License) echo. echo What would you like to do to encode/decode of VVC? echo 1. Encode echo 2. Decode echo 3. Help echo 4. Exit echo 5. Install/Test path environment. echo 6. Install/Update VVdec Web Player (requires Python) echo 7. Install Windows VVC binaries (Windows XP and later) echo 8. Install vvDecPlayer from BitMovin echo 9. Install/Update VLC VTM Plugins (Windows/Linux x64 of VLC plugins by Inter Digital Inc) echo 10. Install FFmpeg VVC support. echo 11. Install MPV VVC support echo 12. Tests of VVC videos echo 13. Build vvenc and vvdec by yourself from sources set /p VVCSTART=Number: if "%VVCSTART%" == "1" goto encodestart if "%VVCSTART%" == "2" goto decodestart if "%VVCSTART%" == "3" goto help if "%VVCSTART%" == "4" goto exit if "%VVCSTART%" == "5" goto test if "%VVCSTART%" == "6" goto installvvdecweb if "%VVCSTART%" == "7" goto decompresswin7z if "%VVCSTART%" == "8" goto installbitmovin if "%VVCSTART%" == "9" goto vlcvtmplugininstall if "%VVCSTART%" == "10" goto ffmpegvvdec if "%VVCSTART%" == "11" goto mpvandroidvvc if "%VVCSTART%" == "12" goto testsofvideo if "%VVCSTART%" == "13" goto main123 echo Invalid input. Please enter a number between 1 and 13. pause goto start :encodestart title Encode to VVC cls echo Welcome to VVC encoder. echo What do you like to encode to VVC? echo Before we move to settings quality, is your video lossy or lossless? echo 1. Lossy (example YouTube videos, Web videos, lossy compressed videos, and other webs) echo 2. Lossless (example XIPH Media, Camera uncompressed RAW video, Apple ProRes and others uncompressed files) echo 3. Go back to the menu. set /p vvencquestion1=Number: if "%vvencquestion1%" == 1 goto losslessvvenc2 if "%vvencquestion1%" == 2 goto lossyvvenc2 if "%vvencquestion1%" == 3 goto start :losslessvvenc2 title Lossless settings with Lossless uncompressed (VVC Encoder) cls echo Do you have Y4M? echo If you have Y4M already, move your Y4M file into C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\ echo If you do not have Y4M, your instruction will go to next... echo 1. I have Y4M already (I am ready) echo 2. No, I am not ready yet (go back to previous) echo If you don't have Y4M already... you need transcode file from your uncompressed file to Y4M. echo Example: ffmpeg -i -strict 1 yourfinal.y4m echo Only 8-bit uncompressed movies input to Y4M. set /p doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3=Number: if "%doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3%" == 1 goto startlosslessvvenc2 if "%doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3%" == 2 goto encodestart :startlosslessvvenc2 cls title VVC ENCODER (Y4M LOSSLESS) echo Before we start encoding from your Y4M file to VVC file, I'm afraid I cannot do automatically for you. echo You must manually encode to VVC, the batchfile won't work. echo Here is code: vvencapp --qp 18 -i yourinput.y4m -s 854x480 -r 30 --preset slow --threads 16 --tier high -o yourfinalvvc.266 echo YOU HAVE TO REPLACE VIDEO SIZE AND FRAME RATE. -s is video size and -r is frame rate. echo INPUT VIDEO BIT DEPTH IS 8-BIT ONLY FOR UNCOMPRESSED MOVIE FILES. pause goto start :lossyvvenc2 title Lossy settings with Lossy compressed (VVC Encoder) cls echo Do you have YUV? echo If you have YUV already, move your YUV file into C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\ echo If you do not have YUV, your instruction will go to next... echo 1. I have YUV already (I am ready) echo 2. No, I am not ready yet (go back to previous) echo If you don't have Y4M already... you need transcode file from your lossy video file to YUV. echo Example: ffmpeg -i yourfile.mp4 -strict 1 yourfinal.yuv set /p doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4=Number: if "%doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4%" == 1 goto startlossyvvenc2 if "%doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4%" == 2 goto encodestart :startlossyvvenc2 cls title VVC ENCODER (YUV LOSSY) echo Before we start encoding from your YUV file to VVC file, I'm afraid I cannot do automatically for you. echo You must manually encode to VVC, the batchfile won't work. echo Here is code: vvencapp --qp 38 -i yourinput.yuv -s 854x480 -r 30 -o youroutputlossy.266 echo YOU HAVE TO REPLACE VIDEO SIZE AND FRAME RATE. -s is video size and -r is frame rate. echo You can also add for "--tier high" or/and 10-bit video "-c yuv420_10", if necessary. pause goto start :decodestart explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\WindowsVVC" cls title Decode from VVC to YUV/Y4M echo Do you want to transcode back from VVC to YUV or Y4M? Which did you choose settings? Choosing settings will transcode back. echo You need copy from your VVC file to C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\WindowsVVC\. Windows Explorer will open automatically. echo After copying your VVC file into VVCEasy folder, you need rename to VVC.vvc. It will transcode from your VVC file to YUV/Y4M. echo After transcoding, your transcoded file should be: C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback echo Note, if you are using portable, like your git cloned VVCEasy or downloaded source files, go to your Downloads folder and select VVCEasy. echo Portable won't work probably, you need copy from your Downloads folder\VVCEasy into Program Files\VVCEasy. echo 1. YUV (lossy video VVC) echo 2. Y4M (lossless video VVC, recommended) set /p decodestart1=Number: if "%decodestart1%" == 1 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV if "%decodestart1%" == 2 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M :DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV cls title STARTING TRANSCODING BACK FROM VVC TO YUV... mkdir transcodedback cd WindowsVVC vvdecapp -b VVC.vvc -o VVCTOYUV.yuv move VVCTOYUV.yuv ../ move VVCTOYUV.yuv transcodedback explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback" echo FINISHED. Going back to the menu... timeout 3 goto start :DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M cls title STARTING TRANSCODING BACK FROM VVC TO Y4M... mkdir transcodedback cd WindowsVVC vvdecapp -b VVC.vvc --y4m -o VVCTOYUV.y4m move VVCTOYUV.y4m ../ move VVCTOYUV.y4m transcodedback explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback" echo FINISHED. Going back to the menu... timeout 3 goto start :test cls title INSTALL/TEST PATH ENVIRONMENT echo Martin Eesmaa is testing your paths, that you installed programs in PATH. If you're unsure, what is path? echo You can go there for link at echo Also you can search "What is PATH in Windows?" in DuckDuckGo, Google, SearX or your favorite search engine. echo Are you ready to test? (Y/N) or type "I" to install path environment. set /p readytestbefore=Answer: if "%readytestbefore%" == Y goto nowtestingtime if "%readytestbefore%" == N goto start if "%readytestbefore%" == y goto nowtestingtime if "%readytestbefore%" == n goto start if "%readytestbefore%" == I goto installpath if "%readytestbefore%" == i goto installpath :nowtestingtime title Testing installed programs... 7z ffmpeg ffplay wget git python --version echo Did that work in your PATH? Y/N? set /p testdidworkq=Answer: if "%testdidworkq%" == Y goto youdidworktest if "%testdidworkq%" == N goto ahhdidnotwork if "%testdidworkq%" == y goto youdidworktest if "%testdidworkq%" == n goto ahhdidnotwork :youdidworktest title Great! echo Great, your path environment is working. Going back to the menu... timeout 3 goto start :ahhdidnotwork title Sorry... echo Sorry, your path environment did not work. Make sure follow that needs to be add it on paths installation like Python. echo Still not working? You can ask questions in Stack Overflow. pause goto start :installpath echo Installer path environment will be only for 7-Zip. echo Other programs should need manual, but Python, FFmpeg, wget and git must be installed manually and add automatically path environments. echo Do you want patch 7-Zip on your path environment, so you can type "7z" next time. echo Would you like to install 7-Zip on your path environments? Y/N? No means go back to test menu. set /p installpath1=Answer: if "%installpath1%" == Y goto installingpath if "%installpath1%" == N goto test if "%installpath1%" == y goto installingpath if "%installpath1%" == n goto test :installingpath title INSTALLING 7-ZIP on your path environments... echo INSTALLING 7-ZIP on your path environments... set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\7-Zip echo DONE! echo Returning to test menu... timeout 3 /nobreak goto test :exit cls title Have a nice day! echo Have a nice day! Thank you for using VVCEasy! :) ::: _ _ _ ::: | | | | | | ::: | |_| |__ __ _ _ __ | | ___ _ ___ _ _ ::: | __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / | | |/ _ \| | | | ::: | |_| | | | (_| | | | | <| |_| | (_) | |_| | ::: \__|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\\__, |\___/ \__,_| ::: __/ | ::: |___/ ::: __ ____ _______ ______ ::: \ \ / /\ \ / / ____| ____| ::: \ \ / / \ \ / / | | |__ __ _ ___ _ _ ::: \ \/ / \ \/ /| | | __| / _` / __| | | | ::: \ / \ / | |____| |___| (_| \__ \ |_| | ::: \/ \/ \_____|______\__,_|___/\__, | ::: __/ | ::: |___/ ::: __ __ _ _ ______ ::: | \/ | | | (_) | ____| ::: | \ / | __ _ _ __| |_ _ _ __ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ::: | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \ | __| / _ \/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | ::: | | | | (_| | | | |_| | | | | | |___| __/\__ \ | | | | | (_| | (_| | ::: |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__|_|_| |_| |______\___||___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_| for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ::: "%~f0"') do @echo(%%A echo. echo Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Martin Eesmaa (MIT License) echo. echo ------------ END OF WINDOWS BATCHFILE PROGRAM ---------------- timeout 5 /nobreak exit :help cls echo Welcome to VVCEasy help instructions! echo Here is tutorial about... How to use VVCEasy? pause echo Step 1: Run on VVCEasy.bat. When you see the screen of Welcome to VVCEasy. You can press any key continue to main menu. echo Step 2: Here is the list of main menus, that you need type any number will go to direction like (goto) command. echo Step 3: Follow the command instructions and that is easy. pause echo If you have any problems that you do not understand VVCEasy. Please contact Martin Eesmaa by creating issues for questions or/and problems. echo Do you want to start over help instructions? If yes, then it will go back from the beginning. If No, going to back menu. Y/N? set /p helper=Answer: if "%helper%" == Y goto help if "%helper%" == N goto start if "%helper%" == y goto help if "%helper%" == n goto start :installvvdecweb cls title VVdec Web Player. echo Welcome to VVDEC Web Player. echo By installing, you will have to agree to download VVDec Web Player from Fraunhoferhhi GitHub. echo See the code of VVDEC Web Player: echo When you agree to install, it will clone VVDec Web Player repository using git. After git, we will copy from VVDECWEBINSTALL files into vvdecWebPlayer/bin folder. echo After all of that, we will run Python to start web server of your localhost port 8000. echo If you already have installed of VVDec Web Player, you can type "U" to update files of VVDec Web Player. echo Would you like to install VVDEC Web Player? set /p okletsdoit=Answer: if "%okletsdoit%" == Y goto installnowplayer if "%okletsdoit%" == N goto start if "%okletsdoit%" == y goto installnowplayer if "%okletsdoit%" == n goto start if "%okletsdoit%" == U goto updatevvdecwebplayer if "%okletsdoit%" == u goto updatevvdecwebplayer :installnowplayer cls title INSTALLING VVDEC WEB PLAYER... git clone copy VVDECWEBINSTALL "vvdecWebPlayer/bin" /y cd vvdecWebPlayer copy ..\VVCEasy.266 dummy_raw_bitstream.266 echo Note: If you want to go back to menu, press CTRL + C on your keyboard in Windows Terminal/CMD and type "Y" to terminate server and this will go back to main menu options. echo The python file is porting 8000 on your local host computer. python cd ../ echo Thanks for trying out VVDEC Web Player. If you want to run on your VVDEC Web Player Server, go to folder of vvdecWebPlayer and run one click echo Press any key to go back menu. timeout 10 goto start :updatevvdecwebplayer cls title UPDATING VVDEC WEB PLAYER... echo UPDATING VVDEC WEB PLAYER... cd vvdecWebPlayer git pull cd ../ echo vvdecWebPlayer is now updated. echo Returning to main menu... timeout 3 goto start :decompresswin7z cls title Decompress Windows VVC? echo Would you like to decompress Windows VVC binaries? Y/N? set /p decompwinvvc=Answer: if "%decompwinvvc%" == Y goto decompresswin7z1 if "%decompwinvvc%" == N goto start if "%decompwinvvc%" == y goto decompresswin7z1 if "%decompwinvvc%" == n goto start :decompresswin7z1 title WindowsVVC.7z (decompressing) echo Decompressing........ cd WindowsVVC 7z x WindowsVVC.7z -i!%bit% -aoa certutil -hashfile %bit%\vvdecapp.exe SHA256 certutil -hashfile %bit%\vvencapp.exe SHA256 certutil -hashfile %bit%\vvencFFapp.exe SHA256 certutil -hashfile %bit%\vvencinterfacetest.exe SHA256 certutil -hashfile %bit%\vvenclibtest.exe SHA256 type WindowsVVC.sha256 | findstr %bit% cd ../ echo Please make sure double check that needs to be same hash. If it matches hash same as .exe of WindowsVVC.sha256 and CertUtil. This means good. echo If the hashes are not matched correctly, please try it again or manual extract the compressed file using 7-Zip. echo. echo Otherwise, please create an issue to Martin Eesmaa/VVCEasy on GitHub for your own problem. pause echo Thank you for decompressing Windows VVC binaries. Now back to the menu. timeout 3 goto start :installbitmovin cls title Install BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin echo Would you like to install on your operating system? echo Windows for W, Mac OS for M and Linux for L, Main Menu for N/n. set installmessage=Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin... set /p installbitmovind=Answer: if "%installbitmovind%" == W goto installbitmovin1windows if "%installbitmovind%" == w goto installbitmovin1windows if "%installbitmovind%" == M goto installbitmovin1macos if "%installbitmovind%" == m goto installbitmovin1macos if "%installbitmovind%" == L goto installbitmovin1linux if "%installbitmovind%" == l goto installbitmovin1linux if "%installbitmovind%" == N goto start if "%installbitmovind%" == n goto start :installbitmovin1windows title %installmessage% echo %installmessage% mkdir BitVVDecPlayerWIN cd BitVVDecPlayerWIN echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (Windows) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa wget -q -o BitVVDecPlayerWIN.7z 7z x BitVVDecPlayerWIN.7z -aoa del /q BitVVDecPlayerWIN.7z vvDecPlayer echo Successfully running on BitVVDecPlayer, if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of echo If you received error about MSVCP140.DLL is missing, you need to download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable of 2015-2017-2019-2022: echo To build vvDecPlayer, please go to echo Or contact Bitmovin at or create issue to VVCEasy. goto downloadbitmovinvvcsample :installbitmovin1macos title %installmessage% echo %installmessage% mkdir BitVVDecPlayerMAC cd BitVVDecPlayerMAC echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (macOS) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa wget -q 7z x BitVVDecPlayerMAC.7z -aoa del /q BitVVDecPlayerMAC.7z echo Download completed, please put to macOS and run it, if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of echo If vvDecPlayer won't work probably, it might be issue that you haven't installed Qt on your Mac OS. Please install using code: "brew install qt" on Homebrew. echo To build vvDecPlayer, please go to echo Or contact Bitmovin at or create issue on VVCEasy. echo For more information, see goto downloadbitmovinvvcsample :installbitmovin1linux title %installmessage% echo %installmessage% mkdir BitVVDecPlayerLINUX cd BitVVDecPlayerLINUX echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (Linux) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa wget -q -o BitVVDecPlayerLINUX.AppImage echo Download completed, please execute and run on your Linux machine, if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of echo Note, this is AppImage format to run universal Linux distros. echo To build vvDecPlayer, please go to echo If vvDecPlayer won't work probably, please install fuse2 on your Linux distro or/and it does not support for old operating systems. echo Or contact Bitmovin at or create issue on VVCEasy. goto downloadbitmovinvvcsample :downloadbitmovinvvcsample echo Would you like to download VVC sample video files from Bitmovin? Y/N? set /p vvcsampleyeah=Answer: if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == Y goto downloadvvcnowbit if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == y goto downloadvvcnowbit if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == N goto start if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == n goto start :downloadvvcnowbit title Downloading VVC sample files and Coffee Run JSON & Sprite Fright JSON... from Bitmovin echo Downloading VVC sample files and Coffee Run JSON & Sprite Fright JSON from Bitmovin... wget -q echo Extracting from archived file... 7z x vvcBlogPostDemo.7z -aoa echo Deleting archived file... del /q vvcBlogPostDemo.7z title Installation of BitVVDecPlayer echo Please edit the location downloaded folder of vvcBlogPostDemo... CoffeeRun.json && SpriteFright.json echo Press any key, when you finished configured of your location folder... pause echo Okay, it seems you configured completely. Please run vvDecPlayer on your computer. echo Go to File, then Open JSON manifest in BitVVDecPlayer... echo Select JSON file to run VVC movie and enjoy it. echo Still not working? Please create the new issue on GitHub or join community available with Discord, Revolt and Matrix. pause goto start :vlcvtmplugininstall cls title VLC VTM Plugins Install (Windows & Linux) echo Welcome to VLC Media Player of VTM Plugins Installation. echo You need to run Windows version of Windows Vista / Windows Server 2008 to play VVC files. echo Windows XP can't load VTM plugins, but other plugins work. echo System type only = x64 echo Linux is now available, see Linux installation at: echo Available: VLC and later latest version 3 (it will work same latest version 3) echo Would you like to install VTM plugins to your VLC Media Player? Y/N? set /p vlcvtmyesorno=Answer: if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == Y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == N goto start if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == n goto start :installvlcvtmpluginnow title Installing of VLC VTM Plugins by Inter Digital Inc... (Compiled by Martin Eesmaa) echo Installing VLC VTM Plugins by Inter Digital Inc... (Compiled by Martin Eesmaa) cd INSTALLVLCPLUGIN :installingvlcvtmplugins if exist "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC" ( copy libvtmdec.dll "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\codec" /y copy libvvcdecoder_plugin.dll "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\codec" /y copy libvvctsdemux_plugin.dll "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\demux" /y ) else ( :tryagainafterinvalidvlc echo Please make sure your VLC is installed on your computer. echo After installing VLC, you can try again by pressing number one. echo. echo 1: Try again echo 2: Go back to main menu set /p vlcnotexisttryagain=Answer: if "%vlcnotexisttryagain%" == "1" goto installingvlcvtmplugins if "%vlcnotexisttryagain%" == "2" goto start echo Invalid input. Please enter a number 1 or 2. pause goto tryagainafterinvalidvlc ) cd ../ taskkill /im vlc.exe echo Three dll files are patched to your VLC Media Player. echo Restarting and starting VLC Media Player... echo Please load your VVC (codec) video file to VLC Media Player. echo For more information and options, please go at echo Once you're finished, you don't have to patch again. You can continue normally VLC Media Player next time after VVCEasy. "%programfiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" pause goto start :ffmpegvvdec cls title FFmpeg VVC support echo Hello, would you like to download FFmpeg VVC support? Y/N? set /p vvcnow0=Answer: if "%vvcnow0%" == Y goto installvvdecffmpegnow if "%vvcnow0%" == N goto start if "%vvcnow0%" == y goto installvvdecffmpegnow if "%vvcnow0%" == n goto start :installvvdecffmpegnow echo It is available of FFmpeg VVC support. Please copy or open the link to a web browser. echo. echo Download link: echo. echo See information on or online GitHub: echo. echo Press enter to go back menu. pause goto start :mpvandroidvvc echo Please see a document. The command will open the document for you. echo. echo See information or online GitHub: echo. echo Press enter to go back to the main menu. pause goto start :testsofvideo echo Please see the paragraph in echo echo. echo See information on or online GitHub: echo. echo Press enter to go back menu. pause goto start :main123 title Build vvenc and vvdec by yourself from sources cls echo Do you want build of vvenc and vvdec yourself on your computer? echo Before you agree to build for Windows, you need Cmake and Visual Studio on your computer. echo Requires build to Windows VVC by Cmake 3.13.0+ (need pathed environment) and Visual Studio 2017 and later (requires Desktop C++ and only one individual component ML.NET Model Builder). echo Requires download VVEnc and VVDec for (Git for Windows). echo Yes means build. No means will exit the program. echo Y/N? set /p main1234= Answer: if %main1234% == Y goto installmain123 if %main1234% == y goto installmain123 if %main1234% == N goto exit if %main1234% == n goto exit :installmain123 title Building time... echo Building time... echo Downloading VVENC and VVDEC from Fraunhoferhhi GitHub... git clone --depth=1 git clone --depth=1 cd vvenc mkdir build && cd build cmake .. cmake --build . --config Release cd ../../ cd vvdec mkdir build && cd build cmake .. cmake --build . --config Release cd ../../ goto successnow :successnow echo. echo. echo. echo Successfully build of vvenc and vvdec on your Windows. echo Copying executable files to build\%bit% mkdir build\%bit% copy vvenc\bin\release-static\*.exe build\%bit% copy vvdec\bin\release-static\*.exe build\%bit% echo Cleaning up of build, lib and bin folders of both dependencies... rmdir /s /q vvenc\bin vvenc\lib vvenc\build vvdec\bin vvdec\bin vvdec\lib vvdec\build echo Done! Press Enter to go back the menu. pause goto start :error echo Your Windows version is not supported and outdated which may not work to run with VVC binaries and others too. echo This requires for Windows XP and later to use this script. pause exit :doserror echo DOS is not supported and outdated which may not work to run with VVC binaries and others too. echo Also MS-DOS, DOSBox and FreeDOS were also not supported. echo This requires for Windows XP and later to use this script. pause exit